"Okay, besides President Long, is there anyone who disagrees with my plan?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked around the scene.

All the CEOs were at a loss for words, how could they dare to say no?

You have united Zijie and Tengxun, who can be arrogant in front of the common owner of these two behemoths? !

That really feels that the business is too stable and they are looking for excitement for themselves.

And now they are in great demand!

Such a powerful thigh can't be found in China!

Before, Long Qiangdong just held Mark King's thigh, and he directly became prosperous in the industry, making them pioneers who couldn't flatter and could only envy and hate.

But now, who is the one who proposed the acquisition to them! ?

That is the common CEO of the two super companies Tengxun and Zijie!

It is absolutely no problem to say that he is the biggest boss in China's online entertainment!

I want to do live broadcasts and short videos.

This one is the supreme authority! ! !

Small characters like them, even if they beg to hug someone's thigh, don't know where to find connections!

Now Ye Yang took the initiative to propose this proposal!

How could they refuse it!

Only those CEOs whose website valuations are less than 1 billion yuan lamented that they didn't catch such a good ride!

Although if they agree to this proposal, their power will definitely be reduced sharply, and there will be corresponding things that are unfavorable to them.

However, the benefits brought at the same time are also something they can't refuse!

I really regret it! ! !

The specific contracts and negotiations will of course be done by Yu Momo's secretarial team and Fang Han's Jincheng Law Firm.

Ye Yang stretched: "If that's the case, then it's settled, you all leave first."


"Okay, boss!"

All the CEOs were very enthusiastic. After they finished speaking, they waited for Ye Yang to leave the meeting before leaving the meeting one after another.


After dealing with these things, Ye Yang glanced at the box office of "Ye Wen". However, after half a day, the box office of "Ye Wen" has reached 2.5 billion, and it is estimated that it will reach more than 3 billion tonight.

The release period is two months. In the end, how much box office can it reach?

Ye Yang is also looking forward to it.

His eyes have never been on China. He hopes that this movie can really go international and become a super movie that will leave a great reputation and a heavy mark in the history of world cinema! ! !

After lunch.

The negotiations with various international copyright holders have almost been completed.

The proportion of the share is also determined according to Ye Yang's ideal figure.

After all, everyone can see the huge business opportunities and profits behind this movie. Whoever buys the copyright can make money no matter how much the final share is!

Of course, they flock to things that can make money.

With so many competitors, the share ratio is naturally low. Ye Yang, the distributor who holds the copyright, can be said to be lucrative.

Let alone the subsequent share, just the copyright fees sold, converted into Chinese currency, today, the amount sold is close to 4 billion Chinese currency!!!

Such a sky-high price is simply unbelievable and unheard of!!!

It also represents how optimistic the international big capital is about this film!!!

"Tomorrow, this movie will be released simultaneously internationally. When the box office on both sides is combined, the daily box office may even exceed the first day box office!"

Yu Momo said excitedly after doing some calculations.

"Well done!"

Ye Yang gave Yu Momo a thumbs up.

In the afternoon, Lin Xueer asked him out for afternoon tea.

In the famous afternoon tea shop cafe pub in Chuncheng.

The snow in winter brings bright light, which makes people feel good when sitting by the window.

Lin Xueer sipped the coffee in her hand and squinted her eyes: "It's delicious!"

Ye Yang grinned, and his clear smile made the girls around him fascinated.

The boyfriends sitting opposite these girls were all very embarrassed.

"Is this a big star?"


"He seems to be the male lead of the movie that has become popular recently... Ye Wen!"

"He is talented and handsome. I heard that he is also a rich man. This movie itself was invested and filmed by himself! He invited so many actors with acting skills. What a perfect man!!!"

"I just came out of the cinema. It must be right!!! Ah... I am obsessed with this man..."

The girls were all chattering.

The faces of the boyfriends next to them became more and more ugly.

This damn Ye Wen is simply a girlfriend predator!!!

They drank coffee in silence, and some girls walked directly to Ye Yang and asked for autographs.

Now Ye Yang is very popular on the Internet, and these little girls all want an autograph.

Ye Yang has always been very friendly to fans. Naturally, he accepts all comers and signs one by one.

"Brother Ye Yang, can I sign here?"

The girl squeezed out a round white ball: "I won't wash here when I take a shower in the future!"


Ye Yang always respects other people's choices. Since she wants it, let's do it this way.

"I want it too! I want it too!"

The girl next to him saw that it was actually possible to do it this way, and she came up one after another.

"Your area is a bit too small."

Ye Yang scratched his head and looked at it for a long time, but he didn't know where to start.


The girl looked down at her small breasts, feeling a little frustrated. Unconvinced, she opened her sweater and pulled down her pants: "Then, sign here!"


I have to say that although this girl's breasts are relatively small and her congenital figure cannot make up for it, her acquired lines can be said to be very well-trained.

Just looking at it makes you angry.

After Ye Yang finished signing, many girls gathered around.

It took several minutes just to sign.

"Brother Ye is a big star~"

Lin Xueer looked at Ye Yang with a smile.

"Just so-so."

Ye Yang waved his hand, looking at Lin Xueer's slightly pouty baby face, he couldn't help but smile and raised his hand to pinch it: "You're not jealous, are you?"


Lin Xue'er snorted: "How dare you be jealous of a big star! Xue'er won't be jealous, Xue'er will only feel sorry for giegie~"


Ye Yang almost spit out a mouthful of coffee.

"Okay, after afternoon tea, I'll take you shopping to make up for your injured little heart."

Ye Yang smiled.

"It took me so long to sign autographs even after having afternoon tea, and when I go out on the street, I can't just get wet..."

Lin Xueer muttered.

Ye Yang rubbed his chin. This was indeed a problem. He had not considered it before.

"System, is there anything good that can prevent this from happening?"

Ye Yang repeatedly asked the system, "You can't be surrounded wherever you go in the future..."

(First update)

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