Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 599 Tang Xinru, ah Tang Xinru, how did you become like this?

In the following levels, according to the completely real difficulty, except for the special forces king, there is almost no possibility of passing. Even for the special forces king, the failure rate is extremely high.

However, with the existence of Ye Yang's superhero physique, these are naturally not a problem.

What Tang Xinru can't deal with, he will naturally make up for it.

Along the way, Tang Xinru admired him more and more! ! !

I have to say that several waves of operations are really handsome to her!

Handsome to the heart!

This shot is too accurate!

This shot is too fast!


It's just a sharpshooter!


After pressing the timed detonator, Ye Yang hugged Tang Xinru in his arms like a princess.

"Hey! You..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Yang directly hugged her and jumped down from the platform more than three meters high.


He knelt on one knee and put Tang Xinru down.

"Run! It's going to explode soon!"

Tang Xinru said repeatedly.

"A real man never looks back at the explosion~"

Ye Yang raised his hand and pressed the detonator.

On the platform behind him, red light shot up into the sky, and the explosion and roar instantly blew the entire arsenal to pieces...

Ye Yang obviously underestimated the power of the explosion, and was hit by the air wave and pressed on Tang Xinru.

"...Hey! You did it on purpose!"

In the dusty ruins, Tang Xinru coughed and pushed Ye Yang away: "You just know how to take advantage of me."


Ye Yang recalled the softness just now, which was endless aftertaste.

This kind of body that has undergone systematic combat training is different!

Except for the Xiao sisters, this should be the most elastic and explosive girl's body he has ever touched.

"There's only one level left. Can you still hold on?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at Tang Xinru, who was obviously very tired now: "How about we quit..."

"No! If you want to play, you have to have a beginning and an end!"

Tang Xinru pouted stubbornly: "The last level is the most interesting!"

"That's right."

Ye Yang nodded slightly.

In the story-based level-breaking games set against the background of World War II, the last level is similar, and they all have to assassinate Hitler.

Ye Yang directly selected a 98k in the equipment.

"You can't play a sniper rifle without training. You can't even use a sniper rifle!"

"So smart!"

Ye Yang snapped his fingers.

He is an all-round athlete. Shooting and shooting are also Olympic events. Naturally, they are the world's strongest level of skills.

With his physique that surpasses everyone in the world.

The effect is naturally amazing.

Ye Yang directly possessed Yan Shuangying, turning the infiltration into a one-sided massacre...

The entire harbor has been surrounded by him alone!

Ye Shuangying moved!

He used a few flick and instant sniping to kill the sniper in the distance.

He rolled on the spot, replaced the Ak47 behind him, and with a few clicks, he solved the four-man team of enemies rushing towards him.

Then he rolled to the side of the four-man team, picked up equipment and bullets, and continued to kill the enemies.

The mission goal was to sneak in and kill.

Ye Yang killed all the targets in the port directly.


He blew the gunpowder smoke from the muzzle and looked at the dead enemies on the ground.

Except for the target, there should be no living people in the entire port.

"This is what a real assassin is!"

He raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"No way!"

Tang Xinru yawned and walked over: "You are having fun, I didn't feel involved in the last level at all!"

"You look too tired, let you rest for a while."

Ye Yang laughed: "Let's go, let's complete the last goal together."


Tang Xinru was also very much looking forward to it. After all, ending World War II with one's own hands is too exciting for ordinary people!

Lecture hall.

The head of state looked at the man and woman in front of him tremblingly, muttering in German. Ye Yang was too lazy to open the translation page: "The last shot, you come?"


Tang Xinru was also neat and tidy, and the gun went off, directly knocking off the mustache in front of him.

"It's over."

Ye Yang looked at Tang Xinru with a smile.

Tang Xinru sighed: "It's incredible, a game can be done to this extent... If I stay for a long time, I really don't know if I can still distinguish between reality and games when I go out."

Ye Yang spread his hands, it was too easy for him to distinguish between games and reality.

Which side has more money is reality.

The self in the dream does not have as much money as I have in reality, let alone the game.

"Good brothers who have been on the battlefield together, don't you want to leave some memories before you quit?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Memorial? What..."

Tang Xinru looked at the young man who had walked in front of her, and seemed to know what he meant. Her face couldn't help but turn red: "I... um..."

Ye Yang held her little face and kissed her directly.

In this deep kiss, the consciousness of the two gradually blurred.

Finally, they exited the game process.

In the experience room.

Tang Xinru opened the somatosensory suit and touched her lips. There was a hint of confusion in her eyes. Is this considered losing the first kiss?

But that was in the game...

But, it was too real.

While she was thinking, she felt someone holding her waist. The next moment, the feeling of loss in her heart was replaced by satisfaction.

The tender feeling came from her lips again.


Now, whether in the game or in reality, her first kiss is completely gone!

However, since it has come to this, she might as well immerse herself in it and satisfy herself for a while...

A little while!

A little while...

Thinking like this, the sun has already set.



After enjoying it.

Tang Xinru realized the passage of time and patted her head.

She came here today to learn more about technology.

In the end, she didn't learn much about technology. Instead, she played games with the man in front of her for a long time and kissed him for a long time...


Tang Xinru, Tang Xinru, how did you become like this!

She touched her hot face and looked at Ye Yang who was looking at her with a half-smile: "What are you looking at! It's all your fault!!! Humph!"

As she said that, she put on her clothes and left the experience room.

Ye Yang shrugged. He only wore underwear when taking the somatosensory. Now he put on his coat and followed Tang Xinru out: "You know the place too. Come directly when you want to come in the future."


Tang Xinru didn't expect Ye Yang to be so generous.

"Originally, these will be provided to the country in the future."

Ye Yang spread his hands. His personal patriotism is still very strong, and even from the perspective of interests.

The stronger China is, the greater his business and international influence will be.

Personal honor and disgrace are inseparable from the rise and fall of the country.

(Second update)

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