Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 630: I am an old lady of the Zhenghuang Banner. How much should I spend on my medical treatm

"Ah, my medicine is in my pocket..."

The old lady pointed to her arms.


The girl half-helped the old lady up and was about to take out the medicine in her pocket.

A gleam of evil flashed in the old lady's eyes, and she grabbed the girl and shouted: "You hit me! Don't even think about running away!!!"


The girl was stunned.

Before the girl could react, someone jumped out from the side of the road.

"Mom, what's wrong with you, mom! Why don't you have eyes when driving? Look at how you hit my mom!!!"

The person who came out was full of muscles, extremely strong, fierce and fierce.

"'s not me..."

The girl wanted to explain.

"Don't explain, explanation is just covering up!!!"

The muscular man shouted angrily, with a fierce look on his face, scaring the girl so much that she dared not explain more.

She was frightened, but the old lady on the other side was still holding her, and she was shouting: "Oh my god! These young people don't look at the road when driving, and they hit the old lady, and they won't admit it! You have to pay for it today! Ouch... my elbow! Ouch! My tail! It hurts so much that I can't even follow the schedule!!!"

"No, it's not like that!"

The girl kept saying.

The excitement here made the crowd gather more and more.

"She did it! I saw it with my own eyes!"

"Haha, they want to deny it after doing something bad, these young people are really a lost generation!"

Several fraud accomplices in the crowd kept fanning the flames.

Three people make a tiger, even if it's a lie, some people will believe it.

The crowd began to talk and blame the girl.


The girl was speechless, her eyes full of helplessness: "I don't have much money, you can't extort much money from me!"

"Haha, little girl, don't tell me these useless things! Anyway, my mother was hit by you! This is Beijing! My mother, that is an old lady of the Zhenghuang Banner with a sky-high pattern on her head! A monthly pension of seven or eight thousand! That is a body worth a thousand gold! Very precious!"

The barbarian sneered: "Today, if you don't have 700,000 or 800,000, don't think about this matter!"

"700,000 or 800,000! Where can I get so much money!"

The girl was shocked.

"Haha, you can't pay it back, don't you still have your parents! You have to sell the house to compensate for the recuperation fee of our honorable Zhenghuang Banner old lady! Otherwise, this matter will not be over!!!"

The muscular man roared.

"I can see that you are not from our old Beijing, you don't have that kind of quality! You hit our Zhenghuang Banner old lady with a sky-high pattern on her head, and you don't know to pay the money quickly!"

The old lady screamed loudly, sounding healthy and stronger than a young man.

"That's right!"

"Pay the money quickly!"

The fraudsters in the crowd began to echo.

However, this time the crowd did not follow blindly. Although there were many people watching the excitement, what kind of expensive old lady is now screaming here, and dares to ask for 700,000 or 800,000...

This body looks better than that of a young man, right?

However, although there were doubts in their hearts, no one dared to point it out. After all, this is a criminal gang, and as a single person, it is still very timid.

"What's going on in front?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

The remote section that was obviously very smooth was actually blocked!

"It looks like something happened..."

Ye Yang and Yu Momo also got out of the car and came over...

"Say! Will you pay for it! !?"

The muscular man came over and roared.

"It was not me who hit it at all! I won't pay!!!"

The girl also calmed down a little at this time and gritted her teeth.

"You little girl, dare to talk back!!!"

The muscular man pretended to take action and forcibly dragged the girl to the hospital.

However, as soon as he stretched out his hand, it was stopped by a powerful force in mid-air.


The force on the wrist was so strong that it seemed like it was made of cast iron, making it impossible for the muscular man to break free!


The muscular man was stunned. The young man in front of him, who looked calm, suddenly appeared in front of him like a ghost...

In the circle formed by the crowd just now, there were only the girl, the old lady and himself.

To rush out of the crowd to himself.

At least four or five meters away.

Is this the legendary flash?

"Boy, are you playing the hero to save the beauty here? Let go!"

The muscular man showed a fierce look on his face and wanted to break free angrily.

Ye Yang let go and gave the other party a little push.


The muscular man didn't expect Ye Yang to let go suddenly. His center of gravity was unstable in an instant. He stepped back three or five steps and finally fell heavily to the ground.

His butt was almost broken...

"It hurts so much!!! How dare you commit a crime in the street! Beating others!?"

He was extremely angry, addicted to fraud, and wanted to blackmail Ye Yang.

"Tsk, are you a bitch! You asked me to let go! After letting go, you couldn't even stand steadily and fell to the ground. Do you blame me?"

Ye Yang spread his hands to the onlookers.


The people around were all amused.

"What this guy said is right! It was you who asked for it!"

"We saw it with our own eyes, you can't deny it!"

"That's right..."



The muscular man suffered a loss, but he could only forget about it. After all, the big money was still from the old lady. Once he succeeded, it would be 700,000 or 800,000 yuan in his account!

"Haha, don't bullshit me! Who do you think you are! Stand up and prepare to pay off the debt for this woman!?"

Ye Yang raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth and turned to look at the girl. He recognized who the girl was just now. It was his old classmate Zhong Ling'er. He told Uncle Zhong to let her contact him to find a job.

However, this stubborn girl was obviously afraid of causing trouble for herself and did not contact her.

Unexpectedly, they met in such a special situation today.

"Ye Yang!?"

Just now, Ye Yang had his back to her. Although he felt familiar, he did not dare to recognize him. At this time, Ye Yang turned his head and exclaimed: "It's really you!!!"

When Zhong Ling'er saw Ye Yang, it was as if she saw the light shining into this dark world of humanity!

The faces of those people just now made her very hurt.

It was clearly kind to help, but was maliciously defrauded. The audience was also indifferent.

In Beijing, she had no one to rely on. If she allowed this old lady fraud gang to make things difficult for her, she didn't even know what would happen to her in the end.

In this endless despair... Ye Yang stood up!


Ye Yang nodded, smiled and patted her head: "I haven't seen you for a few years, you have become so beautiful!"


Because Mrs. Zhong and her mother are poker friends and have a good relationship, Zhong Ling'er and Ye Yang are very good friends.

Meeting at this time is also particularly cordial...

(First update)

Everyone always says that some girls have not appeared in dozens of chapters. Have they been forgotten?

That's impossible! They are all in the little notebook and will appear again. However, the plot must be the top priority, don't worry~

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