Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 596: Destruction in 20 hours? A bit late

The next day, the dismal ending of Niuchang spread throughout the international gaming community in an instant.

Everyone was shocked by the ending of Niuchang!

Although everyone had expected the ending of Niuchang when Shentu Company announced that it would sanction Niuchang and that Niuchang would monopolize VR patents.

But no one expected that the result would come out so quickly! ! !

In just one day!

To be precise, in fact, it was less than one day! ! !

From the news of sanctions to the announcement of participation by various factories, it took only one or two hours!

Subsequently, Huaye withdrew its shares, and various investment groups followed suit, the stock price collapsed, retail investors fled, and the company was delisted during the holiday.

It took only more than half a day!

In just over ten hours, a super game company with a strong international reputation collapsed and delisted! ! !

And because the leverage was too much, it owed an unknown amount of money! ?

It suddenly went from a romantic company to a debtor that everyone wanted to beat! ?

This is terrible!

Shentu, no, Huaye... no, it's the influence of Ye Yang, the big boss, which is simply too terrifying!!!

Moreover, the movies that are being released all over the world recently also show that he is not only involved in games and finance, but also in the film and television industry!

This is what has been exposed, what has not been exposed! ?

Just thinking about what this means, everyone can't help but feel numb!!!

Foreign culture determines their strong character.

Under such a character background, all companies that know that Ye Yang is so strong immediately published articles to praise Ye Yang's strength and celebrate the victory of Shentu Company's action.

If you can't beat him, join him, this is the logic of most foreigners.

There is no reason at all.

They think these are all hypocrisy, truth, goodness and beauty are just skins used for disguise, and in the end, you still have to speak with your fists, and the one with the bigger fists is right.

So, sometimes, no matter how high your morality is, you must ensure that you are the strongest person.

In this way, the world can be built into a moral world.

If the United States controls the public opinion, the logic of hypocrisy and double standards will be accepted by more and more people, and the consequences will be disastrous.


"Now the cattle farm has announced its delisting and the debt has been settled."

In the Xinghuang Mansion, Yu Momo held the report and reported to Ye Yang.

Although she is passionate and unrestrained in life, she is meticulous in her job and is simply a treasure secretary.

Ye Yang increasingly feels that choosing this sensible and capable girl as a personal secretary was a super correct choice.

"It's almost twenty hours..."

Ye Yang looked at the watch and nodded slightly: "It's a little late for a small factory with a market value of hundreds of billions to be destroyed, but... it's done very well."

After that, he patted Yu Momo's shoulder encouragingly and said with a smile: "Next, it's time to arrange Tang Xinru's tour."

"Okay, boss."

Yu Momo is very efficient. He had already arranged everything before. He roughly told Ye Yang about the itinerary and went out to prepare the car.

Ye Yang leaned against the sandalwood door frame of the elegant room prepared for Tang Xinru, and saw that Tang Xinru was wearing a somatosensory suit, obviously immersed in the game world.

When Tang Xinru got up from the somatosensory suit in a sweat, she just took off the tights on her upper body and found Ye Yang smiling at her.

"Ah!!! Pervert!!! Go away!"

Tang Xinru was only wearing underwear. It was the first time that her body was seen to such a great extent. She couldn't help but blush and scolded.

"Oh, you got up too suddenly, and I didn't have time to avoid it!"

Ye Yang waved his hand: "Besides, you were wearing underwear? Didn't you go swimming at the beach? Wearing a bikini?"


Tang Xinru was not as good at talking as Ye Yang, and couldn't help but feel a little frustrated and snorted.

"Aren't you a technology geek? How did you become an Internet addict girl?"

Ye Yang teased.

"Who is the Internet addict girl!"

Tang Xinru raised her eyebrows unconvinced.

"If you play games in a tights every day, aren't you still an internet addict?"

Ye Yang laughed.

"I'm obviously familiar with the product..."

Tang Xinru said insincerely.

She had previously developed and played normal computer games. But Ye Yang's somatosensory suit, from the game level, is two dimensions higher than this kind of ordinary computer game! ! !

The joy generated by this indescribable gap is simply irresistible! ! !

It's like the ancient people suddenly got a smart phone, I'm afraid they would be so amazed that they would play until they die without eating or drinking.

The technological level of the somatosensory suit is at least several decades higher than the current technological level, which is no different from people who have never seen a mobile phone in the last era suddenly skipping the PHS and directly contacting the smart phone.

Even people with extremely strong wills find it difficult to resist the temptation of this game experience.

"Okay, no more jokes. Today I'll take you to see the production process line of Shentu Company and let you know more about the relevant technology."

Ye Yang waved his hand.


Tang Xinru thought Ye Yang was joking that day, and just wanted to take him to the Shentu Company restaurant to do some insignificant things, but she didn't expect that he could actually take her to the core process line! ! !

This? !

Such a technology that is ahead of its time can actually be shown directly to oneself? !

Tang Xinru was somewhat shocked, and her heroic face also looked a little cute because of the shock.

"Are you stupid?"

Ye Yang approached and knocked on her head. First, he didn't care about this process at all. According to the research and development speed and ability of the black technology company, this thing would probably be outdated again soon, even if the finished product and process were shown to everyone in the world now.

When they figure it out, their next generation of technology should also be out.

In addition, such a complicated process... let alone Tang Xinru, even if the world's top scientists came, they would be confused after a walk and couldn't understand anything.

So, Ye Yang didn't care at all to take her to see it.

"Let's go now?"

Tang Xinru asked expectantly.

"If you don't mind wearing underwear on the road."

Ye Yang grinned.


Tang Xinru ran to the inner room and started to change clothes.

Soon, Tang Xinru changed her clothes.

The face, which was originally heroic and gentle, matched with this daily outfit, made Ye Yang's eyes brighter.

"Let's go, little beauty?"

Now that Lieutenant General Chang Siwei and others were not here, Ye Yang was much more casual. With more soldiers, the aura unconsciously became more solemn.

"Let's go!!!"

Tang Xinru also saluted Ye Yang, and then marched out of the door.

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head, and followed him out...

(First update)

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