However, Zheng Xian was Ye Yang's follower before, and not many people contacted him after graduation. Now that so many people came to him, he felt like a star.

With his intelligence, he naturally understood why they were being praised, but it did not stop him from enjoying this feeling.

Being praised is a basic need of human beings.


In this way, this post-internship dinner ended with laughter and joy.

Ye Yang raised a glass of wine at the end, returning the toasts from his classmates, which drew cheers.


Ye Yang said to Zheng Xian.

""Ahem, Boss Ye, it's not convenient for me to go with you, right?"

Zheng Xian scratched his head and said with a wry smile.

"Hmm? Is there anything inconvenient?"

Ye Yang was stunned.

"Well, this is a feast with a lot of wine and beautiful women.……"

Zheng Xian looked at Ye Yang with a wicked smile, revealing a smile that all men understand.

"Tsk, you kid, you look like a gentleman, but you are actually very slutty!"

Ye Yang immediately understood and laughed:"Then I'll call you a car"


Zheng Xian nodded without objection.

Xiao Xiaozhu blushed. She and Xiao Qingxuan were on a mission and had a lot of experience. What didn't they understand?

Although they understood what it meant, they were still virgins after all, and their minds were a little confused at this time.

At the door.

After calling a car for Zheng Xian to leave,

Ye Yang looked at Xiao Xiaozhu with a sly smile.

"Hey! don't want it?"

Xiao Xiaozhu pursed her lips and looked at Ye Yang like a vigilant kitten.

"What, you don't want to?"

Ye Yang joked.


Xiao Xiaozhu gritted her teeth, feeling a little conflicted, and finally shook her head stubbornly.

She had to admit that Ye Yang was the most unique, perfect, and attractive person of the opposite sex she had ever met. She even admitted that she liked Ye Yang a little.

But that didn't mean she was a casual girl. If she did that kind of thing just because of this...……

"So your temporary girlfriend status has ended now?"

Ye Yang tapped Xiao Xiaozhu's smooth forehead.

"You... Boss, you are so bad!"

Xiao Xiaozhu finally realized that Ye Yang had no evil intentions at all and was just teasing her.


Ye Yang smiled and waved his hands. Just when he was feeling proud of his success in teasing the beautiful girl, he suddenly felt a chill on his back.

"You seem to be living a happy life~"

This voice was like a ghost from the underworld, full of resentment and coldness.

"What a monster!"

Ye Yang was startled and turned around, but saw Xiao Qingxuan with a face full of resentment, and he breathed a sigh of relief:"It turned out to be you……"

"You two are so in love! You left me out here to starve!"

Xiao Qingxuan said angrily.

It must be said that the cute and charming look of the iceberg beauty in anger made her even more charming.

"You haven't eaten yet, have you?"

Ye Yang was a little surprised.

"Nonsense! I was watching outside diligently! But strangely, there was no unusual movement tonight, and no assassins or suspects."

Xiao Qingxuan muttered.

Ye Yang rolled his eyes. It's strange, isn't it?

This is China!

How can there be so many assassins ?……

"Let's go, I'm not full yet, I'll take you to a nice place to eat delicious food~"

Ye Yang waved his hand and said with a smile


Xiao Qingxuan's eyes lit up, almost exposing her hidden foodie nature, but she reacted and snorted coldly:"Don't think I will forgive you if you treat me to a midnight snack!"


Ye Yang spread his hands, looking indifferent


Xiao Qingxuan gritted her teeth, this boss is so irritating!

"We both drank, you drive."

Ye Yang asked Xiao Xiaozhu to throw the keys to Xiao Qingxuan, and then sat in the Rolls-Royce Phantom.

"Humph!"Bastard boss!"

Although Xiao Qingxuan cursed, she felt an unprecedented sense of relief in her heart. It was completely different from her previous career as a killer for more than ten years... a luxurious sense of relief.

She was a little entangled with this sense of relief.

Because once she relaxed, she was afraid that her vigilance would drop. Such a good boss must not let anything happen to him, otherwise she would blame herself to death...

No! It was clearly a dog boss! Dog boss!

"cough cough……"

Xiao Xiaozhu tapped Xiao Qingxuan's ribs


Xiao Qingxuan restrained the beautiful thoughts in her heart and looked at Xiao Xiaozhu. After seeing the serious expression on his face, she asked,"What's wrong?"

Xiao Xiaozhu looked at the Rolls-Royce Phantom beside her and muttered,"Our boss is not simple.……"


Xiao Qingxuan blinked.

"He flicked my forehead just now, which should have triggered my warning mechanism, but his speed was so fast that I didn't even have time to dodge. And you suddenly appeared behind him just now, and he obviously had a subconscious reaction before you appeared."

"Our boss is quite powerful."

Xiao Xiaozhu narrowed his eyes, savoring all the things Ye Yang had just said.


Xiao Qingxuan finally realized that the boss's reaction speed was not something that an ordinary person could have.……

"Hey, who cares! Wouldn't it be better if the boss knew martial arts? However, I'd better try him out sometime~ It will be fun.……"

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