Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 597 Two-player experience server?

After getting off the plane, they drove a Rolls-Royce all the way.

Soon, they arrived at the headquarters of Shentu Company.


Shentu Company had long received the news that the boss was coming to inspect, and now they were all lined up to welcome him respectfully.


Ye Yang nodded slightly: "Take us directly to the R\u0026D and production department."

"Boss, please follow me."

The senior executives of Shentu Company successively surrounded Ye Yang, Tang Xinru, Yu Momo and others and entered the company.

"This is our R\u0026D department. The development of the somatosensory suit is mainly related to the two technologies of electromagnetic pulse and virtual reality. These two technologies mainly involve ultra-short waves and photon virtualization. The specific details..."

The technician in charge of R\u0026D talked endlessly.

Tang Xinru listened humbly, but soon she found that the terms used by these scientists were too profound...

She has been a top student since she was a child.

Today was the first time in her life that she had a profound experience of what it means to be a poor student...

After her IQ was hit, she reluctantly walked out of the R\u0026D department, thinking that she could learn some useful technologies to provide direction and inspiration for her current research.

But she found that except for the first few sentences, she couldn't understand a single word...

She sighed, and after a walk, she came to the production department in a dejected manner.

This is the production workshop.

"Our testing and improvement are almost done. Now we are producing v1. In a few days, it will be directly released."

The people in the production department obviously speak more directly, saying whatever they want.

Tang Xinru's doubtful mood finally improved. Just now in the technical R\u0026D department, she felt that she couldn't understand Chinese at all...

"Compared to the test model we sent to the boss before, the mature model has many improvements. More games are integrated into it, which can be used by people with different needs. And it can be connected and shared."

The people in the production department waved their hands and asked the staff to bring up a few somatosensory suits and put them in front of Ye Yang and others.

"This is the latest v1 somatosensory suit. If the boss and the ladies want to experience it, they can go to the experience room next to it to play."


Ye Yang looked at the head of the production department with appreciation. I have to say that you have a good eye!

The bonus at the end of the month will be doubled!

"Is it okay?"

Tang Xinru is a technical geek. Now that she heard that the experience type that had already exceeded her understanding has undergone many upgrades, she is also very excited and wants to experience it very much.

"Come on."

Ye Yang brought Yu Momo and Tang Xinru to the experience room.

"I still have to check the financial flow with the accounting department. Boss, you and Officer Tang just have fun."

Yu Momo looked at Ye Yang with a smile, and then without waiting for Ye Yang to say anything, he turned around and left, walking towards the accounting department...

Financial flow can also be checked online.

But Yu Momo's move obviously has more intentions than that.

"Hey? Just the two of us?"

Tang Xinru looked at the empty experience room, and her eyes were also eager to try.

"Good, let me see if there are any exciting games that two people can play."

Ye Yang called up the query page: "Play online together."

"Don't say such ambiguous words!"

Tang Xinru rolled her eyes, but still came over to take a look.

She didn't dislike Ye Yang. After all, Ye Yang's aura was too heavy. He was young, handsome, and awesome!

Being rich is not vulgar. In the eyes of most girls, this is called being capable.

And Ye Yang's ability is obviously ridiculously strong!

It's simply too dazzling!

Most girls will subconsciously like such a perfect boy.

In addition, Ye Yang is easy-going and humorous.

Jokes will not make girls unhappy.

"Well, I think this one is good."

Ye Yang picked a two-player shooting game at random, and took Tang Xinru into the world of online play.

In the virtual world.

Tang Xinru looked at her revealing combat leather jacket, and her face flushed with shame: "You old pervert! You only know how to choose this kind of game!"

"Ahem, it looks like a couple game."

Ye Yang scratched his head and smiled awkwardly: "I didn't expect the combat clothes to be so hot after entering..."

"Forget it."

Tang Xinru waved her hand, obviously more interested in experiencing this new thing: "If this online game can really achieve a million people online at the same time, it's simply a myth!"

"What's so difficult about a million people online at the same time."

Ye Yang spread his hands indifferently.

"You don't work in technology, so you don't understand what this means! This means that we can organize a million-level full-sensory military confrontation in the virtual world! If the parameters are correct, we can completely predict the outcome of any war in advance, and arrange tactics in a targeted manner according to the game ending!"

"For two rival countries with similar strengths, this is simply... a dreamlike artifact!!!"

Tang Xinru became more and more excited, but then waved her hand: "Oh! Forget it, you won't understand even if I tell you. Anyway..."

Her eyes suddenly softened, and she looked at Ye Yang: "Maybe this invention under your name will influence the direction of the entire world pattern one day in the future..."

"Huh? Is it that exaggerated?"

Ye Yang fiddled with the rifle in his hand casually. Although he also realized that the somatosensory suit would have a great impact on reality.

But after all, he was not a professional soldier, and he did not see it as detailed as Tang Xinru.

Now listening to her, it seems that it is really a bit scary to think about it...

"Stand behind me, I will protect you!"

Tang Xinru said lightly: "Don't be scared to pee your pants later! I'm driving a full simulation."

"Oh? Full simulation? If you get shot, won't it hurt?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked.

"It hurts, but this is real and interesting."

Tang Xinru curled her lips: "Huh, you won't understand, and soldiers have no chance to make mistakes on the battlefield. Every time they charge into battle, they must be aware of life and death. This pain is nothing."


Ye Yang became surprisingly serious and nodded.

"But maybe I will be the one protecting you later?"

"Don't underestimate female soldiers!"

Tang Xinru stretched her body: "My fighting and tactical skills have won the regimental silver medal! Humph! Even if you are a boy, without exercise and relevant training, you can't be better than me."

Ye Yang curled his lips: "Then we'll see later."

Full simulation, even the body functions are simulated, and what is reflected in the game is the real physical fitness in reality.

(Second update)

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