Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 613 Could it be that my student is related to your dean?

"Ah, this!"

The lady was embarrassed for a moment, but then she smiled, and her smile was full of the color of a dog.

After all, she was a snob. She would say "It smells good" to people who were stronger than her, even if they shit on her neck.

But when she met someone weaker than her, even if they stayed away from her, she would go up to them and be sarcastic to find a sense of superiority.


Just when Zhao Dexian's wife was about to hand over the fruit to express her gratitude, her hand stopped instantly.

She didn't even eat the top-grade lychees that cost more than 3,000 yuan per pound shipped from Singapore, let alone the fruits in her hands.

However, Zhao Dexian was entrusted by Ye Yang to take good care of him, so Director Zhang naturally paid more attention to him.

Seeing Zhao Dexian's wife's actions at this time, he immediately paid attention.

Even though she didn't say it, he still took a closer look.

In an instant, his face changed drastically!

"Hiss... this, this, this!? Agate fruit!?"

Zhang Lijian looked at it carefully in disbelief.

The noble lady at the side looked at Zhao Dexian's wife's action and sneered: "Some rural old-fashioned people really have no shame. Who is the director? He doesn't even look down on lychees that cost three thousand yuan a pound, and he still looks down on the green hands sent by your rural relatives?"

"Shut up!!!"

Zhang Lijian shouted angrily when he heard it.

The noble lady was stunned and her mind went blank...

In her worldview, this should not happen at all...

A super awesome and high-ranking director would actually confront a noble lady like her for two ordinary people? !

It's outrageous, isn't it! ?

"What do you know! Don't talk if you don't have knowledge!"

"That's right! Looking at your face that despises the poor and loves the rich, it's really annoying!"

"How can you be like this! You don't really think you are a big shot, do you? In the eyes of the director, there is no difference between you and an ordinary person!"

The doctors who followed him were very discerning. Seeing that the director was angry, they also attacked him and confronted the noble lady.

"You, you guys!"

The lady was so angry that her hair and beard stood up. She was mad and didn't know how to respond. She just wanted to call her husband to complain.

"Hiss... It's really agate fruit."

Zhang Lijian sighed: "This must be what Mr. Ye brought to you when he came just now?"

"Are you talking about these fruits similar to red grapes? Yes."

Zhao Dexian's wife obviously felt that Zhang Lijian's tone seemed a little wrong, and said repeatedly.

Some of these fruits on the bedside were sent by his relatives in his hometown, and some were sent by other students.

I think only Ye Yang sent the fruit that they had never seen before, which might make Director Zhang feel a little unusual...

"Alas... Mr. Ye, you are really a man who values ​​friendship and loyalty!"

Zhao Dexian shook his head and sighed.

"Isn't this just a plate of red grapes? A few dozen yuan a pound of rotten street goods, how can you be considered loyal and righteous!"

The lady was very indignant and very dissatisfied in her heart.

Why do you look down on my Singapore Royal Air Transport Lychees worth 3,000 yuan, and you look at these grapes worth tens of yuan as if they were treasures? !

What's wrong with this world! ?

Am I crazy! ?

She was a little skeptical about life.

Director Zhang glanced at the lady coldly.

"Hey, what's wrong with you! Can ordinary grapes surprise Director Zhang?! Is your brain not enough?"

"That's right... This woman is really a little too eager to show that she is rich? Little does she know that her capital is just air to Director Zhang. With Director Zhang's status, he doesn't even look down on it!"


Several doctors shook their heads and mocked, mocking on the surface, but actually flattering Director Zhang.

A little bit of workplace thinking, playing very well.

"Director Zhang, what do you mean by this?!"

Zhao Dexian and his wife were obviously scared.

They also thought it was just ordinary fine fruit.

After all, Ye Yang had arranged everything for them, and it was a bit too greedy to expect him to send expensive gifts to see them.

So, they didn't ask about the fruit just now, but they heard Ye Yang say that the fruit was very nutritious and should be the most expensive premium grape on the market.

But according to Director Zhang's expression now, it was obvious that things were not that simple.

Zhang Lijian shook his head: "It's no wonder you haven't seen it. Even for me, I only came into contact with this thing by chance. Even many wealthy people can't even see this kind of fruit in their entire lives."


After hearing what Director Zhang said, even the doctors and nurses behind him were attracted and pricked up their ears, and came over again and again, wanting to hear what this fruit was that could make Director Zhang describe it like this!

"This fruit is called red agate. It is only grown in the most extreme climates with the largest temperature differences in the world. It has extremely strict requirements for conditions. The survival rate is low, and its production is extremely small!"

"Let's put it this way. In the entire world, it can only be eaten this month. It must be eaten as soon as possible after being picked. No preservation method can prevent it from spoiling. It cannot be preserved at all! In a year, the entire world only produces about 100 kilograms of red agate."

Director Zhang shook his head: "And these 100 kilograms of red agate are in the hands of the royal families or chiefs of those countries. The price of selling to foreign countries is extremely expensive. Even if it is purchased first-hand, not only does it require qualification certification, but it also requires a sky-high price of 300,000 US dollars per kilogram!!!"

"One kilogram is close to 2 million Chinese yuan!?!"

Everyone present was stunned.

"Not only the price, it has extremely powerful medicinal effects in many ancient foreign medical books, so it was once called a holy fruit in those foreign countries that produced red agate."

"The taste is also extremely good, and there is no fruit that can be compared to it. Only by tasting it can you know what it tastes like."

Zhang Lijian shook his head: "20 years ago, I went on a business trip with the old dean to consult with foreign royal families, and I had the opportunity to taste one. That taste is still unforgettable!"


When Zhang Lijian finished speaking, everyone present was completely stunned, and there was no word to express their shock!

This fruit is too awesome!

"There must be about one kilogram of agate fruit here, right? Mr. Zhao, you really taught an amazing student!"

Zhang Lijian shook his head and sighed: "I have to say, the dean is really loyal."

"Wait, wait..."

Zhao Dexian and his wife felt that their brains were almost spinning: "You just said... the dean? This student of mine, is he related to... the dean?!"

(Second update, I'm going out for a party in the evening, so today's update is posted in advance.

Finally, I wish all the juniors and seniors who are taking the college entrance examination can get into their favorite schools~)

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