Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 618: Could this be a conspiracy that was planned long ago?

"How is it!? Shen Qingshu, are you a little awakened?"

Mo Zhengzheng asked with raised eyebrows.

"At this level, if you tell lies with open eyes, you should also use some basic logic!"

"That's right! This level is too high! You have to be reasonable after all, right!?"


All the members are connected.

"I think this matter has nothing to do with him. Let's just vote on it."

The beautiful vice president suggested with a smile.

"I think so too."

"That's right..."

Several other female vice-presidents also nodded, expressing their desire to recommend Ye Yang as vice-president.

Several others who were conquered by Ye Yang's realm also agreed.

Only Shen Qingshu and two timid ones voted down with him.

The end result is of course obvious.

Shen Qingshu's face turned blue and white. Now, he had his own face smashed! ! !


He really didn't expect that Ye Yang would reach such a high level!

Just when he was riding a tiger and was unable to get off.

A confident voice came over.

"Oh, what's going on? It's so noisy here!"

Everyone looked over.

Everyone was stunned when they saw it. The person who came was none other than Shen Tule, the president of the Official Traditional Musical Instrument Association!

"Why did this old guy run out now?!"

Several vice-presidents felt something was not good in their hearts.

When Shen Qingshu saw this scene, his eyes lit up and he was very happy: "Dad! You finally came out! These people are joining forces to bully your son to death!"

With that said, Shen Qingshu elaborated on what happened just now.

Shen Tule sneered and looked at Ye Yang: "Hey, good boy, I heard that you want me to get out of the association too! You are very brave! As soon as my president made a speech, I decided not to accept you. Not only will you not be accepted today, Accept you, and you won’t have a chance to come in in this life!”

Shen Qingshu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he raised his head and raised his head proudly...

Ye Yang looked up and down at Shen Tu Le, who was dressed in a typical greasy leadership style.

But he looked disgraced, and it was obvious that the thing he just went to do did not go well...

"Haha, I think what Mr. Ye said is not impossible."

At this time, a vicissitudes of life and serious voice came.

Everyone was shocked.

It may not be impossible to say in front of the president that he should be fired! ?

Who is this! ?

Even those vice-presidents with aloof status don’t dare to speak like this! ?

When everyone saw the person coming, their faces showed shock!

"He...he is..."

"The king of musical instruments, the veteran of the Chinese Music Association, Mr. Fang Jinrong!!!"

" turns out that the president just went to see Mr. Fang."


Everyone was extremely surprised.

The Chinese Traditional Musical Instruments Association is a sub-association of the Chinese Musical Instruments Association.

The Chinese Musical Instrument Association is under the control of the Chinese Music Association.

It can be said that this Fang Jinrong is the immediate boss of Shen Tule's immediate boss!

One level of official rank can crush people to death, let alone two levels.

Shen Tu Le was as cowardly as a third grandson in front of him.

In addition, his own abilities were not up to par, so he relied entirely on flattery, and finally climbed to the position of president.

A true master like Fang Jinrong is the least popular.

The meeting just now was obviously extremely unpleasant.

"Mr. Fang, why did you come out with me too!?"

Shen Tule, who was just about to show off his anger, immediately gave in when he saw Fang Jinrong.

"What? Do you think that if you walk out secretly, I won't be able to examine you?"

Fang Jinrong frowned and shouted.

"No, no, no...I didn't think so."

Shen Tule shook his head repeatedly, his face turned pale.

"I would like to inform you clearly that the association has received many reports about you colluding with the vice-president of the Musical Instrument Association, receiving and sending gifts, and falsely claiming positions. The assessment of your music skills just now shows that you are obviously not suitable for the Traditional Musical Instrument Association. This is the position of president!”

Fang Jinrong didn't give Shentu Le any face, and said coldly in front of everyone: "The decline of traditional musical instruments in recent years is because you are the president of the president, you morons and trash who are doing nothing for you! You only care about the acre in your hands. He is so self-righteous and complacent with his trivial power and status! Standing in this position, he has no ambition, sense of responsibility, or emotion to match it! "


As Shen Tule listened, his face turned pale with every word he spoke, and he kept retreating, his body trembling.

"What's going on here!?"

"Damn, those words are so cruel!"

"It seems that our association is really going to change!"


Everyone was talking to each other, and they were very excited.

As a normal person, no one would want this kind of stupid leader who covers the sky with one hand and engages in crooked ways to fall from power! ?

"This...Mr. Ye."

Fang Jinrong looked over again and again, and the seriousness on his face disappeared in an instant, and turned directly into a look of respect and joy of meeting a close friend.

"Mr. Fang."

Ye Yang had heard the legend of Fang Jinrong before, and he recognized him when they met now.

"Mr. Ye, I have been searching for the way of Chinese music for so many years, but I have not been able to find a realm similar to mine. But today, I know that there is always someone better than you!!!"

Fang Jinrong was very moved: "Your performance just now was simply unprecedented and shocked me for thousands of years!!!"

Ye Yang smiled and waved his hand: "I just showed off my skills, it's not worth mentioning."

"Mr. Ye is too modest!"

Fang Jinrong said repeatedly: "Your understanding of musical instruments and music is higher than mine! I have only seen you in this realm in China so far! You should be the president of the Chinese Music Association!"


Everyone was stunned!

Just now they were still worried about whether Ye Yang could be a member of the Traditional Musical Instruments Association. In the blink of an eye, a super boss came out and directly wanted to give up the position of president of the Xian Music Association! ?


Isn't this too exciting? !

It simply shattered their worldview and worldview!

However, to be honest, with the understanding of musical instruments that Ye Yang just showed, he is indeed worthy of this position!

Ye Yang waved his hand casually: "I have always been a free and easy person, and I don't like to be delayed by the title of president."

"Then I will decide, please be an honorary vice president!"

After hearing what Ye Yang said, Fang Jinrong said repeatedly: "Mr. Ye is a national treasure of the way of music! If it is covered in dust, it will be a loss for the entire way of music!"


Seeing Fang Jinrong's sincerity, Ye Yang nodded reluctantly: "Okay..."

"This... this..."

Shen Tu Le looked at Ye Yang, then at Fang Jinrong, and suddenly felt something was wrong...

This is not a conspiracy that was planned? !

(First update)

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