Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 591 Beautiful Officer Tang Xinru

"Holy crap! This..."

A group of business tycoons were stunned and watched as the camouflage convoy entered the Star Emperor's Palace...

"Didn't I get dazzled just now?"

"Unless we all had the same hallucination just now..."

After all the big guys confirmed that what they just saw was indeed true, they all sat down and gasped...

"Holy crap, Mr. Ye is actually related to such a big shot."

"It's really terrible!"

"No one is allowed to tell anyone what happened today!"

"Of course we know, we want to live for two more years..."

A group of wealthy businessmen and big shots are all linked together.

Information that exists at this level cannot be publicized at all. It is obvious that everyone here understands this truth, so they drove the convoy directly into the venue.

Inside the Star Emperor's Mansion.

The camouflage convoy is parked in the garage.

Although Ye Yang knew that the Northern Theater Command personally informed him that the person coming must not be a small person, he obviously did not expect that the Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Theater came in person! ! !

"Hello, I am Lieutenant General Chang Siwei, commander-in-chief of the Northern War Zone."

General Chang looked very burly, but he was surprisingly easy-going and took the initiative to shake hands with Ye Yang.

The highest military rank in China today is general, and there are only a handful of people in China with the rank of general.

The lieutenant general is already the highest level of existence in the cloud.

Ye Yang looked at the two dazzling general stars hanging on the golden branches, and he couldn't help but feel respect in his heart.

"General Chang, please."

He walked side by side with Chang Siwei and walked upstairs.

The special guard company that followed was well-trained and prepared for all emergencies, and seemed to feel very safe.

Come to the tea room upstairs.

The personal military guard who came with him wanted to check the tea.

"We already know Mr. Ye very well. Mr. Ye is a sentimental and patriotic businessman with a very clean background. Otherwise, I would not be able to come here with confidence and there would be no need for inspection."

Chang Siwei smiled easily.

"The procedures that should be followed still need to be followed."

Ye Yang didn't care and let the personal guard inspect him.

"I wonder why General Chang came to visit suddenly?"

Ye Yang asked doubtfully.

He didn't remember having any business dealings with the military.

Chang Siwei thought for a while and said: "Soldiers are more straightforward, so I won't beat around the bush. I came here this time to reach a cooperation with you, Mr. Ye."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "I'd like to hear the details."

"Some time ago, our technical department discovered the Shentu Game Company under Mr. Ye's name and developed a VR glasses that can achieve 100% visual simulation and completely bring people into the game situation."

Chang Siwei asked again and again.


Ye Yang nodded slightly.

"I have also played this product personally, and it is very shocking! Moreover, after confirmation by the Ministry of Technology, if this technology can carry military games, it can achieve the effect of training soldiers in tactical drills. Our country's technology in this area has always lagged behind. In Europe and the United States, now that your company has developed this kind of cash technology, we really want to cooperate with you.”

Chang Siwei's eyes were also extremely sincere.

In terms of military games, the United States has always been at the leading level and can simulate the real battlefield on the computer.

This is a technology that China has always wanted to catch up with but has always lacked core technology.

Especially in recent years, the United States has gradually upgraded from computer games to VR, and he is also quite anxious.

When he heard that Ye Yang had this technology, he was also very excited.

"The VR you sell on the market today costs one thousand yuan per set. Our war zone is willing to pay five times the price to buy it. However, we must customize a game specifically for the military in accordance with the requirements of the technical department. Specifically Parameters also need to be kept strictly confidential.”

Chang Siwei said directly: "If you can agree, our theater will first place an order for one million units. We will pay a deposit of 2 billion first and provide an additional 1.5 billion game research and development funds. If the effect is good, we will also follow up on If implemented in other theaters, the total order volume could eventually reach tens of millions.”


As expected of the military, it was rich and powerful. They directly offered five times the price and also gave away additional development fees.

However, Ye Yang shook his head.

"Mr. Ye, are you still dissatisfied with anything?"

Chang Siwei pondered and said, before he came, he had made up his mind and secured the best conditions. Isn't it possible that Ye Yang was not satisfied? !

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head: "If it's just VR, Tianshentu will sell the core technology directly in a few days. For the military, I can provide technical support for free."


Chang Siwei's pupils shrank, providing it for free? !

This courage is not ordinary! ! !

“VR glasses technology is not a big deal, it’s just outdated and outdated.”

Ye Yang waved his hand.

He said something again that shocked the whole audience.

Next to her, the beautiful Lieutenant Colonel Tang Xinru, who was in charge of the technical department, frowned. She had been mainly responsible for researching VR military game development in recent years. After so many years, not to mention developing the kind of fully realistic glasses sold by Ye Yang, even if they only reach the level of 30 or 40 simulations, it is the ultimate!

As a result, this technology that was beyond her reach was actually dismissed by Ye Yang as outdated and inferior technology! ?

Isn't this subtext that she is very stupid... After several years of research, she still hasn't figured out an outdated technology?

"Hey! Mr. Ye, please explain clearly! As far as I know, the full-simulation VR glasses produced by your company are already the most advanced technology in the world. Even in the United States, the degree of realism is only about 50%. Excuse me, there is no product in the world that has surpassed your company yet! How can you say it is outdated?"

Tang Xinru said indignantly.

"Haha, beauty, don't worry. I will show you."

Ye Yang nodded to Yu Momo, who understood and turned around to take out the somatosensory suit from the e-sports room.

Tang Xinru blinked at the suit, obviously not understanding what Ye Yang meant.

Chang Siwei also watched this scene with interest. Before coming, he had already known Ye Yang. This guy is simply a miracle maker. Even with his vision, he had to sigh that Ye Yang is the most dazzling new star in China today.

Therefore, it is clear that if Ye Yang said this, he must have a trump card!

However, what on earth could make Ye Yang feel that it was more powerful than the super weapon praised by the technical department as leading the VR technology of the United States by 30 years: the full-generation VR glasses?

At this moment, the eyes of the whole audience were focused on the strange-shaped clothes in Ye Yang's hand...

(Second update)

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