Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 603: We ourselves are the biggest traffic

"Mr. Ye, your idea is really amazing!"


Even the big guys around were stunned.

Supporting dreams is extremely costly and resource-intensive. It can be said that the most expensive thing in the world is dreams.

Ordinary people have limited resources at home, so how can they pursue any dreams?

I don't know how many people have sacrificed their dreams for the secular world.

But Ye Yang has always believed that this is wrong.

Sometimes, pursuing dreams can eventually achieve the greatest success. But this process is really difficult and requires a helper, and he wants to be this helper.

When he was studying, his biggest dream was actually to become a writer, but he chose science just because it was easier to find a job by studying science. He applied for a major in the college entrance examination, and only because software had good prospects and high salaries, he applied for software engineering, which he knew nothing about.

He has been wondering if someone could give him a force at the beginning, whether he could stick to his original ideal...

This regret cannot be answered, so now that he has money, let these latecomers answer it for him.

Sometimes, the ideal of a young man is the most precious thing in his life.

Anyway, he is not short of money. Money is the most insignificant thing to him. It is very cost-effective and worthwhile for him to use a few hundred billion to verify his original ideals and concepts.

However, only he can do such a thing.

This can be seen from the fact that Sun Chengcai, who is worth hundreds of billions, was shocked and opened his mouth wide.

No one can willfully throw out hundreds of billions to make up for a regret in his youth.

In the whole of China, except for Mr. Ye, I am afraid that no one can do such a thing...

Sun Chengcai has long heard that Ye Yang is a free and unrestrained person, eccentric and unconventional. Seeing him today, he has seen it thoroughly...

"Hundreds of billions!? Is it true?!"

The other businessmen who originally disliked Ye Yang all widened their eyes.

Hundreds of billions, more than the assets of several of them combined...

This is cash, and it is just used to establish a fund!

This is a hand! ?

It's outrageous! ?

It was so outrageous that they couldn't believe it at all.

However, they told the plan to the public!

This is terrible!

Now they are sure that this Ye Shenhao is awesome!

There is no such an awesome second-generation rich man in the whole of China who directly took out 10 billion cash to set up a fund that sounds unreliable! ! !

The students in the audience cheered.

The whole school anniversary banquet was spent in this shocking atmosphere.

After the end, Ye Yang also instructed his fund company to set up the fund preparation as soon as possible.


After Ye Yang returned to Xinghuang Mansion, he steamed a sauna with the girls.

There is nothing more pleasant than steaming in the winter, hugging a girl, eating by the lake at home, setting up a grill, eating barbecue and drinking beer.

After a period of enjoyment.

Yu Momo also received good news.

After the collapse of the cattle farm, the international market obviously knew the general trend and dared not mention the independent monopoly patent authorization.

All of them paid high prices to purchase VR patents from Shentu Company.

After all, in their view, the VR market has just begun to unfold.

Although Shentu has made a lot of money in the first wave of the market, as long as they start to enter the market now, they can still make a lot of money in the second round of the market!

"Almost all the world's famous big manufacturers have purchased the entire patent authorization."

Yu Momo sorted out the list: "As long as they can afford it, almost all of them are on the list. This wave of patent fees has collected a total of more than 400 billion Chinese yuan. In the future, the patent renewal authorization will be carried out every five years. In other words, every five years, there will be another 400 billion patent renewal fees."

"Tsk tsk."

After hearing this number, Ye Yang shook his head.

Selling patents is really a profitable thing!

No wonder when foreign countries mastered the commanding heights of science and technology, they suppressed China's scientific and technological development. As long as they mastered the core of science and technology, they would not spend a penny and collect money while lying in bed!

For example, this VR patent.

Ye Yang could do nothing now, not spend a penny, and not invest anything.

Other manufacturers spend a lot of energy on developing games, expanding platforms, developing users, and selling games. They work hard all year round, and a large part of the money they earn will fall into the hands of him, the patent provider.

Because he holds the patent!

Without his technology, these manufacturers don’t even have the qualifications to enter this market!

This is the horror of mastering the commanding heights of technology!

The right to speak is invincible!

And by extension, the ultimate right to speak in the world today is in the hands of the five major countries that control the highest weapon technology: hydrogen bomb manufacturing technology.

Whoever controls the commanding heights of weapon technology has a veto power on the world stage!

There is no other reason at all!

"However, if these manufacturers knew that I was about to release the somatosensory suit, I'm afraid their faces would turn green. Haha..."

Ye Yang shook his head.

It's like in primitive society, only his tribe has the technology to make guns, and other tribes finally bought the technology to make guns, thinking that they have the power to compete in the world.

My tribe directly took out the atomic bomb...

It's not a competition in the same dimension at all, there's no way to compare.

Ye Yang is also looking forward to it, wanting to see the wonderful reactions of those manufacturers after the physical sensing suit is officially released...

"The physical sensing suit V1 version will be able to produce a million pieces in a few days, and it can be officially released."

Watson reported.

"Yes, I know."

Ye Yang nodded slightly. If the public sale of VR is to build momentum for Shentu Company and achieve the name of "God", then the release of this physical sensing suit will make Shentu Company's godhood permanent!

In the future, no matter who mentions this name in the entire game world, everyone will shout: Forever God!!!

"Set a release plan. This time, our first launch platform will be on our own Shentu VR official website."

Ye Yang ordered.


Yu Momo nodded: "If it's just publicity, I guess no company dares to come out and bet with us this time. In this case, it will be difficult to stir up such a terrifying heat like last time!"

Ye Yang smiled faintly: "We no longer need to rely on that kind of traffic for publicity."


Yu Momo didn't quite understand what Ye Yang said.

"VR platform is now the most common platform shared by all paying players in the entire game world, right? At this point, we ourselves are the largest traffic!"

(Second update)

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