Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 615 If you become my disciple, I will give you membership


Mo Zhengzheng also waved to her, and then introduced to Ye Yang: "This is my good friend Lan Qingran in the association. Ran Ran is a master of flute!"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"You must be the master that Mo Zhengzheng always talks about! Nice to meet you."

Lan Qingran generously stretched out her hand to shake Ye Yang's hand.

It can be seen that Mo Zhengzheng is very popular in the circle of young rich women, and she can meet good sisters wherever she goes.

This kind of character is a little confused and has a simple rich girl character, which is very popular in this circle.

"Hey! You haven't seen my master, have you? How come you recognized him right away!"

Mo Zhengzheng scratched her head and asked confusedly.

"Didn't you say that your master is too handsome? This guy is so young and handsome, I guess he must be the master you are talking about."

Lan Qingran smiled.

"What a good eye!"

Mo Zhengzheng gave Lan Qingran a thumbs up: "You are indeed my good sister! We have a tacit understanding!"

"Okay, the president is already here. There will be a performance later. Let's go and see it first."

Lan Qingran said with a smile.

"Yes, master, follow me."

Mo Zhengzheng pulled Ye Yang and walked towards the venue...

As expected of a traditional musical instrument association, there are so many girls, and they are all girls with good temperament and appearance.

Along the way, Ye Yang was treated to a feast for his eyes, feeling like a spring breeze and very comfortable.

Soon, I saw a group of people who were obviously dressed differently from the others gathering together.

One of them is about twenty-eight or nineteen years old. Although he is handsome, his eyes are very dark. Maybe some women will think that this kind of person is darkly handsome, but men will know it with just one glance. If you can feel this kind of temperament from 800 meters away, it is definitely not a good thing.

The young man came up with a smile on his face, but when he saw Ye Yang next to Mo Zhengzheng, his thin thin lips pursed, and he was obviously unhappy: "Who is this member? It seems , a little unfamiliar!”

As soon as he spoke, the people next to him also looked over.

They all looked at Ye Yang with some curiosity.

"These are our president and vice presidents."

After Mo Zhengzheng finished introducing Ye Yang, she said to the president and vice presidents: "This is my master, his name is Ye Yang!"


The eyes of the female vice-presidents all lit up and they nodded kindly towards Ye Yang.

The Chinese Traditional Musical Instruments Association is a formal official association, and the president and vice-presidents are all very old.

This shadowy young man, Shen Qingshu, is the youngest among them, so it is obvious.

"It turns out that you are the master that Zheng Zheng has always talked about. She described you as so handsome, but you seem to be just average."

Shen Qingshu also shook hands with Ye Yang lightly, and he was full of jealousy as soon as he opened his mouth.

"This is Vice President Shen Qingshu. He is the son of our President Shen Tule."

Mo Zhengzheng introduced without any scruples.

"Oh, it turns out to be a related household."

Ye Yang's first impression of Shen Qingshu was not very good, he said bluntly.


The scene was awkward for a while.

The other vice presidents shook their heads in confusion.

Mo Zhengzheng's family background is considered to be extremely high in the entire association.

Although he is just an ordinary member in the association, he has hundreds of billions in his family, so who dares to offend him?

I don’t know how many people admire her.

The most obvious one is Shen Qingshu.

All kinds of courtesy for nothing.

Ever since he heard the name Ye Yang in Mo Zhengzheng's mouth every day, he felt itching with hatred.

who is he!

He is a super talented man!

He thought that even if Bo Ya and Zhong Ziqi were alive, he would still be inferior to him.

As the second generation president of the association, he has been praised for his literary and artistic skills since childhood, and no one dares to say anything bad about him.

This kind of growth experience made him arrogant and devoid of any awe.

No matter what you do, you always feel that others owe you something.

It's natural for me to feel that I have fallen in love with Mo Zhengzheng, and this girl is my own. Why do I keep mentioning that bullshit master? !


Is he handsome?

Play the guzheng?

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to play as talented as him from a family of traditional musical instruments! ?

"I finally met you. I must let you know what the gap is, make you feel ashamed, and make you give up the competition on your own initiative!"

Shen Qingshu said fiercely in his heart: "You are not qualified to fight with me, Shen Qingshu!"

Such an arrogant and arrogant man naturally has nothing to show for himself. Whatever he thinks in his heart is directly exposed on his face.

Ye Yang just took one look and saw everything in his heart.

Since becoming a Shenhao, he has met so many different people along the way. Basically, he can easily make an inseparable judgment on what everyone thinks.

If he was sensible and didn't provoke him today, he wouldn't bother to kill this kind of bug.

But if he doesn't have a good eye and insists on doing some fancy things, he doesn't mind teaching the other party a profound lesson.

"what you do!?"

Mo Zhengzheng also sensed that Shen Qingshu's expression was a little unkind and protected Ye Yang.


Seeing this scene, Shen Qingshu was even more jealous and said directly: "Mr. Ye! This is the salon of our traditional musical instrument association! You are not even a member, and you are not qualified to come in. However, considering that you are Zheng Zheng's master...

I will not make it difficult for you. If you worship me as your master on the spot, I will reluctantly record you as a member, so that you are eligible to continue to participate in this salon, how about it?"

"Hey! Shen Qingshu, don't you know what skills you have? I don't even want to accept you as my apprentice, and you want to be my master's master!?"

Mo Zhengzheng was directly angry.

"There is no way, we have to follow the rules."

Shen Qingshu spread his hands: "If he doesn't worship me as his master, then I have to find someone to ask him out!"

The other female vice presidents wanted to help speak.

But they were glared back by Shen Qingshu.

Fearing that the other party's father was the president, these vice presidents thought about it and finally did not stand up.

The conflict here soon attracted many people to come over.

"What's going on?"

"What happened?"

"Who is this handsome guy? He's so handsome!"


"Mo Zhengzheng's master? Is he the handsome, rich, and versatile perfect man that Mo Zhengzheng mentioned? He's really handsome!"

"Why is he arguing with Shen Qingshu?"

"It's obvious that Shen Qingshu is jealous of her and is making things difficult for her! Haha, he's usually the second generation of the president, with an arrogant look that looks down on everyone. I don't even bother to pay attention to him. He thinks he's so romantic."

"Alas, I don't know how this guy will solve this problem..."

(Second update)

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