"Hiss... This guy actually treated Han Caili like this because of Ye Yang! Doesn't that mean... everything Ye Yang said is true!?"

The classmates all opened their mouths wide, finding it hard to accept.

In less than a minute,

Ye Yang's image has changed drastically!

From a gigolo who only knows how to live off others, he has become a first-generation rich man who is so awesome!

From Tang Ruguo's visit, to Xu Pengfei and Zheng Xian's testimony, to Han Caili's boyfriend's personal confirmation now, this is basically ironclad evidence, there is no doubt about the fact!

"I... I was a little confused. Oh my god, there is such a big shot in our class! ?"

"I actually lived in the same dormitory with the owner of the Empire Financial Building in Magic City, the general controller of Vacheron Constantin! ? This is enough for me to brag about for the rest of my life!"

Several buddies who were close to Ye Yang had bright eyes and were amazed.

For them, their buddies were awesome, which was something to be proud of, and they even felt proud of it.

However, those who were jealous, had a grudge against Ye Yang, and had plotted against him were all trembling, angry, and jealous!

"I had plotted against him at first... I'm screwed now. Such a terrifying big shot can make me disappear completely into the Huangpu River with just one word. No, after the party is over, I have to find an opportunity to kowtow and confess my guilt to Brother Ye!"

"Damn! How come this guy is so lucky! God is so unfair!!! Crunchy……"

Some boys were so jealous that their teeth were itching, but they didn't dare to show it on their faces.

As for the girls in the class, they all changed their previous attitudes and looked at Ye Yang with great enthusiasm.

Super perfect rich man!

College classmate, young, handsome and rich!

There will never be a more perfect future husband in the world than Ye Yang.……

"I was so blind at the time! I didn't realize that Ye Yang was a super potential stock!"

"I did see that, but he doesn't think highly of me at all. I scolded him for being arrogant and incompetent, but I didn't expect to know it today... I am a toad wanting to eat swan meat! Wuuuuuu……"

If it weren't for the wrong atmosphere, these girls would have wanted to kneel down and lick Ye Yang's ass right now.

Ye Yang looked at the reactions of these classmates and sighed secretly. He knew that after his identity was exposed, he really couldn't talk properly.

University is not like middle school. You are classmates in the same class, but the relationship is just that.

After graduation, your identities are separated, and you will immediately be seen as a stranger, or you will be feared like a tiger, or you will hate you to the core.

"In a materialistic society, it is rare to find a pure and innocent girl like Xue'er."

Ye Yang shook his head and thought of Lin Xue'er.

"Chairman, your girlfriend has really humiliated my brother Ye!"

Xiao Xiaozhu watched the fun and didn't think it was a big deal. She kept adding fuel to the fire.

"What! You!?"

Zhang Wanmin's eyes went dark.

The board of directors of the building had learned about Ye Yang's background in the past few days and found out the assets behind him. As time goes by, this information will be made public on the Internet and is not difficult to find.

The more the directors checked, the more they felt that the decision to collectively welcome Ye Yang on that day was extremely wise!

The various assets under his name that are famous in China and even in the world.

Added together, they have long exceeded one trillion!

If you have to count.

Ye Yang's net worth is now the real richest man in China! As soon as the Forbes China rankings come out this year, this matter must be made public!

Offending the richest man!?

When Zhang Wanmin thought of this, his hands trembled with fear:"You prodigal! Don't come to me again in the future! I have nothing to do with you anymore!!!"

"You don't want me for this pretty boy!?"

Han Caili knew Ye Yang's true identity very well, but the huge shock made her unwilling to accept the reality. She just cried unreasonably.


Zhang Wanmin sneered, and his eyes turned cold when he looked at Han Caili.

He didn't have only one lover. Although this one made him linger, people who could do great things naturally knew the importance of things.

One thousand or ten thousand Han Caili were not as important as one Ye Yang!

"Boss Ye! Although I have nothing to do with her anymore, you can do whatever you want with her!"

Zhang Wanmin rolled his eyes and said with a smile,"I will transfer another 500 million yuan in rent to your account as an apology! I am so sorry for you these two times.……"

The previous incident was naturally the incident between General Manager Gao and Jin Buzheng.

The two incidents together also made him completely scared.

If Boss Ye really targeted him, he would have no chance to run a small software company!


Ye Yang hummed casually.

Originally, this matter had little to do with Zhang Wanmin, but since the other party wanted to give money, he would naturally not refuse.

Although five hundred million is not much... but it is money after all~

He is a frugal person

"Hehe, then Boss Ye, enjoy your meal. I will go to the front desk to settle the bill for you and will not stay here to bother you any more."

Zhang Wanmin bowed and prepared to leave without even looking at Han Caili.

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