Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 617: Finally found something wrong

"Bring up all the instruments!"

After confirming what Ye Yang said just now, everyone in the audience was dumbfounded.

This is the Chinese national-level traditional musical instrument association!

The requirements are extremely high.

Even Shen Qingshu, who is considered to have a mismatch between skills and position, can easily crush most people outside the association.

He is a novice, but he is only a novice among the top few.

People with better talents have practiced a certain instrument for more than ten years before they have the ability and qualifications to enter the association in terms of this instrument.

But looking at Ye Yang's tone, it is obvious that he has practiced all the instruments!

And each one seems to have the confidence to enter the association!

This is a bit too outrageous, too beyond their imagination, too contemptuous, right! ?

These members all frowned. After all, they practiced hard for a long time before they practiced a certain instrument to the top level.

If Ye Yang meant that all instruments were practiced to the extreme, then, it would be too humiliating, right? !

Their efforts are worthless? !

However, since the contestants asked for it, the vice presidents naturally had no intention of refusing and directly ordered the logistics to bring up some musical instruments.

There were all kinds of instruments, including guzheng, erhu, suona, guqin, xiao, pipa, flute, Hulusi, and even extremely rare instruments such as Xun, Se, and Konghou.

There were as many as thirty or forty kinds of musical instruments! ! !

"You don't really want to show them all?"

"I have to say, it's a bit crazy!"


The vice presidents also shook their heads. It's not easy to master a musical instrument to the master level, let alone so many.

In the words of the industry, it's like biting off more than you can chew.

Wanting to learn everything, but ending up with nothing but apprenticeship level.

Therefore, the vice presidents who had just raised some expectations shook their heads and felt that there was not much hope.

Now it's not an ordinary competition. As long as you pass it, it's fine. Now Shen Qingshu is doing his best to embarrass Ye Yang!

If he played any of these instruments unsatisfactorily, he would be criticized!

Just when everyone was talking about it.

An ethereal string sound made everyone shut up.

Just this opening move, insiders can hear the extremely strong skills!

As Ye Yang played, Shen Qingshu, who originally had a mocking smile on his face, gradually lost the smile on his face...

Even he was like this, not to mention the other vice presidents.

"This... am I dreaming!"

"This song should only exist in heaven, how many times can it be heard in the world!?"


These vice presidents who are proficient in music theory all looked at a cheongsam woman in front of them.

This vice president is specialized in Guqin!

Her Guqin realm is enough to rank among the top three in China!

But at this moment, this person who stood at the top of Chinese guqin skills was stunned in place, shaking his head: "Impossible, simply... impossible!"

She couldn't help but react to the music played by Ye Yang in her mind and even her whole body, the kind of wonderful feeling of being in the scene, creating a scene with sound.

It's really... too shocking!

"He has surpassed the mundane realm and transcended all of us. Just listening to this song, I can confirm this."

"There is only one person in China who can understand musical instruments to this level in my life!"


All the vice presidents looked at each other, obviously, they all thought of the same person!

China's recognized first master of musical instruments, the master of traditional musical instruments, the master of the music world, the king of musical instruments-Mr. Fang Jinrong! ! !

"He is actually a master-level existence standing at the same level as Mr. Fang Jinrong!?"

"This is impossible!"

No one can convince themselves, but the feeling of creating a scene with sound is so unquestionable!

No doubt!

Before the realm of creating a scene with sound, no matter how great a master is, he can only let others appreciate his realm.

Once the audience does not want to listen, no matter how beautiful the talk is, it is useless.

It is like playing the lute to a cow.

However, the realm of creating a scene with sound almost materializes the atmosphere created by music. Your body passively feels this realm, and you cannot escape it even if you want to!

In this realm, the understanding of musical instruments has reached a height that ordinary humans cannot reach.

Everyone was shocked.

"Standing at this height, no matter what instrument you play, it actually makes no difference..."

The realm is high enough, and everything else is self-taught.

Just like kung fu has reached the realm of perfection, after having a deep understanding of kung fu, practicing other martial arts will be a thousand miles a day.

For example, Master Fang Jinrong is said to be able to play three or four hundred musical instruments!

This is still an incomplete statistics.


After that, Ye Yang also changed instruments casually. Every time he got an instrument, he enjoyed a seamless and perfect enjoyment.

From Qin to Se, from Erhu to Xun.

There were all kinds of music, all played!

Everyone was immersed in this unprecedented musical feast...

After all, those who could stand here were talented people with a high degree of musical perception.

Hearing this kind of musical feast, one could not help but fall into that state.

Intoxicated by it...

Until the last suona appeared, all birds paid homage to the phoenix.

Everyone couldn't help but tremble with excitement!

"This sound... it hits the soul directly!!!"

"Oh my god..."

"Too strong!!!"

"I seem to see a golden phoenix, reborn from the ashes, and thousands of birds are bowing to it!"

It was a long time after the performance.

Everyone was still immersed in the perfect artistic conception, unable to extricate themselves.

"Such a high realm, we all look up to it!!!"

The vice presidents who were originally afraid of the president's power and wavered were now convinced and bowed to him!!!

Such a god-like figure, if he can't enter this association.

Then this association doesn't exist!!!

Under the stage, those ancient style girls all looked at Ye Yang with starry eyes.

This is more than just strength!

This is simply an unattainable existence!

"This... this is too strong, right? I don't even know what level he is at. I just think he is too high. No matter how much I look up, I can only see the tip of the mountain!!!"

"Zheng Zheng really didn't lie. Let alone being a member, being the president is a disgrace!"

"I advise the president to be sensible and give up the position of the president!"

"That's right!"

All the members looked at Shen Qingshu, who had just shouted that he had won Ye Yang, with interest.

At this time, Shen Qingshu's face was pale, and he seemed to have finally realized that something was wrong...

(Second update)


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