Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 595: Super factory goes bankrupt and liquidates in one day

"Throw it away, throw it away! You must throw it away! If you don't throw it away, how can the leeks in the stock market have a bright future!?"

"Hurry up and throw it away! This can't be kept!"

"Why do I feel that the Niuchang is going to collapse!?"

"Isn't it too fast?!"


The stockholders and companies were discussing and selling their stocks.

The stock market in Niuchang fell faster and faster. In the end, it was like an avalanche, and the situation became more and more dangerous.

Until the end, it was about to hit the bottom!


At the top of the Niuchang Building.

The door was kicked open by a group of shareholders.

"Henry, give me a reasonable explanation!!!"

"That's right, what's going on!"

"How could you be so stupid to ask Shentu Company to buy out VR copyrights at this time! I think you are too arrogant!"

"Now you have offended the entire industry!"

"You shouldn't have offended Mr. Ye! The era of the game industry has changed! Mr. Ye is now the one with the most say in the game industry! Are you clear-headed?"

"Yes! What on earth were you thinking! You actually offended Mr. Ye!!!"


All shareholders were furious: "You have to bear all the responsibilities! If you don't pay, you will die!!!"


Facing the angry accusations of shareholders

Henry Gilmore was stunned: "What are you talking about? Aren't there just a few companies condemning us? We are a big company! Do you have the confidence of a super big company? You actually lost your composure because of a few rumors! There is nothing wrong with our foundation, the stock market!?"

"You are talking nonsense!!!"

When the shareholders heard this, they were even more furious. They all wanted to go up and kill Henry Gilmore with a knife.

"The stock market has fallen to the bottom. We are going to go bankrupt and liquidate, and be forced to delist!"

"Now our money and assets have been taken by the bank to pay off debts. We can't even balance the leverage we owe! We owe too much now..."

"How did you become the chairman of the board!"

"The company's stock market has collapsed like this, but you don't know it at all!? Are you busy eating shit!?"

All the shareholders were so angry that they couldn't describe it in words.

"What!? What did you say?"

Henry Gilmore couldn't believe it at all: "Such a big fluctuation, why didn't you notify me!?"

"We called you so hard! But it turned out that your phone was turned off! Otherwise, would we come here in person? Are you kidding me!"

"That's right! You are dumber than a pig!!!"

The shareholders gnashed their teeth in hatred.


At this time, Henry Gilmore realized that he had smashed his phone in anger...

Good boy, the company is gone, and I, the boss, just know about it? !

The secretary's phone ran out of power and turned off because he played too much last night.

That's why these shareholders didn't contact him just now.

Normal speaking, these mistakes are not a problem.

After all, it's a super large company, and it won't cause any problems if it can't be contacted for a while.

But now, the stock price has fallen to the bottom like an avalanche, which is something that has never happened before!

Even in the history of the entire US stock market, it is extremely rare.

Henry Gilmore did not expect that he had only offended a Chinese, but there would be such terrible consequences...

According to his usual thinking, they are all technologically advanced and have absolute say. Even if they scold the Chinese company bosses who use their technology patents, they have to bow their heads and accept it.

After all, they are controlled by others. Without their core technology, these companies can't operate...

But now, everything has changed.

Attack and defense are alien!

He did not change his thinking mode in time, which led to this outcome that he could not bear at all...

He hurriedly grabbed a shareholder's mobile phone and took a look at the stock market panel.

Before witnessing it with his own eyes, he still didn't believe that in just less than an hour, the bull market stocks that were originally booming would fall to the point where they had to be delisted and even liquidated!

Originally, he still had a last bit of luck in his heart.

But when he saw the gray company stocks...

He was completely desperate.

Dead, completely dead, completely dead...

There is no hope of a comeback...

"How... How is this possible!? How is it possible, so soon?!"

Henry Gilmore's mind was blank, and only the words "This is not a threat, but a notice" echoed for a long time.

It turned out that it was not a show-off, but... just a truthful statement...


He fell down on the chair powerlessly.

It's over, everything is over, it's completely over!!!

They didn't even give him a chance to beg for mercy, and directly killed him, a super company with a market value of hundreds of billions, with extremely cruel means that left no way out...

That sentence of making his own company disappear was not a joke at all!

"What is his identity and background!"

It's impossible for the boss of a game company to do this!

Even if he offended all his peers and caused his stock to fall, it would not fall to this point.

He checked carefully before he realized...

The source of the avalanche was actually Huaye Financial Company! ! ! !

"This Huaye Financial..."

He murmured in disbelief: "It belongs to Ye Yang!!!"

He was about to collapse.

Huaye Financial, which integrates the three major super investment companies of Europe, America and China, controls a huge amount of funds, and directly or indirectly controls tens of thousands of companies!

With such a terrifying influence and strong funds, he came to the game industry to make games! ?

He should not look down on this little money at all!

This is too bullying! ?

Could it be that he likes the feeling of a full-level boss bullying the noobs in the novice village! ?

What kind of person is this!

It's incredible!

However, complaining is useless, and he is now as disappointed as a dead man...

Niuchang is destined to completely withdraw from the stage of history today.

These shareholders have already used all the tricks that can be tried.

Mr. Ye didn't even answer the phone.

He was determined to destroy the entire cattle farm and establish the prestige of Shentu Company in the international arena!

"I... was wrong!"

He lowered his head, with only despair in his eyes...

Just like that, the super game giant that dominated the entire international game industry collapsed and went bankrupt in one day!

(Second update)

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