"Stop! Zhang Wanmin! Didn't you say you loved me? Are you lying to me? You don't even plan to marry me!"

Han Caili looked at the heartless Zhang Wanmin and shouted hysterically.

"Marry you? We are all adults, can you be more mature? You can tell by my age, my children are already in their twenties, you are just my mistress!"

Zhang Wanmin couldn't believe his ears:"I always thought you were such a smart person, in fact, you already knew the relationship between us!"

"Are you such a stupid girl?!"



Han Caili was stunned. She looked at Zhang Wanmin in disbelief, her mind going blank.

"I have billions of dollars and I am in my 40s or 50s. I am just playing with you. Do you really expect to marry me and share my billions of dollars? Am I the idiot or are you the idiot? Are you crazy?"

"A woman like you is really too naive!"

Zhang Wanmin shook his head. He originally thought Han Caili was quite smart, but he didn't expect her to be such an ambitious woman with such naive ideas:"Okay, I was a little reluctant to leave you, but a brainless woman like you should stay away from me. You're causing trouble for me!"

After that, he left without looking back.


The entire Black Dragon Treading Gold Pavilion was silent.

Everyone was mouths open. They had just entered society, how could they have seen such a scene! ? Is this the way rich people think! ?

Ye Yang also smiled slightly.

A woman like Han Caili is not worthy of sympathy. She is already in her twenties, but her mind is so childish. Do they think that the first generation of rich people are all fools! ? The reason why rich people are so rich is that none of them are fools.

Expecting to marry an old rich man and wait for him to die and inherit his property! ?

It's simply ridiculous and unrealistic fantasy...

But there are so many women like this now.

Han Caili is just a microcosm of them.……

"Zhang Wanmin!!! I'm going to kill you! Ahhhh……"

Han Caili was too embarrassed to stay here any longer. The feeling of shame and humiliation made her completely lose her mind.

She thought she was very mature and always looked down on people who were working hard. She thought that she could change her fate and become rich just by hooking up with a rich man.

But now she found out that she was the most childish and ridiculous one...

Seeing Han Caili running away, her classmates were speechless.

You are obviously a gold digger, why do you resent others now?……

"Ahem, don't ruin the atmosphere for one person."

Squad leader Yu Chenggong smiled and adjusted the atmosphere:"We can enter such a good box and eat such delicious dishes today, all thanks to Ye Yang!"

"We should all give a toast to Ye Yang!"

""Yes, yes, yes!"

The students all reacted.

Han Caili's presence was not high in the first place, and now she finally made a strong presence, but ended up in this situation that no one wanted to recall.

The spotlight naturally returned to Ye Yang, the real rich man.

"Ye Yang...Oh no, now I have to call you Mr. Ye!"

"I just mocked you as a gigolo. I was blind. I apologize to you! Drink three cups as punishment. You can do whatever you want.!"

"Right, right, right, me too, I will drink three glasses of wine as punishment!"

The flexible male classmates came forward one after another to drink the wine.

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head. Just now these people were so dirty, but now they started to act like licking dogs...

This money is really a good thing!

"Ye Yang, long time no see, you are so awesome now! ?"

"Hey, Brother Ye, if you feel bored at night, you can call me!"

"Get lost! Don't think I don't know what you are thinking! How can he be boring when he is tall, rich and handsome? A toad wants to eat swan meat!"

"Bah! Don’t you have the same idea?"


The female classmates, like bees seeing honey, surrounded him crazily, trying their best to show off their charms, trying to attract Ye Yang's attention.

However, even Cai Maomao, who was named the class flower at the beginning, and Han Caili, who was radiant today, could not catch Ye Yang's eye.

These girls were at most of average looks, so naturally they could not impress Ye Yang.

They all smiled perfunctorily and didn't pay much attention.

Xiao Xiaozhu puffed up her little face in anger. These girls are so shameless. At least my temporary girlfriend is still here! You are poaching me right in front of me!


Xiao Xiaozhu's eyes narrowed with a dangerous arc. If people who knew her saw her smile at this moment, they would look at Ye Yang and other female classmates with sympathy, because they would definitely be in trouble tonight.……

"Okay, Lao Zheng, did you know from the beginning that Mr. Ye was a super potential stock, so you followed him?"

"That's right, no wonder you got promoted so quickly and are about to become a deputy team leader. It turns out that there is a towering tree like Mr. Ye behind you! Brother Zheng, don't get me wrong, what I mean is that I will follow you from now on and be the younger brother of Mr. Ye, hehe……"

Ye Yang was surrounded by many people. Some people couldn't squeeze in, so they had to settle for the next best thing and began to curry favor with Zheng Xian.

"Boss Ye's little brother's little brother... Isn't that Boss Ye's little brother?……?"

Zheng Xian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Why did this name make people feel evil?!

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