Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 601 This seems a bit too good, right?

"I don't know if there will be any other big guys later."

"Today has been an eye-opener."

"It's a pity that the two most awesome people didn't seem to show up..."

"I have to say it's a bit disappointing..."


Currently being discussed by students.

There were exclamations from outside.


"This is?"

"Here we go, this is the Ford GT40 Mk II!!!"

"What kind of car is this? It looks a bit old. Why are you all exclaiming!?"

"This is an awesome car made by Ford in the 1960s. It is of great commemorative value. This kind of car is bought and collected by the top wealthy people. Very few of them are actually driven. Mainly because they are reluctant to part with it. Damn it, that’s hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars in repair costs! And the accessories are no longer produced, so they have to be bought as antiques!”

"I go……"

"How much does this car cost?"

"Equated in Chinese currency, that's more than 50 million!!!"

"Hiss...this is too scary!!!"

"More than 50 million!!!"


All the students were dumbfounded. It was not very common to find a three- or four-million-dollar Ferrari on the streets of Spring City, let alone a fifty- to six-million-dollar super luxury car! ! !

this is too scary!

It’s simply beyond everyone’s imagination!

Everyone watched eagerly as the car drove in.

With the support of the bodyguard, an old man in his sixties with gray hair walked down.

"Holy shit!!!"

"Hiss... Chairman of Northeast Heavy Materials, our honorary alumnus, senior Sun Chengcai!!!!"

Everyone exclaimed.

Most people in China will never have the opportunity to see a billionaire with a net worth of hundreds of billions in their lifetime.

And now, this billionaire, with business all over the Northeast and influence covering the entire North, appeared in front of them...

"The legendary boss! He's actually here!"

"Today is so worth it! It's worth waiting another day!"


"There must be a reason why such super bosses are here!"


Sun Chengcai looked at the VIP stage and saw that there was no such figure. He breathed a sigh of relief and then strolled onto the stage.

Everyone on the stage stood up to greet him. This was a well-known business tycoon in the entire Northeast, and his influence had already exceeded the scope of one province.

Naturally respected by everyone.

"Mr. Sun, you are here too!"

“What a surprise!”

"Haha, even that one is coming, how can I not come?"

Sun Chengcai looked at the people in front of him and laughed.

"That one?"

"Who is that?"

"Is it possible that there is someone with a higher status than you!?"

"Isn't this...impossible?"

In addition to Sun Chengcai, there is another very awesome alumnus in No. 1 Middle School. However, in real comparison, Sun Chengcai may be stronger than that one.

Just saying.

There was another commotion outside.

Even the policemen present had a look of surprise and uncertainty in their eyes.

Everyone looked over.

I saw a white-brand military vehicle driving in directly.

A security company with live ammunition replaced the police present and began to maintain law and order.

"Ah this!"

"What's happening here!?"

"Is it possible that that person is back too!?"


"It's possible! I have to say, Brother Bing is so handsome!!!"


There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

The low-key camouflage military van drove in.

Everyone looked over.

He seemed to know who was coming.

On the VIP stage, those VIPs all got up early and prepared to greet them.

Only Sun Chengcai, because he had a similar status to that man, did not need to stand up and greet him.

The lead car parked next to the luxury car, and the soldiers of the guard company followed closely.

The car door opened, and a tall and tall old figure came out.

"That's right! It's really that one!!!"

"This medal...I'll go! It's a Brigadier General!!!"

"Our school has the strongest presence in the military world, Brigadier General Zhang Beicang!"


All students stood up unconsciously.

Perhaps in terms of status, Zhang Beicang and Sun Chengcai are no different, but they are generals who protect their families and their country!

It is closely related to everyone. That kind of respect comes from the heart. This kind of mood and respect cannot be compared with others.

No matter how much money you have, you will get envy, but no amount of money can buy you this kind of respect.

Just when everyone thought Zhang Beicang would immediately walk to the VIP table, Zhang Beicang made an action that shocked everyone...

He leaned over and looked inside the car, obviously asking someone with a higher position than him to come out! ! !


"I'll go... No way! There's a bigger one!?"

"Gulu...who is he? Our school has never produced such a senior! The strongest in the military is senior Zhang Beicang, right!?"

"I don't know, I don't understand..."

Zhang Beicang's move obviously made everyone look over involuntarily.

Even Sun Chengcai, who was sitting firmly on the stool, couldn't sit still at this time and looked at the car nervously.

Inside the camouflage car.

"Old General, I haven't been officially awarded the honor yet, so there's no need to be like this..."

Ye Yang, dumbfounded, got out of the car and helped Zhang Beicang upright.

He originally wanted to fly here in a helicopter, but as soon as he left the house, Zhang Beicang came to pick him up in person.

And brought a piece of news that surprised Ye Yang.

——Because of the physical suit and General Chang Siwei's efforts, he may soon be awarded the rank of major general! ! !

A 23-year-old major general!

If he passes the final review.

Then he will be the youngest major general in the whole of China at this time! ! !

"Take good care of Mr. Ye. Everything you do on this trip is the order given to me by the superiors. Obeying orders is the duty of a soldier."

Zhang Beicang's resolute face was meticulous.


Ye Yang nodded, knowing that he couldn't persuade the other party, so he had to let him stand behind him and walked forward together.


The whole audience was silent.

For the image of the person coming out of the car, in the last few seconds, everyone had all kinds of expectations and imaginations in their hearts.

Maybe he is a super politician, maybe he is an unparalleled scientist...

But no matter what, the image in everyone's mind is that this person must be an old man.

But, the one who walked out of the car door was such a young person!

So young, his status is higher than Brigadier General Zhang Beicang! ?

Everyone was stunned, what on earth is going on! ?

The moment he saw Ye Yang.

Sun Chengcai could no longer sit still and stood up to greet him.

"Could it be that this young man is the one that Mr. Sun has been waiting for just now!?"

The principals were all stunned.

Although they learned from Ye Yang's head teacher and other teachers that this young man is doing very well now, they would not believe what they saw even if they were beaten to death...

This seems to be a bit too good, right? !

(Second update)

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