Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 590 The person in the clouds comes in person

"What's wrong Mo Mo?"

Ye Yang asked with raised eyebrows.

Looking at this face, it seems that things are very serious.

"Boss, someone wants to meet with you tonight."

Yu said silently.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Who is it?"

"The phone said they were from the Northern Military District."

Yu said silently.


Ye Yang glared, good guy, are you contacting him directly at the level of the military region?

"Did you tell me why you came?"

Ye Yang asked.

"I just want to talk about some cooperation."

Yu said silently.

"Okay, get ready."

Ye Yang stood up. He respected the Chinese soldiers very much and had to be more serious and formal when receiving the military.

After Yu Mo Mo left, Ye Yang also discussed with Watson for a while about the somatosensory suit, and then went downstairs.

In the high-end villa community where Xinghuang Mansion is located, the neighbors are also either rich or noble and have high standards.

Now is the Chinese New Year again.

These wealthy businessmen and high-ranking people who usually don't stay at home have all returned home.

There are some entertainment activities in the evenings these days.

"Mr. Ye, do you want to participate in the social activities organized tonight?"

The owner of Changshengju next to him, Li Shengtai, founder of Spring City Shengtai Group, rubbed his hands and invited.

In the entire community, Xinghuang Mansion is unique and unparalleled.

It was bought at a sky-high price of more than 2 billion!

The other villas, the most expensive ones, only cost about 800 million to 900 million.

Therefore, these bosses and wealthy businessmen all take advantage of the Chinese New Year to come to Ye Yang to visit. Those who have daughters do not want to bring their daughters with them when they come here, in order to attract Ye Yang's attention.

After all, such young and promising people are rare in the whole of China. If they can catch up, they will become famous!

For someone who has developed this family business at such a young age, no one would believe him if he said he didn't have a sky-high background or a big tree for shade.

There are different opinions on this statement, and no one can tell what kind of terrifying existence is behind Ye Yang!

However, this does not prevent these wealthy businessmen and big shots from currying favor with Ye Yang.

"No, there's something going on tonight."

Ye Yang shook his head lightly.

"Ah... my little girl made a pot of Kung Fu tea for you, Mr. Ye!"

Li Shengtai rubbed his hands and said with some reluctance. As he spoke, he patted the girl next to him.

Ye Yang also smiled and nodded at the girl: "Sorry for bothering Miss Li, I have to taste it another day."

Li Xiaoran waved his hand with a smile and looked at Ye Yang with bright eyes: "No trouble, no trouble. Brother Ye can come to Changsheng Residence whenever he has time. Xiao Ran can make you tea at any time."

Ye Yang nodded slightly.

This Li Xiaoran is still very good in terms of appearance, but compared with the stunning women around him, she is not that good.

"Ah, when you are done with your work, Mr. Ye, come over at any time. The party venue is on the golf course not far from the front door of Xinghuang Mansion."

Li Shengtai rubbed his hands, and after a few more compliments, he took his daughter and left.

To be honest, in the entire villa area, the person who everyone wanted to curry favor with most was Ye Yang. Even if Ye Yang didn't say he wanted to participate, everyone unanimously chose the venue closest to Xinghuang Mansion.

Li Shengtai walked to the golf course side, the seating area for the champagne party.

"Mr. Ye didn't come?"

All the wealthy businessmen and big shots looked at Li Shengtai eagerly. When they saw that there was no one behind Li Shengtai, they couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Li Shengtai shook his head, but his face was extremely serious: "But I did find out some great news."


Everything related to Ye Yang was what they cared about most, and they all looked over at this time.

"I think Mr. Ye's house is very well-organized tonight to welcome guests. It should be someone whom Mr. Ye values ​​​​very much and wants to visit the Star Palace!"

Li Shengtai lowered his voice and kept talking.

"What? Does Mr. Ye take it very seriously!?"

"Maybe we can use this to understand some of the power behind him..."


All the wealthy businessmen and bigwigs were extremely excited.

After this period of contact, they all know what kind of character Ye Yang is, that kind of detachment and indifference. Even if the King of Heaven comes, if he doesn't want to see him, he won't pay any attention to it.

For Mr. Ye to take it so seriously, he must be someone he admires or appreciates from the bottom of his heart!

At this time, infinite expectations arose in their hearts...

The banquet was still going on, and these people were also paying attention to the roads in the villa area nearby to see if any super luxury cars were coming in.

They all subconsciously believed that those who could make Ye Yang treat him seriously must be people driving luxury cars worth over 100 million yuan.


At some point, a big boss suddenly exclaimed.

"What luxury car drove in!?"

Everyone looked over in surprise at this sound.


Everyone shouted in unison...

That's not a luxury car, but it's scarier than any luxury car! ! !

Cold sweat broke out from their bodies in an instant.

" I blind?"

"Holy this really fake!?"

"'s so terrifying!!!"

"Oh my god……"

All the wealthy businessmen and big shots were confused.

What came into view was a fleet of camouflage SUVs, all with white plates.

The prefix "military" is followed by the two letters BA, and the numbers after that are also very far forward! ! !

"This is a military vehicle!!!"

"It's not just a military vehicle, this is BA!"

"I'm uneducated, brother, please explain to me, what does BA mean?"

"There are a total of five theaters in China. The first one is DXNBZ. The prefix "military" is followed by B, which means the vehicle of the headquarters of the northern theater!!! And the A after B means the headquarters of the northern theater. Exclusive car! !

"Holy shit!!!"

Everyone instantly understood what this meant...

There are five war zones, each of which governs at least several provinces!

The commander of the war zone is much more powerful than the provincial governor. He is already the highest power circle in China!

Military BA*00001.


"This, this, this..."


Everyone was confused.

My scalp exploded! ! !


At this time, they had countless thoughts in their hearts, which resounded directly and echoed for a long time. They were afraid that this shock would take them all the rest of their lives to calm down.

"Is it possible that this is the... existence behind Mr. Ye!?"

"Isn't this a bit too... scary!?"

Even if they claim to be top figures in the business community of Ji Province, they are nothing more than grasshoppers under the clouds in front of such powerful people who hold the ‘truth’.

Now this big shot in the clouds has actually arrived in person!

(First update)

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