Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 628: Contemporary Medical Saint

Based on water, Ye Yang casually cooked a bowl of wolfberry millet porridge.

After waiting for a long time, Hu Weishan prepared his own medicinal diet.

It looks extremely rich, and all kinds of supplementary ingredients can be found in it.

Although it is a medicated meal, you can still smell the strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine.

As for Ye Yang's medicinal diet, it seems that it is just ordinary wolfberry and millet porridge.

" this serious?"

"Isn't it? This...!"


In comparison, Ye Yang's medicinal diet seemed too simple.

Everyone was shocked by Ye Yang's boldness.

"I've been bragging for a long time, thinking how awesome it is, but I ended up using a bowl of wolfberry porridge to deal with the problem. Are you probably a doctor who takes a break from school on the street? Hahaha..."

Hu Weishan was completely relieved at this time and laughed happily: "You are definitely going to lose!"

Although they didn't say what the consequences of Ye Yang's defeat would be, everyone knew the consequences even if they didn't say it. It directly undermined Zhang Taixu's prestige. Even if Hu Weishan was expelled from Taiyuan Hospital, he would become famous and become even more famous than before. .

Zhang Taixu also changed his expression. This is a very involved competition. Is this Mr. Ye hiding his elegance, or...doesn't care about it at all!

He went up and took a closer look at the wolfberry millet porridge. After smelling it carefully, his eyes were shocked. He took a deep look at Ye Yang and felt much more relaxed...

"Mr. Ye, it's really unfathomable!"

He couldn't help but sigh.

"Haha, you are still bragging. After a while, this medicinal diet has no effect after taking it for several days. You will know how embarrassing it is."

Hu Weishan was secretly happy at this time.

Soon, two medicinal meals were placed in front of the two bosses.

"My recipe is called Dispelling Cold and Guben Sanyuan Decoction. It uses many precious medicinal materials and is boiled with special techniques. If you drink it with three meals a day, typhoid fever can be eliminated from the roots in one day!"

Hu Weishan finished speaking.

Everyone's eyes flashed with shock.

"This Hu Weishan can be said to have taken out everything from the bottom of the box!"

"Eradicating typhoid fever in one day...this is really amazing!"

"Moreover, it's a medicinal diet! This is even more outrageous!"

"If you can enter the national hospital, you really have some skills."


The Chinese doctors beside them all talked about it.

"Let me talk about the taboos and restrictions during the day of medicated food treatment..."

Hu Weishan talked a lot more.

"Mr. Ye, what do you want to say?"

After Zhang Taixu heard this, he also felt that Hu Weishan's medicinal diet was indeed very good, and he didn't know whether Ye Yang's 'elegance' hidden in the ordinary could match this extraordinary prescription.

Ye Yang laughed: "My porridge has no taboos or restrictions. If you drink it, your illness will be almost cured. It will take about a few hours."


"Are you talking in your sleep!?"

Hu Weishan was furious. This was a super typhoid medicinal diet that his ancestors had studied for countless generations, combined with various modern sciences and theories, and painstakingly researched it!

In the whole world, he feels that he is the well-deserved number one in the field of medicated diet for typhoid fever!

This prescription should be the perfect one!

Will it be cured in a few hours? No taboos or restrictions! ?

Do you think this is a miracle medicine? ! !

He rolled his eyes to the sky, and spared no effort to ridicule: "You really think of yourself as a god! Can a bowl of millet porridge save people in trouble!? Vice President Zhang praised you a few times, but you really believe it yourself!"

But thinking that the truth would be revealed soon, he stopped talking and just stood there with great confidence, waiting for Ye Yang to be embarrassed.

"Um ……"

Both big guys had finished their lunch.

Keep chatting.

Ye Yang and Zhang Taixu exchanged their thoughts among themselves, with no trace of worry on their faces.

"Just pretend! How long can you pretend?"

Hu Weishan looked on and sneered.

Other Chinese doctors are also talking about it, waiting for the follow-up development.

In the afternoon, among the two veteran cadres, Mr. Zheng, who drank Yeyang's medicinal diet, was obviously getting better and better, and he was now ready to play chess with Mr. Wang.

Although Mr. Wang's symptoms were relieved, he was obviously still not in high spirits. He waved his hand to express that he was helpless.

Before dinner, Mr. Zheng was already on the ground preparing to do Tai Chi to stretch his muscles.


At first, Chinese doctors didn’t pay much attention to it, but now, the contrast is too obvious! ! !

"Mr. Zheng, please let us take your pulse."

Several Chinese doctors were unbelievable and went over to check Mr. Zheng's pulse.

"The pulse is stable and there is no sign of illness."

"The blood sign is strong and has the ability to strengthen the Yuan."


Several Chinese doctors took turns checking the pulse, and they all looked at each other with horrified eyes. Everyone was confused.


Not only is it better, but the pulse is strong and the qi and blood are constantly flowing! ! !

Isn't this too outrageous?

Everyone knows that traditional Chinese medicine regulates the fundamentals of the body. Although it treats diseases thoroughly, the results are very slow.

This bowl of porridge can completely cure typhoid fever in a few hours.

It’s faster than an intravenous drip!


"It also……"


After all the Chinese doctors looked at each other, they thought of checking Mr. Wang's pulse.

Although Mr. Wang's sales have stabilized, there is obviously still a long way to go before he can cure typhoid fever...

Hu Weishan was confused, he was completely confused!


How can this be! ?

He couldn't help but personally check the pulses of the two big guys, but the result was still the same!

"I, this..."

He was about to collapse!

This prescription that he was most proud of in his life, actually seemed so cheap in front of others! ! !

Others cooked the porridge casually, and completely defeated him with an advantage that he could not surpass! ! !


This gap that he could not look up to made him almost suffocate, and shattered his pride! ! !

"Is this really true?"

He took out the silver needle and stabbed himself in disbelief, and then he dared to believe what he saw.

Lost, lost completely!

Now that the two big guys are present, it is difficult to deal with him. If he goes out later, he is afraid that he will be completely finished...

Ye Yang's move completely convinced him...

Maybe he is indeed a modern saint of medicine!

Today, he had offended a saint of medicine, a vice president of the National Medical College, and he turned out to be nothing but a mean and low-level villain...

When he thought of everything he might face in the future, he collapsed and sat on the ground, his face pale.

"Mr. Ye is really a god!!!"

Old Zheng said with bright eyes in disbelief.

"It's just a minor illness like the cold."

Ye Yang waved his hand: "The prescription will be handed over to the National Medical Clinic. If anyone gets the cold in the future, cook it for them and they will be fine after drinking it."




The national doctors present were dumbfounded.

This is the best in ancient and modern times. It can be called a family heirloom prescription in the hands of any national doctor. He just gave it away so casually! ?

This pattern! This courage!

A real contemporary medical saint! ! ! !

(First update)

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