Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 619 If I had the time to collect your money, my master would have made tens of billions

"I cried, and reluctantly agreed..."

"The vice-president of the Music Association! This is a top position that many top musicians can never seek in their lifetime!"

"too strong!"


"Good guy, wait a minute, doesn't this mean that he is more powerful than Fang Jinrong's immediate boss!?"

"Yeah! Haha, there's something good to watch now."

Originally, they just came to join a salon to have fun, but Shen Qingshu insisted on pretending to be cool and made things difficult for them. Now, with just a casual show of his skills, he became the vice president of the grandpa-level association and strangled his grandson Shen Tule to death. , all a piece of cake.

Not to mention the great-grandson Shen Qingshu.


The expressions of Shen Qingshu and Shen Tule and his son turned pale instantly.

The plot reversed so quickly that they couldn't react at all!

"It seems that you have lost."

However, Ye Yang obviously would not give them time to react. He just looked at them lightly and raised an indifferent smile at the corner of his mouth.


Shen Qingshu was about to say a few tough words to prop up the situation and earn some face.

He was slapped by Shen Tule and sent flying aside.

Shen Tule rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Mr. Ye, before, it was all misunderstandings, all misunderstandings!"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Who said that this Traditional Musical Instrument Association is his one-man show. Not to mention today, even in this life, if you don't agree, I can't join your salon?"

"I, I, I...this..."

All Shen Tule could think about at this time was how to keep his position. At this time, he didn’t even want to show his face, and just knelt down and kowtowed to Ye Yang to apologize: "I dare you to be confused! I was just talking nonsense!" Just think that I was farting just now! Mr. Ye, you have a lot, please let me go!"

His connections can only be found with the vice-president of the Musical Instrument Association.

Ye Yang's current status in the music world is one level higher than that of Vice President Qu! ! !

He provoked such a super god for no reason.

That really makes heaven and earth unworthy and ineffective!

He was almost desperate!

"If you are willing to forgive me, I am willing to give you all my savings!"

Shentu Le said repeatedly.

"Is it?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked with a sneer: "How much savings do you have?"

"Two properties in the capital, plus 30 million Chinese coins, are worth nearly 70 million!!!"

Shentu Le said repeatedly.

"Holy crap, how much kickbacks does President Shen receive?"

"You are so rich!!!"

"Seventy million, I'll go!"


Fang Jinrong also frowned. It seemed that there was no need to investigate anymore. He could just call the police to investigate.

Only Ye Yang didn't look shocked at all on his face. Instead, he curled his lips and said, "Are you trying to deceive beggars with this little money?"


Everyone was confused. Is this human talk? !

"Did I hear correctly just now?"

"Mr. Ye actually thinks this money is small?"

"He doesn't think the money is too little...doesn't he think it's too little?"


They all couldn't understand that Ye Yang couldn't even look down on more than 70 million! How rich he must be! ! !

"Why are you surprised? He is my master!"

Mo Zhengzheng curled her lips: "My master is a super tycoon who earns billions every minute. How dare you give 70 million to bribe my master? If I had the time to collect his money, my master would have already earned 7 billion." What a waste of time!”


"Holy shit!"

"real or fake!?"

Everyone was confused.

"Nowadays, China's new sacred land, which makes the United States helpless even if it wants to sanction it, belongs to my master! How about it! Isn't it awesome!?"

Mo Zhengzheng puffed up her little chest and said with great pride: "Now the valuation of the Divine Land is almost 10 trillion!"

"Mr. Ye, is he too awesome?"

"Damn! I love you little brother!"

"I didn't believe it before when I heard Zhengzheng say that her master is rich. Now I'm dumbfounded. She's such a powerful person that doesn't cost her 70 million!"

"Awesome, I can't think of any other adjectives besides these two words!"

The members were horrified.

The vice-president who wanted to help Ye Yang before was so frightened that his face turned red. He didn't need any help from the beginning to the end!

From the beginning, this is the story of a level 1 master who went shopping in the novice village, but was pretended to be a level 5 novice who had a father with a level 10 figure...

If you are in a good mood, the master will play with you for a while.

If you're in a bad mood, I'll crush you little ant to pieces with just one kick!

"It turns out that Mr. Ye still has such an identity! It was the old man who lost his sight."

Fang Jinrong also respectfully greeted him again.

The market value of Shentu is not shocking to people like him who only care about art and realm.

But if you can bring glory to your country and leave the United States helpless technically, that's so respectable!

"This... this, this, this!?"

Shen Tu Le was trembling all over and was completely desperate.

For such a super boss, accepting any bribe from him would be a waste of time!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but get angry: "It's all your fault! What's wrong with you? You imitate others and get jealous every day! How dare you offend Mr. Ye! Why don't you die! I should have shot you on the wall in the first place ! ! You piece of shit!”

He was so angry that he punched and kicked Shen Qingshu.

Ye Yang smiled lightly and shrugged. He always meant what he said.

"Now, you have two choices. First, pack up and get out. Second... I will kick you two out!"

His eyes cooled down and he glanced away.

"...I...I'm leaving now!"

Shen Tule was immediately discouraged. People, whether they were in the music scene or outside the music scene, were now crushing him crazily.

Compared with others, I am just a little ant.

If such a person says it, he has no qualifications or ability to disobey it.

The only consequence of disobedience is to become a fan! ! !

"Dad, wait for me!"

Shen Qingshu's leg was obviously broken just now. He was limping now, and finally he lay on the ground and climbed out quickly...

"Ha ha……"

The whole place burst into laughter.

"It's so refreshing!"

"This pair of bastards, father and son, finally got out!"

"On weekdays we dare to be angry but dare not speak out!"

"Mr. Ye is awesome!"

"I want to marry you! Be my concubine!"


The whole audience shouted.

But those vice-presidents who had voted against Shen Qingshu before were silent at this time, secretly preparing to fish in troubled waters and run away...

(Second update)

Jiuyang wishes everyone a healthy Dragon Boat Festival~

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