Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 633: A phone call saves a lifetime of time


A family restaurant in the northeast of Beijing.

Zhong Linger had a big meal.

Ye Yang wasn't too hungry, but seeing how delicious Zhong Ling'er was eating, he ate some too.

It can be seen that Zhong Ling'er hasn't eaten so freely for a long time.

"Sigh... Life in Beidiao is so difficult. After I came out of school, I instantly felt what society is. It's not necessarily that others treat you coldly... It's mainly the sense of crisis of being alone in a city."

After Zhong Ling'er was full, she patted her belly with satisfaction: "But Ling'er has a dream! One day, I will establish myself in the capital!"

Ye Yang smiled and nodded: "Why didn't you contact me after graduation? I am currently short of talents in the company."

"Actually, I found a good job before graduation..."

Zhong Ling'er pouted and saw that Ye Yang was still looking at her, so she had to tell the truth: "Actually, I thought it would cause trouble for you. Although Ye Yang has made a fortune now, you are so young and your company must have just started a successful business. Yes, if I go in, wouldn’t I be told to go through the back door? Then..."

"Haha... As expected of you."

Ye Yang burst out laughing: "So how is your current work and life?"

"I found an industrial company in Beijing to do accounting. It's actually a very big company!"

She pondered for a moment and said, "It's owned by the Zhuge Group, a very powerful building materials company!"

"Zhuge Group?"

Ye Yang always felt that it sounded familiar.

"Ahem, it's the family business where Zhuge Zhu, who failed to pursue Mo Zhengzheng and pretended to be cool with you at the Centurion Club, was kicked out of the house by his father."

Yu Momo reminded him at the right time.

"Ah! So that's the one!"

Ye Yang snapped his fingers and asked, "Is your chairman's name Zhuge Yuanmou?"

"Uh-huh, Mr. Zhuge Yuanmou is the person in charge of the entire Zhuge Group!"

Zhong Ling'er waved her hands repeatedly: "Our company is a subsidiary of Zhuge Group, and the chairman is Zhuge Yang."


Ye Yang nodded clearly.

"Ye Yang, you don't know Zhuge Yuanmou, do you?"

Zhong Linger blinked her eyes and exclaimed in disbelief.

Although my father said on the phone that Ye Yang is very awesome and amazing now.

But after all, my father has lived in Spring City all his life and has never seen much of the world. To him, with a net worth of more than one billion, he is as big as the sky.

Therefore, I have never had a certain idea about Ye Yang.

After all, Ye Yang has only graduated a year ago. No matter how awesome a twenty-four-year-old young man is, it is impossible for him to start from scratch and directly reach the status of a super boss like Zhuge Yuanmou, right?

"Pfft... You can't say you want to work in the boss's company, but in the end you chose the industry under the boss's name!"

Yu Mo, who was on the side, couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Ah!? What's going on???"

Zhong Ling'er blinked: "You mean, does Zhuge Building Materials Company have Ye Yang's shareholding!?"

"No, no."

Seeing that Ye Yang had nothing to hide, Yu Momo continued to answer Zhong Ling'er's doubts: "The entire Zhuge Group is dependent on Yida, and the boss is now the largest shareholder of Yida Group."


Zhong Ling'er stood up with a cry of surprise.

It's really not that she has a weak mental capacity.

Anyone who suddenly learns that the classmate sitting across from him with a very ordinary family suddenly becomes the largest shareholder of the former richest man's company will be so frightened that he falls under the table, right?

The impact is too great!

It’s beyond imagination! ! !

Zhong Ling'er's exclamation also scared many diners nearby.

However, seeing that the person who scared them was such a beauty, they couldn't help but laugh and chose to forgive on the spot.


It took Zhong Ling'er a long time to come to her senses and pull the stool back, but she felt bad all over.

My legs became weak from fright.

This news is even more shocking than the extortion of money just now!

"Why are you lying to me!"

Ye Yang curled his lips: "Why don't you become the richest man in the country and have the nerve to let you come and work for me?"

"Ow, I'm going!"

Zhong Ling'er felt like her little brain couldn't work.

Ye Yang has been her classmate for several years!

We all know each other's parents' names and where they live. It's just a normal family!

How come after four or five years of not seeing each other, he suddenly transformed into a super great person! ! !

Ye Yang thought for a moment: "You have such a strong learning ability. It's too much to guess the finances of a small company. I'll tell Wang Silin and transfer you to Yida headquarters. The salary can be increased ten to eight times." "

"Ah this!"

Zhong Linger scratched her head.

"Don't refuse. Sooner or later, this position will be yours. I'm just shortening your time. You're not going through the back door."

Ye Yang comforted.


Zhong Ling'er didn't know whether to laugh or cry, I believe you are a ghost!

"But...thank you Brother Ye Yang!"

The circles under her eyes were a little red.

In the six months since she graduated, only she knew how hard she had been. Now, she was promoted to an unknown number of levels. It was a qualitative leap in changing her life!

From now on, I no longer have to worry about not having enough to eat after paying the rent at the end of the month, and all I can eat is steamed buns and pickles...

"Hello, Wang Silin? It's me."

"Dr. Ye!!!"

Wang Silin stood up immediately, muttering to himself that it was some unsighted person in the company who provoked Mr. Ye again, right?

Recently, one of Lao Ma's subordinates just messed up Mr. Ye and killed him...


After hearing what Ye Yang said, it was just a job transfer, Wang Silin couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief: "I was scared to death, it turned out to be a job transfer! Don't worry, boss, this matter will definitely be arranged for you! Immediately, immediately manage!!!"


Ye Yang nodded, and after hanging up the phone, he snapped his fingers to Zhong Ling'er: "It's done."

"This, is this the end?"

Zhong Ling'er couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

That is a position and circle that I may not be able to occupy even though I have struggled all my life...

What Ye Yang said was just shortening some time...

These may be her whole life! ! !

She couldn't help but feel a sincere admiration for Ye Yang: "Brother Ye Yang..."

"Haha, there's no need to say more words of thanks, it's too outlandish!"

Ye Yang waved his hand. For him, this was just a piece of cake.

There are countless people in this world who are in high positions and can’t learn shit.

Since this old classmate is capable, it is only natural for him to send her up...

(Second update)

Ula! ! !

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