Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 605: Can hot searches be linked?


Soon, thoughtful manufacturers began to contact Shentu Company, wanting to purchase the patent for the somatosensory clothing.

However, soon, they all got a unified reply: I want to eat shit.


Many of the bosses of large factories are usually on the rich list, and they haven't been criticized for using bad language in I don't know how many years.

This Shentu Company is too arrogant! ! ?

They were all very angry.

However, after thinking carefully, they discovered...

They do have this capital.

You have to bear the scolding.

They have absolutely no means to counter others!

On the contrary, if they really want to offend Shentu Company and withdraw all the VR patents, they will really be kicked out of the team in the current turbulent wave of game changes...

No matter how prosperous a big factory they were before.

If you can't keep up with the changing trends of the times, you will have to give up immediately.

This has been proven by countless historical events.

If the overlords of the old era are too arrogant and do not change with the times, they will soon be crushed by the newcomers of the new era until they are submerged in the dust of history...

"This Chinese person has a very bad conscience!"

Yamamoto Shigo, the boss of the matinee, cursed angrily in the office: "I kindly went to buy the patent with him, but he didn't even mention exclusivity, and even offered such a high price. How dare you say a foul word to me directly!!! Except for me!" Dad, no one in America can talk to me like that!”

Yamamoto Shigo was obviously very angry and wanted to throw the cup several times, but he finally held back.

"Phew...damn it!"

After venting for a while, he felt better and breathed a sigh of relief: "However, this matter of physical fitness is not a trivial matter. As a filial son, I have to quickly report this matter to my father in the United States. We know.”

As he said that, he was preparing to draft a report and wait for it to be submitted in a few days.

Just as he was getting ready, his friend Kameda Motoki walked in and said, "Servant Gogo-san, what is it that makes you so angry?"

Seeing his friend arrive, Yamamoto Shigo also told Kameda Motoki what happened.

"Ha, I see you're reporting, brother, so there's no need to be so anxious!"

Kameda Motoki waved his hand with great confidence.

"How do you say this?"

Yamamoto Shigo's eyes lit up.

"I think this body-sensing suit is just a gimmick. The technology is probably incomplete, and the experience of using it is extremely poor. Moreover, the price is definitely not cheap, so I guess it won't make too big a splash. Your report is better to wait until the body-sensing suit comes out. Write it based on its specific sales situation, word-of-mouth situation and influence.”

Kameda Motogui continued.

"Hey, oh, oh, oh! Your suggestion is really great! I'm in a great mood, Yakxi!"

Yamamoto was extremely happy: "Come on, let's go, after you clear up the confusion, I won't worry anymore. Let's go find the flower girl to work!"

"Oh! The flower girl from the hot spring restaurant is here!"

Just like that, the two friends, who worked together in collusion, walked out arm in arm.


The pre-heating of this wave of publicity is obviously extremely high, and it has caused an uproar both at home and abroad.

Many domestic platforms have also posted many predictions about somatosensory clothing.

Many people who claim to be experts also state that they are not optimistic about somatosensory clothing.

After all, VR technology has only appeared not long ago, and the update of somatosensory suits is too close!

In such a short period of time, technology that can leapfrog the next era has been updated! ?

This is simply impossible.

Many experts are categorical, believing that Shentu is just bragging to build momentum for itself. It is estimated that it will release a new game and is advertising itself to deceive the public.

However, many die-hard fans of Shentu Company soon went to these experts’ posts to attack them.

"Ye Shenhao always does what he says. You guys are like beasts. You scream every day and can't do anything. I only see you when you are scolding others."

"That's right, stop being so pushy and do something serious!"

"Shentu Company is different from you. It never brags! Just wait and see!"


Ye Yang didn't pay much attention to the quarrels online.

He has personally experienced the somatosensory clothing, and the effect is there. As soon as an awesome product comes out, it is destined to change the world. This is the truth that no voice or idea can change.

So he is not worried at all. Those sounds will make the somatosensory suit unsaleable...

On the contrary, if there is no quarrel, the heat will seem a bit fake.

"Gulu gulu..."

While drinking century-old wine, Ye Yang held Xiao Qingxuan in one hand and Xiao Xiaozhu in the other. The feeling of being sisters was simply wonderful.

"Master, new good news has come again."

Yu Mo walked in with a smile and reported.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "What good news is it again? I'm tired of hearing good news every day."

Yu Momo covered his mouth and snickered a few times, and then said: "The global box office of "Ye Wen" just now officially exceeded 10 billion!"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, breaking 10 billion!

It has always been the dream of Chinese film companies.

A movie with a box office of tens of billions was still an unattainable dream even a few days ago.

But today, Ye Wen made this dream come true!

"In addition, the game "I Want to Fight Ten" produced by Shentu Company based on the movie "Ye Wen" has also been officially launched. Therefore, the promotion of over 10 billion and the news of the release of the somatosensory suit have produced a linkage effect. Now , the two hot searches promote each other, it’s so hot!”

Yu Mo kept saying.

Ye Yang nodded, this was really a double happiness!

It’s good to have more industries. This industry is a hot search, and that industry is also a hot search. The two most amazing hot searches can be linked. Are you angry?

"I don't know if An Mi is angry to death."

Ye Yang suddenly thought of the clown and couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

But last time "Ye Wen" became the box office champion in China's history, it sent her to the ICU out of anger, and it seems she hasn't come out yet.

It is estimated that by the time she comes out, "Ye Wen" will already be the international film and television box office champion...

However, for such a small role, it is natural to think about it for a moment and then forget about it.

"The most important thing now is the release of the somatosensory suit. After this time, I want Shentu Company to be truly famous throughout the world!"

Ye Yang said with bright eyes...

(Second update)

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