Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 585 Young director Wang Musheng?


The system still treats words like gold.


Ye Yang rolled his eyes. After you spent face value to buy a black technology company, your attitude is not like this! ! !

Why haven't I been spending money with you for a while, and why are you so indifferent!

What a realistic system!

"Is there any way?"

Ye Yang asked.

"Recommend the aura medal in the black technology mall."

The system said.


Ye Yang entered the mall page and searched for it. Sure enough, there was this thing. It was a gadget that could be purchased for only 500 face value.

The effects and methods of using the product are very simple.

To use it, just wear this medal.

The effect is to avoid being noticed by the people around you, and the effect and degree of influence can be changed according to the user's mood and thoughts.

If you want to be noticed, you can turn it off at will. If you don't want to be noticed, just a thought can make it difficult for everyone to notice it.

Such a small item contains top results in brain science, electromagnetics and other disciplines, which is very impressive.

According to the technological development of the earth, such high technology may not be developed in a hundred years.

"Okay, okay, if I want to buy the whole technology, how much face value will it cost?"

Ye Yang asked.

This kind of thing is of great use for some special professions, and many people would like it. The more superficial ones are celebrities and some jobs that are inconvenient to show off. More profoundly, some anonymous workers have this technology, so they no longer have to worry about revealing their identity.

"If you buy them all, it will cost you 100,000 yuan."

From the system, Ye Yang seemed to be very interested in this and became enthusiastic: "This technology itself combines brain science and electromagnetic mechanics..."

Just as he was about to give a good introduction, Ye Yang gave up.

The reason is simple:


After buying the black technology company, he only had 100,000 face value left. It was meaningless and not worth it to buy the manufacturing process of this gadget.

"Oh... I'm so poor!"

Ye Yang sighed and shook his head.


After the system saw that Ye Yang had no intention to purchase, the voice soon went silent.

"It's too realistic..."

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Sooner or later, he would accumulate over 100 million face points, and the system would worship him endlessly and rush to kneel and lick him! ! !

After redeeming the Temperament Medal, Ye Yang put it in his pocket.

Sure enough, the new girls rarely pay attention to themselves anymore.

Lin Xueer was also quite surprised by this change, and obviously couldn't figure out how Ye Yang did it even if she tried hard.

After going out, Ye Yang also saw a Didi parked in front of him.

The car window rolled down, and it turned out to be the father of his junior high school classmate. This old man picked up his daughter from school when he was in junior high school, and he was quite familiar with his father.

Therefore, Ye Yang is quite familiar with this old man: "Uncle Zhong."

"Yeah! Xiaoyang!"

Uncle Zhong's eyes obviously lit up when he saw Ye Yang, and when he saw Lin Xueer next to him, he was also surprised: "Xiao Yang can do it, he has such a beautiful girlfriend!!!"

Lin Xueer's face turned slightly red, obviously being said to be Ye Yang's girlfriend made her very happy.

Ye Yang smiled and said, "How is Uncle Zhong's business lately?"

"It's okay. Ling'er has also graduated and is looking for a job."

Uncle Zhong sighed: "I also know that it is too difficult for children from ordinary families like ours to live in big cities."


Ye Yang deeply felt the same. When he just graduated, although he directly found a job with a monthly salary of close to 20,000 yuan, he still found it very difficult to live in Magic City: "I have a company in Magic City now. If Ling'er If you don’t mind, you can ask her to contact me and come work here.”


Uncle Zhong's eyes lit up: "Xiaoyang, you have already opened a company! How awesome! You must be in Shanghai too! You are so promising!"

"It's just a small company."

Ye Yang smiled modestly: "I trust her ability. If she is willing, just tell me."

"Thank you very much!"

Uncle Zhong scratched his head, and then said with some embarrassment: "I want to go for convenience, but I am afraid of missing the order, so..."

The conditions at Uncle Zhong's house are not very good, and Ye Yang knows it well. At this time, he also said repeatedly: "Old man, you go first, I will help you keep an eye on it for a while."

"Okay, okay, thank you so much!"

Uncle Zhong got out of the car, fearing to waste Ye Yang too much time, and trotted towards the toilet next to him...

Ye Yang took Lin Xueer into the car and casually glanced at the car screen.

Nowadays, Didi Private Car takes orders on the in-car screen.

"Da da……"

Not long after sitting in, there was a knock on the window.

Rolling down the window, Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at the smartly dressed man outside the car, holding a microphone in his hand.

The man was accompanied by a follower carrying a camera.

The man was also surprised when he saw Ye Yang. His name was Wang Musheng, and he was a documentary director. He was currently out in time for the Spring Festival to shoot a documentary about life programs during the Spring Festival.

The purpose is to interview workers from all walks of life who are still taking a break during the Spring Festival to reveal their living conditions.

He didn't have much emotion when doing this. On the contrary, he just wanted to use this positive thing to earn traffic for himself. During the interview, he frequently created various embarrassing and embarrassing questions to gain attention.

He knows very well that in the era of traffic, no one will read the faithful records of the lives of these grassroots professional practitioners.

You have to make it interesting, sell poorly, or create a hot topic, so that people can watch it.

He originally expected to see the face of an uncle Didi driver who was living out in the open with a look of embarrassment and vicissitudes of life.

As a result, the car window was rolled down, and it turned out to be such a handsome guy!

He is so handsome that he feels ashamed of himself!

Especially since I didn't have any psychological expectations at all before, and suddenly saw such a handsome face, I couldn't say anything.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked casually.

"Ah, hello, I am Wang Musheng, the young director of the documentary "Spring Festival". Do you have time for an interview? I only need a few minutes of your time!"

Wang Musheng repeatedly said that in his impression, Didi drivers are busy people who are busy running around. He would definitely not be happy if he heard that he was going to waste other people's time.

"Oh, I'm not in a hurry, but actually I..."

Ye Yang spread his hands casually.

"Oh? You're not in a hurry?"

Wang Musheng raised his eyebrows. He was so surprised that he couldn't help but ask directly: "According to previous interviews, as a driver, you are always in a hurry! You are not in a hurry. Such a leisurely work attitude can make you Is your life happy? Or, is your life happy?”

(Second update)

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