"Hiss... What a grand ceremony!"

"Even Zhang Beicang is so respectful to him!"

"Haven't you heard? This young alumnus is going to be promoted to major general!!!"

"Hiss... This is terrible. Such a young major general is unheard of and unseen!"

"I think he looks familiar..."

"Come on, you are such a bad student, playing with your phone in class every day, how can you know such a big shot?"

"You good students are the ones who hand in your phone when they confiscate it. Are you out of date? This is Ye Shenhao who is very popular on the Internet recently!"

"Ye Shenhao? What the hell!"

"This name sounds like he should be very rich! It doesn't seem to have much to do with the military..."

"Humph, he is very rich!!! Give out red envelopes this year Just made 1.5 billion!!! "

"Are you bragging? ! 1.5 billion! Just say it!"

"If you don't believe me, just follow him on Douyin."

"Emm... no mobile phone."

"Haha, too pitiful! Then you can go to the cinema to watch a movie. The recent super popular "Ye Wen" was shot by Ye Shenhao."

"??? Filming a movie again?"

"Wait a minute, I'll sort it out. This guy is not only a super young major general in the military, but also a super rich man, and he can also make movies! ? Oh my, this is too strong, right? Are you sure it's the same person?"

"It's almost right. Although it's a bit far away, there are few people in the world who are so handsome! I think I'm not mistaken."

A group of students started to discuss.

The look in their eyes looking at Ye Yang was getting more and more fiery.

This is simply a winner in life, the legendary male protagonist!!!

"It turns out that this kind of super hero who only exists in novels actually exists in reality!"

"That's right, I used to laugh at the classmates who believed this as having a second-year syndrome and no brains, but it turns out that they are short-sighted! I am the vulgar person!!!"


A group of classmates looked at Ye Yang with bright eyes, and infinite admiration rose in their hearts.

In the center of the guest seats, Sun Chengcai and Zhang Beicang gave up their seats and let Ye Yang sit on the main seat, and the two of them accompanied Ye Yang.

As for other big guys, some came back from other places, and some were scientific researchers who didn't care about worldly affairs. Looking at Ye Yang, they were also curious.

They obviously didn't know Ye Yang's background.

The faces of a group of school leaders looking at Ye Yang were obviously not as relaxed as before. They were all respectful, for fear of making Ye Yang unhappy.

After all, this is a brigadier general and a billionaire who has to treat him with respect!

This wealth and status, how terrible!

However, several business leaders sitting next to him were obviously not convinced. After all, Ye Yang was too young. They all felt that Ye Yang could sit in that position probably because of the power of his ancestors, and he himself should not have any ability.

Most of them started from scratch, so they looked down on such people in their hearts.

After many guests took their seats, the ceremony officially began.

On the podium, the host came on stage to give a speech, and then the school leaders thanked many bigwigs for taking time out of their busy schedules to come back to visit their alma mater.

Then, there were speeches and performances by student representatives.

For a while, the atmosphere was also very grand and festive.

After a process.

The principal also came forward and gave a speech again.

"We are deeply welcome and touched that you can take time out of your busy schedule to come back to our school. Many bigwigs must know that the school is a place to cultivate young talents. You are all the most outstanding people in the entire school since its establishment. If you can contribute to the future construction of our school, it will be the best charity!"

The principal smiled and looked at the bigwigs. Although he was smiling on his face, he was panicking in his heart.

After all, they are all bigwigs. If their resources are slightly tilted, it will be indescribable for this high school!

For students, it is an unparalleled opportunity.

For him, this is his achievement!

"Since the president has taken the lead, I will also express my opinion. I have long wanted to give back to my alma mater, but I have been too busy with work and have never had the opportunity to come back. Since I am back this time, I will express my opinion. Our institute will select several students with good character and academic performance every year to carry out special training programs. If you are willing to engage in the research direction of our institute in the future, then from the time you take the college entrance examination to the time you graduate from university, the institute will provide you with the expenses, guidance, and resources you need throughout the entire process."

"I will also express my opinion on behalf of the institute behind me, which is roughly the same as what Academician Qian said."

Both academicians took the lead in expressing their opinions.


"Our company also plans to establish a student aid fund here, specifically to support students from poor families."


The rest of the alumni also expressed their opinions.

The proposed aid also made the students' eyes bright.

Soon, only Ye Yang had not expressed his opinion on the field.

Everyone's eyes were looking at the person who was obviously the most talked-about person today.

The alumni who were not convinced also looked over.

Ye Yang looked at the expectant eyes of the audience and smiled faintly: "Since everyone wants to know, I won't keep you in suspense."

"What I want to give you is neither a simple financial investment nor a job opportunity."

Ye Yang looked around the scene.

The alumni who were not convinced sneered directly. Isn't this just not wanting to spend money or work? !

The enthusiasm of the school leaders just rose also fell a little.

However, Ye Yang obviously didn't care too much about these, and then said: "What I want to do is to fund your dreams!"

"Fund dreams?"

The classmates were whispering, not knowing what Ye Yang's idea was.

"From the moment you enter high school, you can report your dreams to the dream fund I established. As long as your dreams are comprehensively evaluated and assessed, the dream fund will provide you with the resources you need. Every time you achieve a higher achievement, you can unlock a higher funding license until you completely complete your dream."

Ye Yang said lightly: "The initial plan is to invest 10 billion in this dream fund. If the subsequent effect is good, we will continue to invest."

Under the education system of China, thousands of troops cross a single-plank bridge.

He wants to provide a bridge of dreams, so that everyone can pursue their dreams without worries!

The companies under his control can now provide the best resources in almost every industry, no matter what they want to do.

The whole place was silent.

This idea is really bold!

Ye Shenhao's spirit and purpose are both extremely shocking!

(First update)

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