Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 606: Not for a million, not for a hundred thousand...

Today is the first day of pre-sale, which is highly anticipated.

The eyes of countless leading game manufacturers in the world are all focused here.

A countdown appeared on the somatosensory clothing rush purchase event page of the official website of Shentu VR.

"Only one hour left, the press conference is about to begin!"

At this moment, I don't know how many people are waiting at the entrance of the press conference.

"It is said that even Ye Shenhao will appear in person at this press conference!"

"I am really looking forward to it. I bought a ticket just to see Ye Shenhao on the spot."

"Yes, I am so excited when I think of meeting such a young and successful person!"


The press conference venue is set at the Chuncheng Technology Exhibition Center.

Today, the area around the Chuncheng Technology Exhibition Company is already full of people.

The winter in Chuncheng is undoubtedly extremely cold.

But in order to see Ye Yang, these little fans and fans got up early and waited in front of the company building.

Soon, Koenigsegg drove over with a gorgeous tailspin.

"Oh my god! A supercar!"

"What supercar? You don't know, right? This is Koenigsegg!!!"

"I don't really understand, is it that great?"

"Let me put it this way, the most expensive and fastest mass-produced sports car in the world! The king of sports cars! The price is over 100 million!!!"

"Oh my god, over 100 million!!!"

All the girls in the audience took a deep breath.

In the car, Ye Yang got out of the car with his glamorous personal secretary Yu Momo, shining brightly.


The scene boiled up the moment Ye Yang appeared.

Ye Yang has too many identities. Those present include his fans of appearance, his Douyin fans, his movie fans, his martial arts fans, and more game fans attracted by the somatosensory clothing technology.

"Ye Shenhao!"


"Brother Ye Yang!!!"


For a while, there were all kinds of people calling him, and the scene suddenly became lively...

Ye Yang also smiled and waved his hand, and then followed the senior executives of Shentu Company behind him into the room...

Except for the AI ​​transferred from the Research Department of Shentu Company by Ye Shen Black Technology, all the others are real people.

They all have great awe and respect for the young man in front of them.

They personally experienced how Shentu Company transformed from a newly established small company that was born out of Qingzi Studio and had a market value of only tens of billions to a super company worth trillions in just a few months, which dared to be called a hegemony-level company in the world! ! !

The reason why the company's value skyrocketed in a few months was all due to three major opportunities.

Whether it was the first annexation of Yunchang, the second VR platform hit, or the third patent sale.

These three value surges all came from this young man in front of him!

This young man single-handedly created the myth of this trillion-dollar market value! ! !

They all felt that Ye Yang was simply unfathomable and too terrifying...

It was this young man who made them go from being poor people with only hundreds of millions or billions of assets to becoming trillionaires in such a short period of time.

They also believed that this young man had the ability and means to easily deprive them of their assets...

So, they dared not disrespect him!


In the venue.

The audience were all seated.

On the big screen, the countdown to the opening was flashing.

Ye Yang and Yu Momo sat in the best position, commanding the whole audience.

With Ye Yang, the senior executives of Shentu Company also made careful preparations and did not dare to neglect them.

Originally, these senior executives wanted people from the technical department to talk about technical matters, but the technical department was too mysterious and ignored them except for the handover of finished products.

The technical department was directly under Ye Yang himself.

Within Shentu Company, it was extremely transcendent, and even the executive directors who were responsible for the operation of Shentu Company were not qualified to manage it.

So, they had to modify the speech sent by the technical department and speak on their own.

Unexpectedly, this operation attracted unanimous praise from netizens.

A billionaire boss personally came on stage to explain the product and endorse his own product, which is an easy way to gain favor.

"Really good!"

"I'm moved by what you said!"

"Is it really that awesome? Or is it just a PPT!"

"It's so awesome, it must be so expensive, forget it, I guess I can't afford it."


Netizens who watched the live broadcast in the venue and online were discussing it enthusiastically.

Some thought that this press conference was exaggerated and false propaganda, and some thought that the release price would be ridiculously expensive...

Soon, the boss of Shentu on the field changed the subject: "The release conference has also reached the final stage, and the physical sensing service will be officially released soon. I guess what everyone is most concerned about now is, what is the final price of our awesome technology?"

"That's right!"

Everyone was attracted by this sentence.

"Finally, we are talking about the point!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, I can't wait, tell me a number so that I can give up!!!"


Not only the audience, but also the international manufacturers are paying close attention.

The final factor that determines whether the motion sensing suit can open a new era of gaming is the price!

"It must be very high!"

"I estimate it will sell for a million per set, and it will be positioned as high-end."

"That's right..."

A group of manufacturers' bosses prayed in front of the screen.

If the price is too low, then they will have no chance at all. Even if they obtain the patent for VR, they are destined to follow behind Shentu Company in the future.


Just when everyone was paying attention, the boss of Shentu raised his mouth: "Then our chairman, Mr. Ye Yang, will announce the final price!"


"Keep it a secret again!!!"

"I was caught off guard and sprained my waist!"

"Great, great, my husband is going to speak!"


The whole audience was on edge and became lively again.

Ye Yang walked onto the stage with a faint smile and picked up the microphone.

The whole audience immediately applauded.

Ye Yang's personal charm and influence are obviously huge now.

"I saw the predictions about this somatosensory suit on the Internet before."

Ye Yang pointed to the big screen, and various screenshots of messages immediately appeared on the screen: "Some experts predict that the price will exceed one million, and some say it will be at least hundreds of thousands."

The whole audience fell silent, waiting for Ye Yang's next words.

"Who made up this rumor?"

Ye Yang waved his hand: "Today, our somatosensory suit will not be sold for a million! Nor for a hundred thousand!"


The breathing of the whole audience became heavier.

Such a powerful technology is not even sold for a hundred thousand!

"If it is less than a hundred thousand, I can buy one for fun."


All the manufacturers took a breath.

Not even a hundred thousand?

This pressure suddenly made them breathless...

(First update)

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