Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 582 There is also a big shot behind me

"It's not for signing a web celebrity contract..."

"That's right... Mr. Ye, with his status, how could he possibly come to discuss a web celebrity contract with us."

"Hahaha... We are shortsighted. Mr. Ye, you say, you say!"

"Not bad, not bad... All listen to Mr. Ye's instructions."

The faces of all the bosses changed instantly at this moment. On their faces, the flattering color was extremely strong. They no longer had the mentality of looking down on the whole audience and feeling extremely confident.

"Today I asked you to come here to talk to you about the integration problem of the live broadcast industry."

Ye Yang said lightly.


The hearts of all the bosses trembled. The meaning behind these words was not shallow...

"Mr. Ye, what do you mean..."

Several bosses rubbed their hands uncertainly and asked.

"Let's be frank. These websites of yours are worth more than 1 billion. Please quote your price. I want all these websites."

Ye Yang said lightly.


All the bosses were confused.

Today, the original intention was to find Ye Yang to sign an internet celebrity contract, but after just a few words, the two poles turned and the other party acquired their company! ?

Ah this!

They all wanted to cry but had no tears. If they had known earlier, they would still be pretending...

They shouldn't have come today!

As for the bosses of those small live broadcast websites with a net worth of less than 1 billion, they all patted their chests and breathed a sigh of relief. They were glad that they had escaped a disaster, but they felt bad in their hearts... How could they be so poor that they didn't even have the qualifications to be acquired by Ye Shenhao!

This is too embarrassing...


"Mr. Ye, you are really bullying me too much. I, Long, am the first to disagree!"

Long Qiangdong frowned and said directly.

Although Ye Yang is the current behind-the-scenes controller of Zijie Jump, he claims to be the boss of a large website with a net worth of 10 billion. Although there is a big difference in level, he is not a fish on the chopping board, and he can be slaughtered by others!

"Although Zi Ji is strong, it has nothing to do with our platform after all!"

Long Qiangdong said lightly: "If you want to forcibly acquire our platform, it will inevitably be a loss-making business for you!"

"Are you sure I will lose money?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. He was really not bragging. Although he hardly knew any financial knowledge, he had never lost money since he entered the business circle and did business. He had always made money inexplicably!

"Not bad!"

Long Qiangdong nodded lightly: "Although your status is also very high and your background is solid, you are indeed a big shot. I apologize to you for my ignorance and shallowness before. However, there may not be no big shots behind Long Mou! If Mr. Ye wants to forcibly seize the platform under my hands, I don’t think it will be so easy."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile: "Do you have a big shot behind you?"

"Yes, a big shot who is not inferior to you at all! I hope Mr. Ye will think twice before acting for the face of the person behind me!"

Long Qiangdong said confidently.

"Boss Long seems to have a backer!"

"He's not even afraid of the behind-the-scenes controller of Zijie."

"No wonder he's been doing so well recently. He has such a bad temper and entered the industry so late, but he's bigger than us. So that's what's going on!!!"

"I'm really curious, who's behind Boss Long! To be able to not be afraid of the existence of the boss of Zijie, he must be a trillionaire, right?!"

"Not bad, not bad..."

All the bosses were whispering to each other, obviously very curious.

They all wanted to see which big shot Boss Long was backing to suppress them in the industry...

Just from the grandness of the offer just now, the one behind Boss Long must be extraordinary!!!

"If you don't tell me the name of the person behind you, I can't give you face."

Ye Yang said lightly.

In the Chinese business circle, there are not many people he needs to save face for now.

So, he asked curiously.

"You must have heard of the person behind me! That is... the CEO of Tengxun Group - Chairman Mark Kingma, who is famous in China and also very famous internationally!!!"

"Mark King?"

"Mark King!"

All the CEOs took a breath of cold air, this is too terrifying!

Is Long Qiangdong actually such a terrifying big man at the top of the Chinese business circle! ?

No wonder he is so confident!

No wonder he is not afraid of the existence of the Zijie CEO!

You know, although they are both trillionaires, Mark King's Tengxun is better than Zijie in terms of influence and qualifications.

Although Zijie has now become a household name in China's rising star super enterprise thanks to Douyin.

But compared with the word Tengxun, it is obviously a little bit lighter...

Long Qiangdong was very satisfied with the surprise of these chairmen by the name of the big boss behind him, and said confidently: "I am directly under Chairman Mark King, and I am a hidden chess piece in the live broadcast industry! Doulong Shark Tooth is now owned by Tengxun, and is a big killer in the open, and I am the sharp blade hidden in the dark!"



Yu Momo couldn't help but laughed out loud: "Dark blade... Really know how to flatter yourself!"

Isn't it just a live broadcast of some borderline content, and special content that is not easy to promote in the open and will be banned!

Many large companies have such gray industry companies that are secretly invested in.

It is a dangerous but very lucrative industry.

To put it bluntly, it is a borderline ball. If it is really exposed, it will be investigated and fined...


Long Qiangdong's face became more and more embarrassed at this time: "So what if it is like this! Anyway, I am backed by Mark King and Mr. Ma. Mr. Ye, if you want to rob my platform, you have to think twice!"

Ye Yang rubbed his chin: "If that's the case, then I really don't need to acquire this platform. I almost spent money in vain."

Although he is rich, he is not so bored that he spends money to acquire his own company.

"Ha... Then Long will not bother you any more."

Long Qiangdong misunderstood and thought that Ye Yang was afraid of Mark King and was going to quit the video conference directly.

"The boss said that there is no need to acquire the platform anymore, but he didn't say that you can leave."

Yu Momo said lightly.

"What? Any advice?"

Long Qiangdong frowned and asked coldly.

"Of course."

Ye Yang nodded slightly: "My advice is that you don't have to be the person in charge of this website tomorrow. I will personally appoint someone to be the person in charge."

"What are you talking about!"

Long Qiangdong stood up excitedly: "Ye Yang! You must have gone crazy!"

Ye Yang was too lazy to explain and nodded to Yu Momo.

Soon, in the video conference room.

A message caught everyone's eyes...

Mark King, executive director of Tengxun Group, joined the meeting.

(First update)

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