
All the bosses stared at this prompt.

What the hell is this? !

Mark King, Executive Director of Tengxun Group! ?

Could it be...

They all blinked their eyes, with a bad premonition in their hearts, and everyone's face was full of expectation.

The most confused one was Long Qiangdong, who was stunned at this time, neither standing nor sitting.

His face was extremely strange and embarrassed.

The video suddenly lit up.

On the screen was the boss Ma who was well-known to all Chinese people.

Mark King!

Everyone's eyes widened, it really is! ! !

However, the signature of the four words "Executive Director" is a bit intriguing.

You know, when Zhang Ming came in before, he also used these four words to advertise himself...

Doesn't that mean that maybe... Mark King and Ye Yang may have this kind of relationship! ?

Once this idea was born, it made them feel cold all over.

However, this is too outrageous!

Nowadays, online entertainment is basically controlled and monopolized by two major companies, Tengxun and Zijie.

If Ye Yang is the boss behind these two companies, the meaning it represents... is simply chilling and trembling! ! !

They all felt from the bottom of their hearts that this could not be true, it should be just a coincidence!

Especially Long Qiangdong, when he saw Mark King appear at this time, he also showed his dog-licking face and said repeatedly: "Mark King Ma! It's me, Xiaolong! I just gave you a red envelope for the New Year a few days ago!"

Mark King nodded slightly to him and glanced at the meeting room.

He saw Ye Yang all of a sudden, and his face tightened instantly: "Boss! So this meeting was held by you! I'm late! Sorry, sorry!!! I will take a gift to you in a few days to make amends..."

Damn, the boss's video conference, he actually came in three seconds late after receiving the message!


Guilty! ! !




All the CEOs present were mouths wide open!

Actually... guessed it right!!!

This is the thing they least wanted to guess right in their lives, but they actually guessed it right!

"Fuck! This is too scary!?"

"Zijie and Tengxun, they are both his!?"


"This is simply... I can't say it! Even I am at a loss for words. I can't describe how I feel right now except for the word "awesome"!!!"


The bosses were all horrified. This is more than just a super boss! This is a super god!!!

Especially Long Qiangdong, his whole face turned purple at this time, as if he knew he was finished. He fell down on his seat, his mouth was gagging in a daze, but no one knew what he was mumbling...

"Boss, you asked me to come in, is there something wrong?"

Mark King asked repeatedly.

The longer he spent with Ye Yang, the more he found that Ye Yang was terrifying and unfathomable.

That kind of unfathomable can be said to be a feeling of staring into the abyss.

It is impossible to see to the bottom!

Even he could only look up to him, and didn't dare to have any unreasonable thoughts.

If he didn't perform well, he had no doubt that Ye Yang had the means and ability to completely bring him down! ! !

Therefore, treat Ye Yang with as much respect as possible!

"Your subordinate seems to be a little arrogant."

Ye Yang knocked on the table and looked at Long Qiangdong indifferently.


Mark Jin's heart trembled, and he followed Ye Yang's gaze and scanned the video conference room speculatively.

He found that Long Qiangdong was his subordinate, and he couldn't help but get angry: "You idiot, did you offend Boss Ye!"


Long Qiangdong was speechless, and he couldn't say anything.

Who knew that this young man was the boss of his boss! ?

This is a dream in itself, right? !

"He had to spend a lot of money to get my boss to work on his website and let him work for him, saying that my boss was just a lousy worker."

Yu Momo added in time: "My boss was kind enough to talk to him about the acquisition, but he actually brought up you, Mr. Ma, to pressure our boss and let our boss think about it carefully. Let's talk about this matter and let Mr. Ma think about it carefully!"

After hearing this, Mark King was completely stunned.

This idiot!

He actually did such a thing to Boss Ye! ?

He looked at Long Qiangdong gloomily: "Do you know how much trouble you have caused!!!"

Long Qiangdong no longer had the arrogance just now. He was Mark King's subordinate, and his umbrella and backer were all from the other party.

Even Mark King couldn't afford to offend this existence. He had provoked him, and he knew clearly what would happen to him. He just lay down and gave up resistance. He could only bow his head and sigh, and regretted with tears: "It's all because I was too arrogant, so I caused this disaster! I'm a pig!"

"You are simply insulting pigs!"

Mark King slammed the table: "Pigs know how to treat people well!!! Okay, you can resign tomorrow! In the future, Tengxun will never open its doors to you again! In addition, prepare enough gifts and assets for me, and hand them over to Mr. Ye to make amends for me!!! Otherwise... hehe..."

Long Qiangdong felt bitter. He didn't expect that his most powerful backer and umbrella would become his number one thug who blackmailed him in an instant...

Qiangdong feels bitter in his heart but Qiangdong can’t express it! ! !

The bosses on the side were all suppressing their laughter. Long Qiangdong, who usually made all the decisions in the industry and showed off his endless pretensions, always looked down on them!

Well, if you offend someone you can't afford to offend today, you'll just capsize! ?

It's like people are jumping on their backs and throwing themselves into the street! ! !

Deserve it! ! !

They all said harshly in their hearts.


"Did you hear me!"

Mark King shouted angrily.

"I see……"

Long Qiangdong gritted his teeth and finally agreed.

Mark Jin is his immediate boss and knows all his dirty information and tricks. Mark Jin is really going to make Mark Jin anxious. He, Long Qiangdong, will go to jail.

In order not to go to jail, I have to sacrifice everything to get this peace.

"Boss, please see what I do..."

Mark Jin rubbed his hands and smiled at Ye Yang.

Ye Yang nodded slightly: "Quite smart."

“Thank you boss for the compliment!!!”

Mark Jin kept saying: "My New Year's gift to you is already on the way, and it will probably arrive soon! I wish you a Happy New Year!!!"

"Happy New Year to you too, okay, you can leave now."

Ye Yang waved his hand.

Mark Jin felt so happy that his boss actually said Happy New Year to him!

This shows that you are favored! ! !

Maybe the big consortium under the boss will give him some resources in the future...

(Second update)

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