Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 594 This is not a threat, it is a notice


Henry Gilmore's Chinese is not very good. It took him a long time to realize that Ye Yang was scolding him!

He was furious: "Mr. Ye! What do you mean! I came here with great sincerity! You are actually mocking me!"

“If you don’t have money, don’t imitate other people’s pretense!”

Ye Yang said calmly: "Now all parties are buying my patent separately. The first batch of payments has exceeded 100 billion. After a period of time, I will be able to collect another wave of patent money. You want 100 billion." Billions of dollars to buy out my technology? I advise you to just keep dreaming, you can have everything in your dreams!”

"Haha, Chinese! You are fooling me! It's just a Chinese patent. How high-tech can it be? When we decipher your core technology, you will regret not selling the patent to me exclusively today!!! "

Henry Gilmore shouted angrily.

"Is it?"

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth: "In order to prevent this from happening, I have to let your company disappear first."

"Are you threatening me?!!!"

Henry Gilmore laughed as if he heard some big joke: "You Chinese, you dare to threaten me! Why do you threaten me!"

"I'm not threatening you, I'm informing you."

After Ye Yang finished speaking, he put down the phone.

"Immediately initiate sanctions against cattle farms. Spread the word that all companies that terminate cooperation with cattle farms and participate in this sanction will receive a 20% discount on the purchase of company patents."

Ye Yang thought for a while: "It seems that this company is also included in Huaye's investment projects, right?"

Yu Momo nodded: "The market value of the cattle farm is about 500 billion, of which Huaye's total investment accounts for about 100 billion, and it is one of the major shareholders."

"Sell everything, bring the market value of the cattle farm to the lowest level, and directly blow up the cattle farm. I don't need to buy back, and I don't want to acquire this company. I want it to completely and truly disappear."

Ye Yang said calmly.


Yu Momo nodded. For Huaxia's company, the boss would at least save some face. At most, he would acquire the company, but as long as he didn't offend him too deeply, he could always give it to the other party and live the rest of his life in peace.

But for these outsiders, there is no need to save any face.

He just wants this company to be completely destroyed!

Australia, top floor of Cattle Building.

Henry Gilmore shook the red wine glass in his hand, squinted his eyes, and the muscles on his face trembled angrily: "A little Chinese, how dare you refuse me! Isn't this just a VR technology! Damn it! How dare you! Call me an ignorant idiot! I will make him pay!"

The secretary on the side also touched Henry's chest repeatedly to calm his anger.

"You want my company to disappear! It's so arrogant! It's simply too arrogant!!!"

Henry Gilmore said angrily: "The BBC has reported that China is just a poor and backward country. I spent hundreds of billions of Chinese coins to buy his patent! Hundreds of billions of Chinese coins! I'm afraid he has never seen it in his life. How spectacular is one hundred billion Chinese coins! Damn it! How dare you despise me like that!”

"You want my company to disappear! It's not a threat, it's a notice?! How can you be so pretentious!!!"

Henry Gilmore pinched the secretary's buttocks hard several times, with such rough force that the secretary screamed, which relieved the unhappiness in his heart a little.

"Let's see how he made my company disappear!!! Haha! My cattle farm is famous in the international gaming industry! It's a famous super company! He, a Chinese monkey, can wipe it out with just one sentence!? If he can make it happen, My company disappeared and I threw myself into the women’s room to commit suicide!”


Henry was cursing in the building, but he didn't know that the entire gaming world was about to undergo a super drastic change! ! !

Soon, the news that Ye Yang was going to sanction the cattle farm quickly spread on the international Internet... The entire gaming world was trembling again! ! !

Niuchang is also extremely famous in the international gaming community!

It is one of the world-class manufacturers!

However, relying on the technology provided by the United States, it always acted tyrannically and acted as a scheming agent, which itself offended many people. Now that other game manufacturers see that the rising giant in the gaming industry - Shentu Company wants to sanction the opponent, they are very excited and respond one after another.

When they got the reason why Shentu Company sanctioned the other party, those companies and manufacturers that were wavering also all stopped and boycotted the cattle farm! ! !

After all, monopoly patents will destroy the jobs of other game manufacturers like them! ?

How is this possible!

It's simply too bad!

Something is wrong! ! !

Sanctions must be made!

At this moment, the scene exploded, and it could be said that a group of people attacked!

Today, this VR technology is unique in the world!

Everyone wants it and wants to buy the patent quickly and get a piece of the pie!

Niuchang's move simply stabbed all the game companies in the back! ! !

Steal their jobs!

Destroying someone's wealth is like killing one's parents!

Who can be in a hurry?

All of a sudden, various statements and sanctions were released one after another.

For a time, the cattle farm became the target of public criticism in the international gaming community, and its reputation plummeted.

The news soon reached the ears of Henry Gilmore on the top floor of the Cattle Farm Building.

Henry Gilmore, who had just pinched his secretary's buttocks a few times and calmed down a little, was so angry that he dropped his phone when he heard the report!

"Fuck!!! A bunch of bastards! They actually united to sanction me!!!"

Henry Gilmore stood up, and now he didn't even feel like pinching his butt. He angrily dumped the red wine on the table and began to pace anxiously...

He was a little panicked.

But he didn't panic completely...

Although the sanctions from other manufacturers had a great impact on Niuchang, they had not yet involved the root cause.

Niuchang was a super large factory after all, and it was enough to make money relying on its own ecosystem.

Although it was a big injury, it wouldn't really be over.

But he was very suffocating. He had always been the one who threatened other manufacturers to suppress Chinese companies!

And this time, it was a Chinese Shentu game company that he had never heard of, which suddenly rose with VR technology. With one word, almost all the big companies in the world followed suit!

Unite to sanction him!

If he came to China, he would learn a wise saying: Sir, times have changed (eating shit)! ! !

Just when he couldn't figure out why things had changed so much...

In the stock market, Huaye Finance began to sell off a large number of Niuchang shares.

The hundreds of billions of yuan in sales instantly turned Niuchang's shares into a sea of ​​green, more terrifying than Henry Gilmore's hat!

"Oh my god, Niuchang was just targeted, and the stock market has plummeted like this?!"

"Damn it, run! It will be too late if you don't run!"

Instantly, retail investors and many other financial institutions, like avoiding the plague god, sold off all of Niuchang's shares in their hands! ! !

(First update)

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