Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 620: I'll treat you, you pay

"Are you guys smart?"

Ye Yang looked at the vice presidents calmly.

"Uh, haha, Mr. Ye, this, this is all a misunderstanding, Mr. Ye!"

After seeing their plan to sneak away was exposed, the vice presidents laughed awkwardly and begged for mercy.

However, they also knew that there was little hope.

After all, the president took 70 million and knelt down to beg for mercy, but no one paid any attention to him.

What good rewards can they get?

They all regretted it at this time. Why couldn't they believe in the truth once? Why didn't they vote for Mr. Ye just now! ! !

However, regret is definitely useless.

"You guys, you usually do things like taking bribes, right?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and sneered.

"President Ye, we are wronged!!!"

"Yes, yes, we haven't done such a thing! President Ye, you are wise!"


These vice presidents screamed in pain, obviously being poked in the soft spot by Ye Yang.

"Oh? Really?"

Ye Yang laughed: "No need to explain more. If you want to explain, explain it to the police and my lawyer who are here to investigate!"



Several vice presidents were about to cry.

How could they not have done such a thing when they were in the same nest with Shen Tu Le and his son?

No one usually pays attention to the association's affairs, so they are very arrogant and don't think about hiding anything.

If someone is really sent to investigate, it will be easy to find out what they did.

At that time, it will not be just the position of president that will be lost.

That will be going to jail!!!

When they thought of the consequences, they were so scared that they collapsed on the ground. Two of them who had poor psychological endurance rolled their eyes and fainted.


Looking at the bribery group that was so arrogant just now and felt that they were so awesome now, everyone in the field laughed out loud.

In this world, there are only a handful of bad people.

Most of them are ordinary people who think that this is not good, but have no courage to speak out or resist, and can only let it go.

"It's so bad."

"Finally got their retribution!"

"Haha, the father and son are covering the sky with one hand, let's see if they can cover it up this time!? Break their hands!!!"


Ye Yang waved his hand: "Okay, everyone continue, the salon should be like a salon."

He looked at the vice president who first stood up to support him: "You are very upright, if you have ideas, just take over the position of president of the Traditional Musical Instruments Association. This association can be carried forward in your hands."


The mature female vice president was obviously very excited. She didn't expect that the Traditional Musical Instruments Association would change one day.

She was not so excited about the new greater power.

But, she finally got the opportunity to realize her dream.

It has been her dream to make traditional musical instruments shine again in China. Unfortunately, these dreams have been completely wiped out by the "Shentu music" in real life, and she doesn't even want to think about it anymore...

"One of the best."

Ye Yang gave her a thumbs up: "Come on, I'm rooting for you!"

Although Ye Yang is a generation younger than himself.

But the status is there, and the gesture of encouragement from the senior to the junior doesn't seem to be at all inconsistent...

"I will try my best!"

The woman also said repeatedly.

The salon continued, and everyone was having fun.

The atmosphere was much more sincere and happy than the false and depressing atmosphere just now.

When Fang Jinrong saw Ye Yang, he felt like he had met a soulmate. He discussed and communicated with Ye Yang for a long time, added WeChat, and then let go of Ye Yang reluctantly.

He was also full of emotion in his heart.

China, there is such a master!!!

I am not alone in my way!

"I have gained a lot from talking with Mr. Ye tonight!!! Mr. Ye is the real master of the world! If he was born in ancient times, he would have been canonized as a saint in the way of musical instruments!"

Fang Jinrong did not praise Ye Yang at all, he already admired him very much!

"Haha, it's just so-so."

Ye Yang waved his hand and didn't care too much about it, after all, he had too many advantages...

"A god like Mr. Ye should be famous all over the world! Don't worry, I will definitely find an opportunity to let Mr. Ye get the position he deserves in the music world! Forever canonized!"

Fang Jinrong's love and enthusiasm for music are obvious, and he said it again and again at this time.

"I don't care much about false reputation. But if Master Fang has this idea, I will do my best at that time."

Ye Yang still respects this kind of master who is very passionate about his hobbies and has real achievements.

After chatting for a while, he found a reason to leave and went to find his little apprentice Mo Zhengzheng.

After all, today he mainly came to accompany his little apprentice to relax, so he couldn't get the point wrong.


"Master, you are so handsome today!"

Mo Zhengzheng said with starry eyes.

"When am I not handsome?"

Ye Yang laughed and pinched Mo Zhengzheng's cute little face.

"Yeah, Master is the most handsome every day!"

Mo Zhengzheng nodded confidently: "To commemorate Master's handsome day, Zhengzheng decided to treat Master to abalone later!"


Ye Yang glared: "What did you say?"

"Eat seafood! I know there is a place in Beijing that sells abalone, it's delicious! The most famous one is the giant California red abalone, one is as big as a washbasin, enough for four to six people! I always wanted to go there before, but I felt sorry for the money so I didn't go..."

Mo Zhengzheng sighed and continued to talk.

Ye Yang breathed a sigh of relief. After becoming rich, he seemed to be a lot more corrupt than before, and he had ambiguity in everything he heard... What a sin...

"It is said that such a giant California red abalone with sauce costs more than 700,000 Chinese yuan. If I go there for a meal, my pocket money for most of the month will be gone, hum! It's too expensive!"

Mo Zhengzheng pouted, then laughed again: "But today, Master is here, Zhengzheng is not afraid!"

"Huh? Didn't you say you would treat us?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, I'll treat you, you spend money!"

Mo Zhengzheng looked at Ye Yang's strange expression and laughed: "Okay, I'm just kidding you, Master. I won't feel bad if you treat me!"

"Good disciple!"

Ye Yang patted Mo Zhengzheng's head.

After the salon, under the respectful and envious eyes of all the members and the president, Mo Zhengzheng got on Ye Yang's customized Bugatti Veyron Super Sport-Edition Merveilleux worth 50 million yuan, and soon disappeared into the night...

"This is what life is like for Ye Shenhao!"

"Yes...beauties, luxury cars, status, and money! When...I can have one tenth of him, oh no! One would be great!!!"

(First update)

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