Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 629 If anyone dares to hire you, I, Zhang Taixu, will personally visit you.

"Mr. Ye has supreme talent. His courage, state of mind, and medical skills are all worthy of being called a contemporary medical saint!"

Zhang Taixu also had a bright face at this moment, and he took out an ancient slip from his sleeve: "This book is an only copy of the secret medicine of the Han Dynasty. What is written in it is so extensive and profound that only Mr. Ye's level can understand it. Such rare things should be in the hands of the people they deserve. Please accept them, Mr. Ye!”

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and took the ancient slip.

This kind of unique medical book is extremely valuable. If it falls into the hands of ordinary people and there are channels to sell it, they will have no worries about food and drink for at least eight lifetimes.

Of course, such Han Dynasty antiques cannot be sold through formal channels.



"The only copy of Han Dynasty medicine!"

The Chinese doctors all had blazing eyes and their mouths opened wide.

If something of this national treasure level can be given away, it must have received extremely high-level authorization.

It can't be a temporary decision made by Vice President Zhang.

This further confirmed Ye Yang's status, which had long been recognized by many big shots.

It's ridiculous that they were suspicious just now, it's really ridiculous...

Zhang Taixu also smiled slightly. Even if Ye Yang didn't give the prescription to the National Hospital today, he still wanted to give this to Ye Yang as a meeting gift.

But apparently the timing is better now.

Ye Yang doesn't have a collecting habit, but he doesn't have too many good things, so he just accepts them.

"Mr. Ye is indeed upright and upright!"

Seeing Ye Yang being honest and rude, Zhang Taixu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He thought he was going to have a humble threesome with Ye Yang and shirk it for a long time or something.

During dinner, Mr. Zheng wanted to keep Ye Yang at the Chinese Medical Center.

However, halfway through, his personal guard came back and whispered a few words to him, and Mr. Zheng's eyes suddenly became stern.

Then, he stood up and said repeatedly: "Mr. Ye, I made a mistake just now!"

After seeing Ye Yang's magical skills in the afternoon, he was tempted to keep such talents in the national hospital. However, as a big boss like him, he was naturally thorough in his work, so he sent someone to inquire about Ye Yang's information.

This investigation shocked him all over, and he no longer thought about leaving Ye Yang behind.

If the information brought back by the personal security guard is true, then...

A small pond temple like the National Hospital cannot accommodate a true Buddha like Ye Yang! ! !

"The dean asked me to pay tribute to Mr. Ye during the exchange at the foreign medical summit. If there is an opportunity in the future, he will definitely come to visit in person to discuss the knowledge of finger acupuncture with Mr. Ye!"

Seeing the change in Mr. Zheng's attitude, Zhang Taixu obviously guessed something, and his heart was even more shocked.

"He also knows finger acupuncture?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, this China is indeed a crouching tiger, hidden dragon!

I originally thought that this unique skill had been completely lost long ago...

China's national destiny is prosperous, this statement is true!

After dinner, he chatted with Zhang Taixu for a while before leading a group of Chinese doctors out of the inpatient department.

As soon as he reached the courtyard of the National Hospital, Hu Weishan couldn't bear the pressure anymore and collapsed again.

"Just when I was about to deal with you, you fell down first."

Zhang Taixu looked grim and let out a cold chuckle.

"Vice President Zhang! I realize my mistake! For the sake of the family behind me, don't expel me!"

Hu Weishan said repeatedly.

"The family behind you?"

Zhang Taixu sneered: "Which company is behind you?"

"The two nobles of the capital's doctor and army, the generals of the Hu family!"

Hu Weishan repeatedly reported his family background.

"Haha, the Hu family of the medical army? I wonder how a guy like you, who is not in a good state of mind and doesn't even have a basic attitude of respecting his seniority, managed to get into the Imperial Hospital!!!"

Zhang Taixu's face darkened: "I really got it right! It turns out that you are a connected person yourself!"


Hu Weishan waved his hands repeatedly: "My hard skills have passed the national medical examination, it's just that I did a little work in the final interview!"

"Isn't this the back door!?"

Zhang Taixu laughed directly: "Doctors need to have both moral integrity and talent. Only those who are at the top of Chinese medical ethics and medical talent can enter the country's hospitals! The reason for this interview is to eliminate people like you who have talent but no virtue!! !”


Hu Weishan was immediately stunned.

"Don't say you are the Hu family of the medical army today. Even if you are the Hu family of the Zhongzheng government, I will still catch you!!!"

Zhang Taixu waved his sleeves: "The Chinese hospital does not need scum! You are too jealous. If you don't temper your temper, there will be no place for you in the Chinese medical community in the future!!!"

"You have such a loud voice!"

Now that his face was broken, Hu Weishan stood up directly and said with an angry smile: "Although the National Hospital is the leader of China and the leader of the medical field, it has no right to interfere with the entire Chinese medical profession! I will withdraw from the medical profession, and I will also have the protection of my family. I will become a It’s not difficult for a giant of medicine! You don’t have the ability to block me?”

"Since you don't give me this face today, then I, Hu Weishan, and the Taiyuan Hospital will sever all ties today! From now on, we will all go our separate ways!"

Hu Weishan held on to his strength and said with a fierce expression.

"Then you can give it a try!"

Zhang Taixu sneered: "What happened to you in the Chinese hospital today will soon spread to every corner of the Chinese medical community... If anyone dares to use your evil tricks to treat medicine, then I, Zhang Taixu, will visit him personally. !”


Hu Weishan's face turned green with anger, but when he thought of Zhang Taixu's influence in the Chinese medical community, he turned pale with fear.

Just like that, with his face turning blue and white, he was dragged out of the hospital.


"Mr. Ye, are you satisfied with my handling just now?"

Zhang Taixu smiled.

"Is this also to eliminate harm for the national hospital?"

Ye Yang never took Hu Weishan seriously, so he didn't care much about these things...

After chatting with Zhang Taixu for a while.

He and Yu Momo stepped into the Rolls-Royce Silver Soul and drove out of Zhonghai.


"The night in Beijing is really different."

Yu Momo drove with Ye Yang all the way, driving very fast.

The night in the Magic City is gorgeous and prosperous.

And the night in Beijing has a unique ancient capital spirit of Beijing, adding a bit of elegance and luxury to the prosperity.

After passing the prosperous area, you can drive without restraint.

On a certain road section, a very tired girl who had just got off work was driving an electric motorcycle and was about to go home.

As soon as I turned the corner, I saw an old lady lying on the side of the road.

"Ah, this..."

The girl couldn't bear to see the old lady crying for help, and asked repeatedly: "Are you okay? Do you need to be sent to the hospital?"

The old lady was obviously dying, and she cried for help.


The girl opened her phone and the video repeatedly: "I'm just a 996 office worker, I don't have much money, don't blackmail me, I'll help you up first, the video is proof..."

(Second update)

(Weekly no prize quiz: Who is the girl?)

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