Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 631: Five million in extortion fees?

"Wait! Damn...this young man looks familiar!"

"I felt the same way just now. When I look back, I feel so amazing, as if I have seen this brother somewhere before!"

"Let me think about it..."


"Ye Shenhao!!!"

"Holy crap! That's right! It's Ye Shenhao! His Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost is parked behind him!"

"Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost!!! Isn't that a super concept car worth more than 90 million!!!"

"Damn, he is indeed Ye Shenhao, he is so awesome!"


There were obviously many people in the crowd who knew Ye Yang, and they were all taking photos at this time.

"Who is Ye Shenhao?"

There are also many people who don't know Ye Yang. Seeing that he is so well-known at this time, they feel that they are out, and they can't help but ask again and again.

"You don't even know Ye Shenhao! He stars in the recently super popular movie "Ye Wen". Hurry up and follow his Douyin account, maybe you can get a sky-high red envelope!"

"How big can the sky-high red envelope be? Eighty-eight yuan and eighty-eight cents?"

"I'm laughing so hard. If someone sends out millions of packages, Lucky King can grab millions and pay back 80 yuan. You look down on Ye Shenhao too much!"

"Holy shit! The total amount of the red envelope must be at least hundreds of millions!!! I have to pay attention to this quickly..."


The hot topics of public discussion suddenly changed.

After all, the impact of Shenhao's appearance is much greater than seeing a common car accident scene.

After living for so many years, who hasn’t seen more than a dozen car accidents?

But many people will never see big stars and super heroes in real life!

Everyone hurriedly took photos or videos to commemorate the occasion.


"Shenhao? Great!!!"

The eyes of the muscular man and the old lady Zhenghuangqi both lit up.

This guy is rich!

The blackmail can be even more ruthless!

"Haha, he turns out to be a rich man!"

The muscular man looked at Ye Yang and chuckled: "But don't think that you can do whatever you want if you have money! We won't let your little lover go without compensation if you hit someone today! Don't rely on your two Just show off for money, believe it or not, I will expose you and make you famous!"

"Since you are a rich man, you should be of higher quality than this girl. Why don't you pay the money for her! After all, we are the old lady of Zhenghuangqi, a noble princess! We will not embarrass you!"

"That's right, rich people, stop being so harried and say it quickly. If there's a lawsuit, it's better for us to just keep it private here now!"

The muscular man continued.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. He was just about to give the other party a slap in the face, but then his mind changed and he thought of a more interesting solution.

"Ye Yang, don't listen to what they say! I'm really innocent!"

Zhong Ling'er said anxiously, fearing that Ye Yang would believe their lies.

"Believe me."

Ye Yang smiled at Zhong Linger.

That confident smile was infinitely contagious, making Zhong Ling'er feel calm instantly and nodded heavily.

"If you confirm that it was her who hit her, I'll just give you the money right here!"

Ye Yang casually took out the black card from his bag: "Do you have a POS machine?"


The muscular man was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed boldly: "As expected of a great man! He is so awesome! I just said that I can't win without 7 or 8 million!"

"Seven or eight hundred thousand is not enough!"

Ye Yang took a closer look at the old lady: "How can I say that you are a Zhenghuangqi? Why isn't this Heavenly Pattern worth a million?"

Although I heard that Ye Yang was trying to squeeze him.

The old lady still sneered: "I know you want to spend money to solve the problem, but this million is the number you said yourself!"

A run is nothing, this powerful man wants to pay himself a million!

One million! ! !

Usually, if you blackmail five or six unlucky people, you may not be able to extort so much money in the end...

He is worthy of being a divine being!

The muscular man was also jealous when he saw money, but he was still greedy and said: "Since you know that my mother is the Empress Dowager of Zhenghuang Banner, with your status, paying one million yuan is not enough, right?"

"Hey! Are you a fraud?"

"That's right! Now I can see it! You clearly want to cheat my husband!"

"Haha, one million back!"

Among the onlookers, Ye Yang’s fans were all gone.

"Haha, this is not what you say! We have been around a lot here, monitoring blind spots, and even the dead can be said to be alive."

The muscular man laughed wildly in his heart, there was no evidence, it was just a joke!

"Oh? How many do you want?"

Ye Yang asked while suppressing a smile.

"Huh, let me see, why not..."

The muscular man opened his mouth and stretched out three fingers: "Three million!"

"Three million! Are you crazy!"

Now, everyone can see that he is going to blackmail him!

"Well, it's only three million. You have no dreams."

Ye Yang shrugged.

The muscular man was stunned, and then his face turned red. This was the first time that he was ridiculed over the amount of blackmail!

Moreover, this person is still the target of his blackmail! ! !

"Don't you just want to show off in front of your little lover! I know you have money! Let you show off enough this time! What happened today is five million! I'll make you lose enough!!! Haha!"

The muscular man roared.

"Ah... five million, barely enough."

Ye Yang nodded slightly and waved the black card casually: "Tell me the specific scene just now, and then confirm it yourself, and I will swipe your card for you."

Under the terrifying temptation of five million.

The muscular man had nothing else in his mind at this time, and he made up a lie: "Just now, this little girl drove an electric motorcycle and accelerated towards us. My mother couldn't dodge and was knocked three or four meters away! The lower body is probably gone! So I want you to pay me five million! That's the thing! What I said is true! I will say so in court!!!"

"Very good!"

Ye Yang nodded.

The muscular man took out the POS machine directly from his waist, his eyes were red, and he said directly: "Swipe it!!!"


The old lady finally realized that something was wrong and shouted repeatedly.

But it was obviously too late!

Five million, it's already gone...

Ye Yang raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Very good. Then... everyone present listen carefully! Now I will collect evidence from the entire network. Anyone who can provide real evidence of what happened just now will be rewarded with 300,000!"


Everyone was shocked when they heard this!

"My dashcam just recorded that this old bitch had been lying on the side of the road waiting for someone to hit her! It's a fraud gang!!!"

"Yes, yes, I can prove it too!"


In an instant, the situation was completely reversed...

(Second update)

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