Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 600: The school anniversary ceremony begins, and many bigwigs gather

After getting permission to visit Shentu Company at any time, Tang Xinru became even closer to Ye Yang.

However, she then thought about the feeling she had when she listened to the technical department talk about technology today... It seemed that it would not make any difference whether she could come at will in the future.

No matter how many times I come here, I probably won’t understand it...

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

Soon, Yu Momo came back to look for Ye Yang after checking the finances. Seeing that the two of them were obviously closer than before, he laughed in his heart and gave Ye Yang a meaningful look: "Boss, Everything has been checked. Have you finished checking it?”


Ye Yang coughed and said directly: "It's time to go back."

When Yu Mo heard the words, he also smiled knowingly.

After stretching, Ye Yang took Yu Momo and Tang Xinru back to the Star Emperor Mansion under the respectful gaze of all Shentu employees.

My sister’s school started after the Chinese New Year, so she packed her bags and went back to prepare for the college entrance examination.

Although according to the current conditions of her family, she no longer needs to take the college entrance examination, but she still wants to prove herself. After all, she has been studying for twelve years. If she does not take the exam once, she will be sorry for her more than ten years of study and hard work. …


The school celebration ceremony of No. 1 Middle School is about to begin.

Ye Yang is the youngest among the guests invited to the school celebration ceremony.

Throughout the development history of No. 1 Middle School, there have been many outstanding people over the past hundred years.

This time, No. 1 Middle School was obviously working hard and wanted to do something big.

So the scene was very big.

Lanterns were put on and the squares were renovated.

The most pure and pure female students were selected as etiquette students.

The young and beautiful female teacher also personally stepped in to maintain order, which looked very pleasing to the eye.

The elite students, academic masters, and academic gods are regarded as representatives and are waiting under the podium. They will be brought up to praise them later.

As for the ordinary students, they all sat on the playground with small benches, waiting for the ceremony to begin.

They had arrived at the playground a long time ago, and as for the school leaders, they had not seen Ying yet.

That's how school is.

The leaders would not solve the problems that they could solve at the first glance. They would rather waste thousands of people in the school for two hours each than waste themselves a minute.

I remember when I took my graduation photos, thousands of people in the entire college were waiting for the leaders to come out to take pictures. They got up early at six o'clock and hurriedly ran to the venue hungry. However, it was only at eight or nine o'clock that the leaders slowly came out and took pictures. It was over in a few seconds.

The students complained as always.

However, a topic suddenly replaced this activity of complaining about school leaders in every activity.

"Have you heard that a big shot is really coming this time?"

"Big shot?"

"I heard that all the big shots from our school will come back!"

"Who is there!"

"I know there is a singer named Liang Xiaobo who will come back."

"Awesome! I really like the songs he sings!"

"There are two other academicians at the rank of pioneer who will also come back, but I don't know if the news is accurate."

"I'll go! This is too strong! The school finally gave it a try! If this is the case, then I'm willing to wait a whole day, let alone an hour!"

"That's's finally worth the wait for once."

"And those business tycoons will also come back."

"I heard that the one from the military community has also been invited back."


When all the students mentioned this, they were all excited and enthusiastic.

In high school, they are the age of passionate sophomores. Being able to see these big names who only exist in rumors is very attractive to them!

"It would be really exciting if we could really meet these legendary bosses!"


"Wow wow wow..."

Sirens sound.

The police came in to maintain law and order.

The people here today are all serious and important people!

Of course, police personnel must be deployed to ensure the safety of the scene!

"The school leader is out!"

"Hey, you were so diligent today that you didn't make us wait for several hours..."

"After all, all the distinguished guests who are coming must be treated with respect. How can they dare to make such a show of things like before?"

"Yes, haha. There are also times when they come out first and wait for others to come out. It's so cool!"

"Let the principal accompany us to endure the cold!"

The students whispered, but they were soon disappointed because there was heating equipment where the principal sat and it was not cold at all.

"What a fool, it's really good."

“A principal dog is still a principal dog!!!”


All the students were very angry.

However, soon, the whispers in the field disappeared.

Instead there were exclamations.

A stretched Maybach worth nearly 10 million drove into the campus.

Everyone has a big mouth.

They are all ordinary people, and the BMW is considered a good car that I have seen in real life.

This kind of super luxury car worth tens of millions is simply unprecedented!

"I guess he's a big shot in the business world!"

Over the years, there have been several business tycoons, many of whom have net worths of over 100 million, or even over 1 billion!

Of course, everyone knows that the most powerful one is undoubtedly the rich boss in Northeast China, who is a super boss with a net worth of nearly 100 billion!

However, there is no news yet on whether the super boss can be brought back this time.

After all, that status is as high as the sky!

Looking at the entire Northeast, there are very few companies with a market value of over 100 billion. After all, they are all companies engaged in physical or military industry and heavy industry. There is no financial leverage and no virtual financial concept.

How much money is how much money.

Such a value of 100 billion is very real, and is no worse than the companies with a market value of hundreds of billions that play with financial numbers.

Moreover, a heavy industry company that controls such resources is equivalent to mastering the foundation of one side, and its influence is far beyond the reach of speculative companies that play with numbers and cut leeks in the stock market.

Just like Ma Yun, in terms of wealth, it is unknown how much higher it is than Cao Dewang, the boss of Fuyao Enterprise, who is engaged in industry, but he dared not complain when he was criticized by others.

"If anyone from Northeast Heavy Industry can be invited back this time, then my school is awesome."

"Not bad."


As he was talking, several luxury cars worth millions and nearly 10 million drove in.

Celebrities from all walks of life also walked out of them.

After they walked onto the stage, they greeted each other casually, but it was obvious that they were still waiting for someone...

Soon, Chuncheng's political alumni also arrived one after another.

At once, many bigwigs gathered.

"We are indeed a key high school ranked in the whole Chuncheng. Over the years, we have produced so many bigwigs!"

However, so many bigwigs came one after another.

Very few of them could make these people stand up collectively...

Only when the two highly respected academicians and the senior official who climbed to the core of the Chuncheng Municipal Committee arrived, most people could take the initiative to stand up and greet them.

Their status is obviously higher than others...

(First update)

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