Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 612: Director Zhang is here to check on the ward?


Physical education teacher Zhao Dexian was an honest man. He just glanced at the shrew and stopped looking at her.

However, Zhao Dexian’s wife was not a vegetarian. She snorted: “I don’t know whose son, even though he had an appendicitis operation, he made his mother eat lychees and stayed in the hospital for more than ten days. He really treated the hospital as his own home.” Ah! Tsk, this kind of delicate child will fall down if the wind blows in the future~"

"Haha, my children don't have to go out to work all their lives, and they can live a life without worrying about food and clothing. Unlike some people, they have to let their children go to work!"


Zhao Dexian's wife wanted to say something else, but Zhao Dexian held her down.

"What are you doing!"

Zhao Dexian's wife curled her lips very unhappy.

"After all, we were arranged by Xiaoyang to find connections. Don't cause trouble. This woman's family is obviously powerful. If the quarrel makes the matter bigger, can you settle the matter? Then we may have to deal with it. Xiaoyang is involved... We can't cause any more trouble to others..."

Zhao Dexian sighed, and seeing his wife nodding in agreement even though she was reluctant, he gritted his teeth and turned his head.

An ordinary middle-aged man is so helpless sometimes...

He has been cautious and ingratiating all his life, careful in his conduct, and always giving in when things happen. On face, everyone says he is a good old man, but behind his back everyone calls him a coward.

Why didn't he want to turn around and angrily yell at the other person to stop pushing him?

Why doesn't he want to be a real man?

When I am feeling depressed and melancholy.

The door suddenly opened.

A young face walked in with a cheerful smile.

Zhao Dexian recognized this outstanding student at a glance.

Ye Yang is the sports committee member of the class and has a good relationship with Zhao Dexian.

Handsome, good at sports, and good at studying.

It is more difficult for such students to forget.

"Teacher, I'm here to see you."

Ye Yang handed the fruit in his hand to the teacher's wife.

When the lady on the bed next to her saw Ye Yang come in, she immediately opened her mouth. Although she knew that Zhao Dexian was arranged by one of his students, if she was talking about this student, she seemed a bit too young, right?

At such a young age, does it matter that an ordinary teacher is assigned to the high-end ward of Liren Hospital?

Although she is snobbish, there is another characteristic of snobbish people, which is to watch others order their dishes. Now that she can't figure out Ye Yang's details, she chooses to observe silently from the side.

If you find that Ye Yang is not worthy of his name and is just a lucky poor guy, then go up and ridicule him.

If you find that Ye Yang and his husband have similar identities, they will compete with each other to see if they are better than the other.

If you find out that Ye Yang is a super boss or a rich man, go up and flatter him, kneel down and lick him.

With this thought in mind, she changed her sarcastic expression and began to peel lychees silently.

"Teacher, this fruit contains a lot of nutrients and is good for recovery. Eat more."

Ye Yang smiled.

"Okay, okay, I really caused trouble for you, ugh..."

Zhao Dexian also scratched his head in embarrassment. Although he had taught many good students in his life, this was the first time he had received such great feedback.

"Teacher, are you used to living in this ward?"

Ye Yang looked around.

As Liren's high-end ward, it is fully equipped and very gorgeous.

However, in the eyes of Ye Yang, who was used to seeing Prince Gong's Mansion, Yunding Manor and Star Emperor's Mansion, it was a bit different.

"I'm used to living here! I've never lived in such a nice ward... ah no, I should say it's a house."

Zhao Dexian sighed with emotion.

"Haha, it's good to live comfortably."

Ye Yang and Zhao Dexian chatted for a while and recalled interesting things in high school.

"Xiaoyang, you are doing well now!"

Zhao Dexian and Ye Yang chatted very happily, and they felt relaxed.

"Ha ha……"

Ye Yang waved his hand: "Actually, it's just the same, collecting rent, looking at financial reports and so on."

Yu Momo on the side rolled his eyes, the boss would really put gold on his face!

It was obviously Fang Sijin's job to collect rent.

It was her job to read the financial report!

The boss obviously just stays at home playing games and occasionally travels to pick up girls!

"It turned out to be a charterer..."

The rich woman next to her was thinking in her mind. As a charterer, there is nothing worthy of respect.

Having money does not necessarily mean you have the right to have advantages.

Thinking this way, she felt a little calmer.

After chatting for a while, Ye Yang left with the girls.

The rich woman hadn't figured out Ye Yang's background yet, so she didn't compare with him. She was very angry and sneered: "You are really a good student."

"That's not the case!"

Zhao Dexian's wife chuckled: "At the same age, someone's son has a minor illness, has no achievements, and is waited on like a vegetable. Someone's student is already a successful person, high-spirited! This person and person are like It can’t be compared!”

"Haha, so what!"

The lady picked up the lychees and sneered: "No matter how successful I am, I will just bring you a bunch of broken grapes. It seems that my relationship with you is not that good!"


Zhao Dexian's wife was about to say something.

The director in charge of this department walked in.

Because of Ye Yang's relationship, Zhao Dexian was responsible for the reception and the director performed the surgery on Zhao Dexian.

This is Zhang Lijian, director of the Department of Orthopedics of Liren Hospital!

He has a very high status, and I don’t know how many dignitaries want to have a relationship with him.

Even this lady's husband has no access to such a person.

As soon as she saw Zhang Lijian, the lady's snobbishness broke out, and she said enthusiastically: "Isn't this Director Zhang! Why are you suddenly free to come to the ward to see a doctor?"


Zhang Lijian nodded slightly, but did not pay much attention to the lady, and looked directly at Zhao Dexian: "I just heard the nurse accompanying the bed say that the hospital... ah no, Mr. Ye has been here?"

"You mean Ye Yang, right? Yes, he has already been here, but I was afraid of taking him too much time, so I asked him to leave first."

Zhao Dexian said repeatedly.

"oh oh……"

Zhang Lijian's eyes flashed with disappointment and he sighed.

"Come on, Director Zhang, what do you have to talk to these old haters! This is the royal lychee we airlifted from Singapore. You can take some back and try it. It's hard to get! It's more than three thousand yuan per pound!"

The lady was just thinking about licking Director Zhang, and didn't pay attention to what Director Zhang just said. She just prepared the lychee and handed it over.

"The hospital's policy is that you cannot take the patient's belongings."

Zhang Lijian waved his hand. The main reason was that this thing was too common for him to look down on. It was not worth breaking the hospital's rules just for this kind of thing...

(First update)

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