Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 616 Bring all the instruments up


The members of these traditional musical instrument associations watched nervously.

"Hey! Don't go too far. This is a salon to begin with, and my master's skills are more suitable for this position than yours. Not to mention being a member, I think he is more than enough as the president."

Mo Zhengzheng retorted: "Originally, the traditional musical instrument association is not decided by you. You are just a junior vice-president. There are formal procedures for joining the association, and more than three vice-presidents must express their opinions. You are not qualified to chase people away!”

Most of the other vice presidents don't want to cause trouble.

However, a few female vice-presidents who obviously had very superior status also stood up: "What Zheng Zheng said is not wrong."

"Be careful what you say!"

Shen Qingshu gritted his teeth and shouted.

"Be careful what you say. Others are afraid of your father. He still has to respect us. You, a mere junior, don't really think that you are on equal footing with us."

The female vice-presidents frowned and lectured unceremoniously.


Shen Qingshu chuckled: "That is to say, I am bullying my father while he is still talking about important things inside. You guys are taking advantage of this time to suppress me. According to the rules, I do not have the power to speak out. However, in this association, you also have the power to speak out. There is no right to say anything!”


Several vice-presidents were noncommittal about this. They stood up because they couldn't stand Shen Qingshu's domineering and jealousy, and they were just trying to sell Mo Zhengzheng a favor.

It’s not that he wants to defend Ye Yang to death.

"Since all the vice-presidents are here, let's follow the rules and let this kid show himself. If his talent passes the test and is recognized by more than half of the vice-presidents present, then he can become a member according to the rules, how about that?!"

Shen Qingshu sneered. Most of these guys here were afraid of his father. If he had to force them to express their stance, he could guarantee that the outcome would be in his favor.

"Aren't you playing with the rules? Originally, all it took was two of any three vice-presidents to agree!"

Mo Zhengzheng gritted his teeth and said.

"Haha, my father and I didn't decide the rules together! I've decided today that he will never enter this place!"

Shen Qingshu sneered.


Mo Zhengzheng was so angry that her chest heaved up and down, and she was obviously very angry.

Ye Yang looked at Shen Qingshu for a moment, and sneered in his heart. Such a self-righteous guy defeated them in the place where they were most proud, but it made them more uncomfortable and collapsed than killing them.

He never minded giving the greatest psychological blow to those who did not know whether to live or die.

"You think I can't enter tonight?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.


Seeing Ye Yang's mysterious smile, Shen Qingshu felt his heart tremble and suddenly panicked, but after thinking that the president was his father, he instantly became hardened again.

"That's right. If I said you can't come in, then you just can't come in tonight! If you can come in, then I...hehe..."

Shen Qingshu sneered and waved his hands, as if discussing this matter was funny.

"Tsk, what do you do?"

Ye Yang asked with raised eyebrows.

"Then I will resign as vice president on the spot!"

Shen Qingshu shouted angrily.

"Your bet is too small, so try a bigger bet."

Ye Yang shook his head: "If you lose, how about you and your father get out of this association together?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?!"

Shen Qingshu seemed to have heard some ridiculous joke.

"Even if I promise you, why do you think you can fulfill my promise?"

"You don't have to worry about this."

Ye Yang raised an unpredictable smile on his lips: "First, let's talk about your formal process for recruiting members."

Several mature female vice-presidents who helped Ye Yang speak also looked at him with great admiration.

This young man's courage is very rare!

If you are truly talented.

This young man is so dazzling that it’s hard not to be moved! ! !

"Mo Zhengzheng's master is really handsome!"

"Not only is he handsome, but his personality is also so cool!"

"I've been hoping to see someone criticize this self-righteous idiot Shen Qingshu for a long time!"

"But... the father and son really dominate our association. I really don't think there is any chance that Master Mo Zhengzheng will come in."

"Even if he is really strong in other aspects, it has nothing to do with our association. If you want to join our association, you can't get around these two idiots and their son."

"...Well, indeed."

The girls' eyes were bright, and some of the male members who had long been unhappy with Shen Qingshu were worried about Ye Yang.

"Just blow it! The higher you blow it, the uglier your face will be."

"That's right, how can Shen Qingshu be defeated so easily... Even if he uses some means to get in, can he really make Shen Qingshu fulfill the promise he made? If he can't complete this bet, he will still lose face. What! At best, both sides will suffer losses, how can it be better?”

"Although that Shentu Le cheated me out of more than 100,000 yuan in membership fees when I joined the club, he does have some skills, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to sit on the throne of the president with such rubbish skills..."

There are also many wretched and cowardly men who admire Mo Zhengzheng but dare not pursue her because of Shen Qingshu. They are frustrated and resentful of this man who dared to challenge the authority of Shen Qingshu and his son and won applause.

This kind of trash who dares not to swing a knife at a stronger person, but only dares to swing a fist at a weaker person, is worse than the evil scum like Shen Tu Le and his son.

"Haha, you are so funny! Okay, I want to see how you can achieve it!"

Shen Qingshu hugged his chest.

"According to the normal process, you need to set up a show stage in the association, demonstrate the instrument you have learned on the show stage, and judge according to your level. Normally, you need to have at least a high-level certification certificate for a certain instrument, but if you have a member guarantee, you can directly display it."

Several mature female vice presidents introduced Ye Yang carefully.

"I know."

Ye Yang nodded slightly.

"Then, which instrument do you want to choose to play? Our association has corresponding high-level musical instruments in reserve."

Several vice presidents asked expectantly: "I heard from Zheng Zheng that your guzheng level is the best in the past and present, why not perform guzheng?"

"No, bring up all the instruments you have."

Ye Yang waved his hand directly.


Everyone opened their mouths wide when they heard this, and felt that their brains were a little confused.

"Did I hear it wrong?"

"He said... all instruments!?"

"Hiss... this!"

"Could it be that he thinks that he has reached the level of joining the club for every instrument?! How is this possible!?"

(First update)

Each chapter is 2,000 words according to the standard word count method, and occasionally a few hundred words will be added as a bonus. There is no situation where a chapter is short in word count.

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