Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 632: How to sentence a person who defrauded 5 million?


The muscular man's expression changed instantly and became extremely ugly.

“I knew it wasn’t that simple!!!”

The old lady was also filled with regrets. She regretted that she had been blinded by the huge amount of money just now. She didn't realize for a while that there was such a trick!

"Okay, we have the evidence."

Ye Yang glanced around with cold eyes, and saw the pale faces of the rhythmic people, ready to run away: "Now, whoever catches the members of the fraud gang who are rhythmic together in the crowd will be rewarded 200,000 yuan each!"

The words fell.

The crowd erupted into an uproar.

The onlookers who just now felt regretful that they were just watching the excitement and had no evidence, finally had an opportunity to make a huge windfall, and they all jumped in with red eyes.

The few members of the fraud gang who finally gave up the blackmail and wanted to turn around and run away were instantly squeezed into a pie by the people around them, and they couldn't even run away.

"Get away from me! Otherwise..."

Frustrated, some of them grabbed fruit knives from their pockets.

"Can I fuck you? Damn it!"

Before he could finish his threatening words, the fruit knife in his hand was kicked away by the man next to him.

Then, everyone swarmed up and beat him up.

"Damn fraud gang!"


"go to hell!"

"The most disgusting thing is a liar like you!"

"You still have a knife! I'll kick you!!!"


The enthusiasm of the crowd was aroused. Several members of the fraud gang screamed and were soon beaten until they were rolling on the ground. After a while, they couldn't even scream...

He was caught by the crowd with bruises all over his body.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the muscular man wanted to rush forward with a knife and take Ye Yang as a hostage.

"Ye Yang! Be careful!!!"

Zhong Ling'er was shocked by this scene.

"It doesn't matter."

Ye Yang waved his hand casually.

Turning his head, a cold look appeared on his face. He had long heard that there was a special group of old people organized to blackmail pedestrians.

It has brought about an extremely bad social atmosphere, so that the elderly who need help cannot get help when they fall on the roadside.

Many elderly people have died because of these gangs.

Many people who have been blackmailed have lost their families and their families.

There was no mercy in his heart when dealing with such an extreme scumbag.

It is God's business to forgive them, and he will send these scum to God immediately!


He grabbed the muscular man's wrist and crushed it into pieces with a strong force!

The knife in his hand naturally fell to the ground.


Before he could scream, a knee hit the muscular man in the lower abdomen!


This collision caused the wood to be broken into two pieces.

The muscular man and his ribs were all broken.

"Bring the knife up yourself. This is all self-defense as it should be!"

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth, which made the muscular man feel cold all over, and he shouted in fright: "You devil!!!"

"Devil? Isn't that just right? As the old saying goes, fight the devil with the devil."

Ye Yang gave another elbow strike, hitting the muscular man's neck hard.


A slight cracking sound was heard.


The muscular man was suffocated to the ground by this elbow, his facial features hit the ground, blood flowed, his whole body twitched, and he fainted...

"Killing people!!!"

The old lady screamed.


Ye Yang slapped his hand casually, knocking out all the eight remaining real teeth of the old lady, causing blood to flow out: "Shut up!"


There was no tooth in her mouth, and she could no longer speak smoothly. Seeing Ye Yang's terrifying majesty, the old lady did not dare to speak.

Ye Yang kept the strength in his hands and gave the opponent the maximum pain above the bottom line of beating to death.

Later, he also called Fang Han.

Elite lawyers from Jincheng Law Firm's Beijing branch will arrive within twenty minutes.

The police soon received reports from the masses and quickly arrived at the scene.

All the half-dead fraud members were arrested.

"Mr. Ye, thank you very much! We know that they are a fraud gang, but there has been no legal evidence, so we can't arrest them. Alas...if it weren't for your cleverness this time, we don't know when we would be able to arrest them. Bring him to justice!"

The beautiful police captain sighed and said bitterly.

"How to judge the amount of five million?"

Ye Yang asked with raised eyebrows.

"five million!?"

The beautiful police captain Wu Jingshu covered her mouth and was surprised: "Mr. Ye, you are really good at it."

"Anyway, if we catch him on the spot, there will be no loss."

Ye Yang shrugged: "Besides, it's only five million, not a lot of money."


Wu Jingshu sweated on the spot and had to give Ye Yang a thumbs up: "Awesome!!!"

Lawyers from the Jincheng Jingcheng branch quickly came to answer Ye Yang's doubts.

"Including the amount of previous fraud, it is conservatively estimated to be six to seven million."

"It has been included in extremely large amount cases. Article 226 of the Crime of Fraud stipulates that if the amount of fraud is particularly huge or there are other particularly serious circumstances, the person shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years or life imprisonment, and shall also be fined or have property confiscated. There are other According to the provisions, those who resist arrest or destroy criminal evidence and use violence or threaten violence on the spot will be punished by one level.”

"Judging from the current situation, boss, you have been defrauded of a huge amount of property by them... and you have also been threatened with violence."

"According to Jincheng's ability, they can be allowed to start indefinitely, with the maximum penalty being the death penalty."

The lawyer pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses and said with great confidence.

"You are indeed a reliable adult man. What is your name?"

Ye Yang gave him a thumbs up: "It's easy to handle this matter. If it's done, the bonus will be doubled!"

"Go back to the boss, my name is Zhang Wei!!!"

Lawyer Zhang Wei feels extremely proud that he was praised by Mr. Ye, the boss of Jincheng Law Firm!

The police captain Wu Jingshu on the side covered her mouth and smiled, these criminals are so miserable.

He was beaten violently, but he was also labeled as a threat of violence...

Worthy of being a gold medal lawyer!

"Then, let's add WeChat. I will contact you at any time for follow-up and follow-up of the case!"

Wu Jingshu said expectantly.

Ever since she watched the movie starring Ye Yang, she has been secretly obsessed with this handsome guy. She didn't have any idols since she was a child, but she finally found one. She didn't expect to meet him in real life so soon! ! !

Although I have to restrain myself because I am working now.

But she was already overjoyed inside.


Ye Yang naturally had no reason to refuse and directly added the WeChat account of the beautiful police captain.


Wu Jingshu put away her phone, smiled slightly on the outside, and cheered inwardly with a victory sign.

Soon, the crowd handed over their evidence to the police.

Ye Yang also gave everyone bonuses for bravery as promised, and then took Yu Momo and Zhong Ling'er into the car, preparing to find a place to comfort the frightened old classmate...

(First update)

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