Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 593 Which village are you from?

"Ah? Ah! OK!"

Tang Xinru stood up and saluted, then looked at Ye Yang, and it was unknown what she was thinking.

Ye Yang didn't think much about it. After sending Lieutenant General Chang Siwei to the camouflage car, he turned to look at Tang Xinru: "Then you can live in Xinghuang Mansion first, and I will take you to the production company tomorrow to learn more."


Tang Xinru nodded, neatly.

Yu Momo quickly arranged a room for Tang Xinru.

"Miss Tang has come from afar and has worked hard. Why don't you take a rest first."

Ye Yang suggested.

"...This little running around is nothing. I can even survive a 20-kilometer cross-country run with a load! Don't treat me as an ordinary girl."

Tang Xinru raised her head and said proudly.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. It must be said that although Tang Xinru's face was not the level of stunning the world, the temperament that only soldiers have on her body made him bright.

With his current experience, there are very few things that can still make him shine.

"If possible, please let me experience this equipment more... um, the somatosensory suit!"

Tang Xinru said expectantly.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"I need to understand the equipment more carefully, after all, I will be responsible for this aspect in the future."

Tang Xinru said seriously.

"You are really a workaholic."

Ye Yang shook his head with a smile.

"I can't say I'm a workaholic."

Tang Xinru shook her head and saluted Ye Yang: "According to General Chang's arrangement, I have been a soldier under your command for this period of time. Now I have to go to work! Goodbye, leader."

Ye Yang looked at the serious Tang Xinru and was also at a loss. This girl has an interesting personality.

Then, he called Watson to arrange tomorrow's affairs.

Ye Shenhei Technology Company is his deepest trump card, which cannot be known to anyone.

As for the development line of the somatosensory suit, it is naturally arranged to the Shentu Game Company.

Now the technology is basically complete, and it is only a matter of debugging before mass production.

It is possible to consider selling off the previous generation of technology.

Go big and make a profit from the global gaming industry!!!

Now, it is not only domestic companies that are jealous of the VR production in his hands, but also all aspects of the world.

The research institutes in the United States have already bought VR glasses to study.

After such a long time of research, they have not figured out the reason at all.

They have not figured it out at all!

According to the researchers of Ye Shenhei Technology Company, it would be good if the United States can figure it out in another seven or eight years.

Therefore, all parties are eager for the technology of VR glasses.

During this period of time, VR glasses have been sold out, and the sales volume has reached an extremely amazing level.

Wait until this technology is learned by other companies and then developed.

The first wave of player popularization has basically been covered by Shentu Game Company.

The remaining companies are just gathering together to drink some soup.

"Spread the news and say that our VR peripheral technology can be sold."

Ye Yang waved his hand.


Yu Momo was also very excited. She was a business professional and naturally knew how big a game Ye Yang was going to play.

The so-called peripheral technology is sold in a closed package. The company that buys this package can use this encrypted data package to derive its own VR game and upload it to Shentu's VR platform.

The final core technology is still in the hands of Shentu. If you don't pay the patent fee to Shentu, you will have to pay a huge infringement fee!

This move also let those foreign companies taste the taste of paying huge patent fees to Chinese companies.

Soon, this news spread throughout the entire gaming industry.

The entire gaming industry was instantly shocked! ! !

"What?! Shentu is actually going to share patents!?"

"Damn! Are they stupid? They have all the exclusive patents! If I were them, I would hold on to the patents tightly and dominate the gaming industry. Wouldn't it be wonderful?"

"I was just worried that I couldn't research this core technology. Haha, they are actually going to share it. Although they have to pay patent fees, it's worth it! Are these Chinese people crazy? Or stupid?"


For a while, the entire gaming industry, many large companies at home and abroad, were talking about it.

Many bosses were also shocked.

Obviously, they couldn't see through the deep meaning of Ye Yang's move.

They couldn't think of it, Ye Yang's company has now developed the next generation of technology, which is just an outdated old product, and they are still fighting for it like a treasure!

Information gap is sometimes so terrifying.

For a while, game companies all over the world called Shentu's phone.

I don't know how many world-famous super companies rushed to buy patents at high prices.

"Boss, an Australian guy got my phone number somehow and said he wants to talk to you in person."

Yu Momo said.

"Oh? What a big deal, he has to talk to me in person? He can get out if it's less than 1 trillion."

Ye Yang was fishing by his own constant temperature pond, leisurely.

Yu Momo shrugged: "Regarding the patent buyout, he said that we must only provide patents to him, and then he will offer us a sky-high price to make us agree to this condition."

"Oh? He is very brave."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Put it through, I want to see how high this sky-high price that makes me dumbfounded can go..."

"Hey! Is this Mr. Ye from Huaxia?"

The phone was connected, and a strong voice came from over there.


Ye Yang said lightly. Nowadays, Chinese language is also a world language. In addition to learning English from an early age, every country also needs to learn Chinese. The popularity rate is very high. As a foreigner, he can now speak Chinese briefly.

"I am Henry Gilmore, CEO of Australian Cattle Farms."

Henry Gilmore paused for a moment, waiting for Ye Yang to reply, 'Ah, it turns out to be Mr. Henry! I’ve heard it for a long time, and it’s like thunder piercing my ears.”

But after a while, I only got one sentence: "Oh, is something wrong?"

"I xxxx"

He felt uncomfortable in his heart, but Henry still said: "Mr. Ye, I heard that your company has the idea of ​​selling patents recently. I am here to discuss exclusive cooperation with you with great sincerity."

"Oh? I just don't know how sincere this is?"

Ye Yang asked with raised eyebrows.

"Haha, listen up, our company will offer 100 billion Chinese coins to buy out this patent!!!"

Henry Gilmore raised his head with great confidence and said proudly!


Ye Yang had a question mark and wanted to turn off the phone directly. However, after thinking about it, he still replied: "Excuse me, which village are you a poor kid from?"

(Second update)

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