Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 611 Being with a rich man like me must be very stressful, right?

"Boss, this is an invitation from the National Medical University Hospital."

Yu Momo handed over the invitation with herbal medicine printed on it and a gold seal and vermilion cover.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and took it over.

"Zhang Taixu? Sounds a bit familiar..."

He muttered.

"Well, you are really a noble person who forgets things..."

Yu Momo said repeatedly: "This is when we returned to your hometown and met that pretending Chinese medicine doctor Zhao Xuefeng, who claimed to be Zhang Taixu's apprentice, but it turned out to be just an early servant of that person."

"Oh, I remembered it. He seems to be a Chinese doctor."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

“Not just a Chinese doctor, but also the vice president of a Chinese hospital!!!”

Yu Momo kept saying: "His status is extremely high in the Chinese medical community. Anyone who practices medicine has heard of his name!"


Ye Yang nodded slightly. It seemed that this old man was indeed outstanding.

After he opened the invitation, he read it again.

It probably means that after seeing his miraculous medical skills, he really wanted to ask for advice. Invite yourself to the Chinese Medicine Clinic to exchange medical skills, and also apologize to yourself for what happened to Zhao Xuefeng.

His words were extremely humble and respectful.

If you don't know the identity of the two people, you will think that the person writing the letter is a junior, and ask the senior to ask questions.

"This one is too weak, but very humble."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and said, "You deserve to be called Zhang Taixu."

"Masters are always extremely humble."

Yu Momo also added with a smile.

"Well, at the end of this invitation, it also says that if you can show your favor, I will also give you a big gift. I think the other party's courtesy is very appropriate..."

When Yu Momo said this, he secretly glanced at Ye Yang's face and then said: "I would suggest that we go and have a look."


Ye Yang nodded slightly: "It just so happens that the physical education teacher is currently undergoing treatment in Liren, so I will also visit the teacher on the way."

Mo Zhengzheng, this silly apprentice, always sends him WeChat messages urging him to go to the capital again. Taken together, it is indeed necessary for him to go to the capital.

"Then get ready, we'll set off tomorrow."

Ye Yang agreed.


Yu Momo turned around and took a few maids to prepare.

Ye Yang, on the other hand, continued to cook at the small red clay stove, accompanying the beautiful maid, drinking and talking.

When love reaches the depths, there is no lack of energy and passion to explore those wonderful depths.

After a night of fun.

Ye Yang also set foot on the F1000 with the girls.

Captains Gu Dandan and Yuan Yuanyuan came together to give Ye Yang a comprehensive and in-depth lubrication care on the plane.

Therefore, when Ye Yang got off the plane, he felt refreshed and calm.

Winter in the capital is relatively warmer than in the Northeast, but it has an indescribable sense of chill.


As soon as she got off the plane, Mo Zhengzheng jumped over. Knowing the news that Ye Yang was coming, the little girl was so happy that she didn't fall asleep all night.

We arrived at the airport early to wait for our flight.

"Okay, you're such a young girl, come down first."

Ye Yang couldn't help but patted Mo Zhengzheng's forehead.

"Hmph, Master, you are so irresponsible. You taught me two lessons and then disappeared and ran away, woohoo!"

Mo Zhengzheng pouted: "You have to teach me more this time before I let you go!"

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you."

Ye Yang burst out laughing.

Yu Momo and the Xiao sisters were accompanying them, and they couldn't help laughing.

There were still two days before the invitation date, so Ye Yang was not in a hurry to go to the Tai Hospital.

We first arrived at Prince Gong’s Mansion and put down our luggage.

The chief butler Zhu Zhuzhu was as mature and dignified as ever, and quickly arranged everything.

Yu Mo pouted, but she was relieved when she thought that this was someone else's territory.

After all, Ye Yang's temperament doesn't like girls who are too scheming and deliberately compete for favor.

"I'm going to see my high school teacher in a while. Please help me prepare some gifts."

Ye Yang looked at Zhu Zhuzhu who was carefully helping him change his clothes and said with a smile.

"Okay, sir~"

Zhu Zhuzhu is a very stunning beauty in ancient costume, and her voice is also very soft and pleasant.

After a simple Man-Han banquet.

Zhu Zhuzhu also bought gifts and came back.

"Boss, this is agate fruit. If you are visiting patients, it is definitely a good choice to take this."

Zhu Zhuzhu said with a smile.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, but he didn't ask so many questions and just took it.

"You picked the fruit. Come with me."


Zhu Zhuzhu nodded delicately.

According to the teacher, it would not be good to bring too many girls.

Ye Yang only picked four: Yu Momo, Xiao Qingxuan, Xiao Xiaozhu and Zhu Zhuzhu.

The other girls who were accompanying them were allowed to settle in Prince Gong's Mansion first.

Beijing, Liren Hospital.

Ye Yang just came to see the teacher this time, so he didn't make any noise. He picked up the fruit basket, asked the front desk, and prepared to walk to the teacher's ward.

Because it was Ye Yang's arrangement, the physical education teacher was also placed in the high-end ward.

Liren's high-end wards are all two-bed rooms.

Senior Ward 606.

Physical education teacher Zhao Dexian was lying on the bed, with his wife accompanying him beside him.

On the bed next to him, there was a young man lying on the bed. Next to the young man, stood a lady, picking lychees for him to eat.

The noble lady looked at Zhao Dexian next to her with displeasure from time to time. As a snob, she really didn't like the old commoner in the bed next to her.

"I really don't know how a poor man like this, whose total clothes cost less than 500 yuan, managed to sneak into the high-end ward of Liren Hospital! Our family is a wealthy family, and we are finally qualified to be admitted to the high-end ward!"

"I've made inquiries, and he's just an ordinary teacher. He's not even from the capital, he's just a teacher from an ordinary city!"

The more she thought about it, the more excited she became.

Some middle-aged women have such inexplicable jealousy.

You didn't offend her either. She always found trouble for you out of nowhere and felt that you were targeting her.

I don’t know where the sense of superiority comes from.

"I heard that there was a student you taught in high school who did well, haha, but if you think about it carefully, he was just a student, and he probably didn't have many friends. And it's been several days since the surgery, and the student didn't even Come to see you, tsk tsk~ It’s a bit sad to think about it! It must be very stressful to live with a wealthy family like ours!”

While the noble lady was plucking the lychees, she began to show her strange yin and yang in disguise.

(Second update)

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