Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 635: Waiting for me here

"I'm so envious!"

“I don’t know which second generation from which family!”

"Even the Hu family respects them so much, so their status must be high. We have to give gifts to enter. They only need to give their names. This is the difference!!!"

Many people outside the door spoke with envy.

After entering the Hu family, two doormen from the Hu family led Ye Yang and the four of them into the main venue.

Inside the venue, celebrities gathered.

Many famous young men and family representatives in the capital are busy building relationships with each other.

However, Ye Yang didn't pay much attention to this. After all, everyone present had a lower status than him.

Then what are you trying to curry favor with?

When many young men and women saw the three stunning women beside Ye Yang, they all coveted them and wanted to strike up a conversation with them.

However, before they came up, Xiao Qingxuan found a stone ball that the old man was playing with. With a gentle squeeze, the stone ball was crushed into pieces.

"I'll go!!! What kind of strange power is this!!!"

"Violent girl!"

"I'm afraid he's someone's bodyguard, right?!"

“Such a beautiful bodyguard, I’m so envious!!!”

All the young men and women were extremely bitter, but they did not dare to provoke him again.

If you were pinched like this, all the bones in your body would probably be shattered into powder...

"Mr. Ye, our head of the family has invited you to come in and give us a brief explanation."

A man dressed as a polite butler came over and said to Ye Yang with a smile.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Invite me to dinner, and why don't you come over to chat with me before the meal is finished?"

"Uh...ah this!!!"

As a waiter who works among celebrities, the butler is very familiar with the communication between nobles. He has thought through many of Ye Yang's refusals and has thought of corresponding countermeasures.

However, Ye Yang's rhetoric was simply refreshing and refined, something he had never seen before! ! !

He had to admit that he was at a loss for words for a moment...

"Haha, it doesn't matter, I want to see what kind of medicine your family master is selling in this gourd!"

Ye Yang waved his hand calmly: "Lead the way."

"Okay, okay."

The housekeeper was covered in cold sweat by Ye Yang's unconventional temperament. He didn't know how to deal with it at all, so he wanted to send Ye Yang to the place quickly and get rid of it as soon as possible.

"Here we are."

The steward kept saying.

Ye Yang looked inside, into the elegant study room.

An old man with white hair was reading a book in a rocking chair very energetically. At first glance, it seems that the body has been recuperated by traditional Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine is undisputedly excellent in regulating the body throughout the world.

Many old professors in schools of traditional Chinese medicine are in their seventies or eighties, and they often walk like flying and are in good spirits.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the head of the Hu family is still so energetic at the age of eighty.

Chinese medicine can teach you profound things, and except for force majeure accidents, there are very few people who will not live past the age of ninety.

“Oh? Mr. Ye!!!”

Hu Qingyong stood up and greeted him with a smile.

"Old man Hu is in pretty good spirits."

Ye Yang was not polite.

Although Hu Weishan said it was funny yesterday, his original intention was for himself after all. It was a blessing that he didn't anger the Hu family in a fit of anger.

Naturally, he doesn't have a good temper nowadays.

"Haha, Nephew Wei Shan said yesterday that Mr. Ye is a young genius and his medical skills have reached the pinnacle. Looking at it now, he is much younger than I thought!"

Hu Qingyong said with emotion.

"I don't like to play riddles. Yesterday, your 'virtuous grandson' was expelled from the Taiyuan Hospital, but today he immediately invited me to the birthday banquet. I'm afraid the Hu family doesn't have such a bodhisattva heart, right?"

Ye Yang asked lightly.

"Mr. Ye is indeed smart."

Hu Qingyong stroked his beard and nodded appreciatively: "I have already checked and found out that Mr. Ye is not only the best in medicine, he is also a big boss in the business world, especially in entertainment, which has recently set a record in China. Not bad, right?" "


Ye Yang nodded slightly, not surprised. After all, Hu Qingyong was also the patriarch of an old family in the capital in his eighties. He couldn't be as brainless as Hu Weishan, so he definitely had to investigate himself.

However, no matter who you are, the information you can check about yourself is limited now.

The core secrets are all hidden, and even the super beings at the top of the world may not be able to find out.

As for the information that Shuishui revealed in the live broadcast room, it was all irrelevant information. The biggest one was the acquisition of Jinyi and Yunchang. He was worth hundreds of billions and made a movie that frequently broke the box office. For him, Say, it's just a trivial achievement.

"Judging from Mr. Ye's age, with these dazzling achievements, he is enough to be called the leader of China's young generation. No one can surpass you."

Hu Qingyong flattered him.

"I've heard too many false flattery, tell me your purpose directly."

Ye Yang said with a faint smile.

"Boy! Don't be too arrogant!!! You are simply disrespectful and disrespectful..."

Everyone from the Hu family nearby was very unhappy when they saw Ye Yang's attitude.

"Back off!"

Hu Qingyong scolded.

Those in the Hu family retreated angrily.

"Mr. Ye, I have some good words for you today. Although you are considered a big shot now, China is in deep water, and there are more than just shopping malls in the world. No matter how rich you are, in the eyes of some circles, it is meaningless. It is just a piece of cake on the chopping board. It’s just fish!”

Hu Qingyong said with a smile.

"You mean, your Hu family is a knife, and I am a fish?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Yes, Mr. Ye must have understood along the way that my Hu family is called the Hu family of the medical army because it has both medical and military roots!"

"In addition to doctors, my Hu family's strength in the military cannot be underestimated!"

"You also know that before the military regime, what was the business world? No matter how huge it was, it was vulnerable to a single blow!"

Hu Qingyong said calmly: "I hope you can be optimistic about the situation! I also value your young talent and cherish your bright future, so I invite you here today because there is a chance for reconciliation between you and the Hu family!"

"Opportunity? It seems that your so-called reconciliation is not an easy reconciliation. Do I still need to pay some price?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

"There is no free friendship in the world!"

Hu Qingyong finally revealed his hidden face and sneered: "I heard from Hu Weishan, the grandson of Hu Weishan, that you have in your hands the original and unique copy of the wonderful medical book of the Han Dynasty, given by Zhang Taixu, the vice president of the Chinese Hospital!?"

"Oh~ So you are waiting for me here!"

Ye Yang chuckled and looked at the complacent Hu Qingyong, his face instantly darkened: "In front of me, you, the Hu family, are not qualified enough to be that knife!"

(Second update)


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