Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 598: Invincible, how lonely it is


Ye Yang shook his head indifferently. Not to mention ordinary soldiers, his physique has now surpassed the human category.

With superhero-level physical fitness, he can jump ten meters high and complete sci-fi games in shooting games.

But he was too lazy to explain more, just followed Tang Xinru into the game.

"Bang, bang, bang! Lie down!"

Tang Xinru's individual combat quality is indeed very strong. Even the advanced chicken-eating human-machine can advance to the finals, and she quickly solved the enemies hidden in the corner.

"Very powerful, little beauty!"

After passing the first level, Ye Yang praised.

"Humph, that's right! Hide behind me, I will protect you!"

Tang Xinru wiped her little nose and said proudly.

There are rarely such relaxing moments in the army. Now there is only Ye Yang who makes her very fond of him, and he is still playing games. Of course, he is in a relaxed mood.

The difficulty of the first two levels is very low. Ye Yang did not fire a single shot during the whole process, and Tang Xinru solved them all by himself.

After the third level, the difficulty is high.

This game is mainly based on World War II, and the plot is about two agents infiltrating Germany to steal intelligence.


Ye Yang was quick and pulled Tang Xinru over, and the bullet instantly hit the place where Tang Xinru had just stood.

"Huh... That was close!"

Tang Xinru breathed a sigh of relief. This is a fully simulated game. The worry, the increase in physical strength, and the change in heart rate are all extremely real!

The moment of pulling, Tang Xinru felt a sense of comradeship on the battlefield towards Ye Yang.

Just when she was moved, she saw Ye Yang looking at her with a smile, as if mocking her for being a bit of a loser, and she couldn't help but feel a little annoyed again.

"Hmph! Stinky man... Just try your luck, what's so great about it! I clearly saved him more times just now!"

Tang Xinru muttered in her heart.

Ye Yang naturally didn't know what Tang Xinru was thinking. He just pulled her out of superhero intuition.

At this time, he didn't realize another great use of the somatosensory suit: a tool for picking up girls!

How can two people develop feelings for each other?

In addition to falling in love at first sight, it is to experience something different from normal boring life together.

In the shared experience of such novel things, two people will have unique memories of each other and burst out emotions that have only burst out for each other. With more such experiences.

You will begin to think that you seem to have feelings for each other that you have never had for others.

As long as you start to think so, love is almost here.

But in reality, doing things that are out of normal life is often very expensive, such as taking a girl to the Syrian battlefield to be a mercenary together...

That requires gambling with your life.

But in the physical server game, you can experience countless similar novel experiences...

This will be a big change in the love world! ! !

Ordinary boys without money will also have the opportunity to have a romantic world-class adventure with girls!

"The difficulty after the third level has obviously increased a lot!"

Several times, Tang Xinru was almost hit by bullets, but Ye Yang always managed to pull her away just in time to prevent her from getting hurt.

After several times, she began to doubt whether Ye Yang was really fooling her.

The look in her eyes when she looked at Ye Yang was getting brighter and brighter.

At the end of the third level, a group of enemies surrounded them.

It seemed that there was no hope of breaking through.

" seems that we have chosen the most difficult route, and we are finished."

Tang Xinru made a professional judgment and determined that there was no hope of passing: "Return the original route and find another way, maybe..."

Before she finished speaking, Ye Yang threw his windbreaker, holding two Desert Eagles, and had already flashed out of the bunker.

"Oh my god! What are you doing! You will die!"

Tang Xinru was shocked when she saw this scene. The first time she entered the chicken game, she experienced the real sense of death that the somatosensory service gave to players...

Now I am still scared when I think about it!

"Bang, bang, bang!!!"

However, before Tang Xinru could get up, she heard the sound of gunfire outside the bunker.

The recoil of the Desert Eagle is very strong. Even if special forces do not undergo special Desert Eagle training, few can control it!

But for Ye Yang's wrist strength, this is not worth mentioning.

The strong recoil, in exchange for extremely strong lethality.

The thick bullets flew the enemies one by one.

The gunfire roared between a throw of clothes.

Each shot took away an enemy.

Tang Xinru hadn't reacted to what was going on, and she heard that the surroundings suddenly became silent.

"Could he have been shot to death?"

She blinked her eyes and suddenly felt a little sad. Although she knew that this was virtual, the game effect brought by the somatosensory suit was too realistic, which made her feel very involved...

Just when she wanted to stick her head out to take a look.

A smiling face suddenly appeared in front of her.

If it were an ordinary girl, she would have been scared long ago.

"Hey! Don't be so scary!"

After seeing that it was Ye Yang, Tang Xinru complained: "Luckily you are handsome, otherwise I would be scared."

"I'll take it as a compliment."

Ye Yang turned the gun in his hands with both hands, and in the process of turning the gun, he completed the ejection and replacement of the bullet.

The operation was so professional that Tang Xinru was blinded by the show.

"Where are the enemies?"

She looked around.

"They are all dead."

Ye Yang put the Desert Eagle in the gun bag on his waist and smiled triumphantly.

"I didn't expect you to be so strong!"

Tang Xinru had to admit that to perform Ye Yang's operation just now in the 100% simulation mode, he must be at least the most advanced soldier king in China!

But how is this possible!

He obviously has so many advantages, and his physical fitness and skills are so awesome!

How can others survive like this!

"Strong? I'm stronger in other aspects!"

Ye Yang spread his hands: "I'm an expert in playing with guns, haha~"


Tang Xinru took a moment to react before she understood what Ye Yang meant. Her face flushed instantly: "You! You pervert, I won't pay attention to you!"

After that, he went to pack up the bullets and equipment of the enemies he had just killed...


Ye Yang tilted his head helplessly. There was no way, being invincible was so lonely...

After packing up, the two walked side by side towards the next level.

After he had knocked down several enemies with a few shots just now.

Tang Xinru's attitude was obviously closer.

Although she felt that Ye Yang was a little bit perverted.

But to put it bluntly, how many people in the world are not perverted?

Boys are perverted, and girls are not much different.

It has to be said that this is the first time in so many years that she has a little bit of desire for other boys' bodies...

(First update)

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