Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 636: The Hu Family's Pillar Returns

"Mr. Ye, you don't have to be so explicit, you just need to understand in your heart."

Hu Qingyong said calmly: "Moreover, as long as you agree to my terms of reconciliation, not only will you and my Hu family no longer be enemies, but we can also be friends! Turn enemies into friends. As a businessman, Mr. Ye must know that, How to choose! Besides, for Mr. Ye, a single medical book from the Han Dynasty is not of much significance. Your medical skills are already at the peak of the world. As for money, you are not short of it.

Hu Qingyong's abacus was very loud.

For the Hu family, it has always been based on the way of medicine and military skills. An unique medical book from the Han Dynasty can increase the Hu family's foundation and pretentious capital. this is very important!

As for the friendship between the Hu family...

It's just a polite way of saying it.

After all, Ye Yang has cut off the hope of the Hu family's generation in the medical field. In Hu Qingyong's heart, this orphan book can only be used to repair relationships. If Ye Yang asks him for help in the future, he will never help him. of.

Unless Ye Yang can come up with something more awesome that makes his heart beat.

Ye Yang could see through Hu Qingyong's little thoughts at a glance. He sneered: "The calculation is very loud. It's a pity that your Hu family is really not strong enough to say such things to me!"

Hu Qingyong's expression changed: "Does Mr. Ye want to fight our Hu family to the end?"

"I've said it before, the Hu family itself is not worthy of being my opponent. If you don't mess with me, I won't bother to deal with it. If you don't have a good eye, I don't mind and wipe you from the world!"

Ye Yang said calmly.


Hu Qingyong never expected that Ye Yang would be so arrogant!

The other members of the Hu family were also frightened by Ye Yang's words. They all looked at Ye Yang angrily and were ready to lecture him.

However, before they could say anything.

The front hall burst into huge cheers.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Hu Qingyong frowned and asked: "You can't be so calm! How can we have the courage that our century-old family should have!!!"

"Reporting to the head of the family, it is... Mr. Hu Tianqi is back!!!"

The doorman in front stumbled in and announced the good news.

"Apocalypse's nephew is back?!"

Hu Qingyong was shocked.

The entire Hu family has both medical and martial arts.

The military has always been the most important thing. After all, in terms of status, the military is higher! ! !

In a word, most of the other circles will tremble.

The Hu family will introduce two star-like pillar figures every time.

A facade that represents the medical lineage of the Hu family.

One represents the strength of the Hu family’s military lineage! ! !

And Hu Tianqi is the pillar of this generation of the Hu family in the military!

It is the guarantee of the Hu family’s current status in the capital!

Talking about the respect for the Hu family, nine out of ten people are in awe of Hu Tianqi! ! !

Not because of anything else, just because Hu Tianqi is one of the few generals in China today!

A serious and powerful major general!

You know, in the whole of China, generals are rare, they are the highest group of people in the military!

The status of a major general in the capital is already very high.

"Apocalypse is back! God helps me!!!"

Hu Qingyong was overjoyed.

Although the Hu family focuses on the military line, in order to highlight the importance of the medical line, the head of the family also takes turns taking charge of the two lines. Hu Qingyong is the head of the medical family of this generation.

Moreover, he has withdrawn from the national hospital. Although he is senior, he actually has little say or power to intimidate...

To put it bluntly, what he relies on is Hu Tianqi's current majesty in the military!

But now Hu Tianqi is back in person.

It would definitely be easier to ask Ye Yang for this Han Dynasty medical original than to speak on his own!

Maybe Ye Yang was so frightened when he saw Hu Tianqi that he handed over the thing.


Thinking that the Hu family's medical pulse would soon become a family treasure, he was overjoyed.

"Hurry! What are you waiting for! Follow me out quickly and greet me, the pillar of the Hu family!!!"

Hu Qingyong stood up directly and said with great excitement.


All the members of the Hu family were also extremely excited, and they looked at Ye Yang with the feeling that you were going to be finished.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, but he had no interest in staying. He was going to take a few girls to have sex for free and then leave. Since he came, of course he had to have sex for free.

Just walked to the front hall.

The guests all stood up one after another, moving towards a certain position to either flatter or congratulate.

Vaguely, he could see that it was a man with sword-like eyebrows and a tall and straight figure. Although his temples were white, he was extremely powerful.

"This should be Hu Tianqi."

Yu Momo checked it and said.

Ye Yang looked at the seal on his shoulder, he was a major general, and raised his eyebrows. This pillar of the Hu family was considered worthy of the title.

Hu Tianqi's eyes were cold, and he was vaguely anxious.

At this time, when he saw the figure of the young man behind Hu Qingyong and his party, his eyes lit up instantly.

It directly split the crowd.

With the guards behind him clearing the way, no one dared to stop him.


Hu Qingyong was very proud, thinking that Hu Tianqi missed him, so he broke through the crowd and hurried to see himself, the head of the Hu family.

But his outstretched hand stopped awkwardly in mid-air.

Because Hu Tianqi was so resolute that he missed him and walked behind him...


Hu Qingyong felt confused.

Even the other members of the Hu family didn't react.

The original noise and interested expressions of the guests present also fell silent in an instant...

Everyone stared at Hu Tianqi in a daze, wondering what this general was up to...


Hu Tianqi stood in front of Ye Yang, straightened his back, and saluted neatly: "Major General Ye, I have been instructed by the highest military department to pick you up for the major general awarding ceremony!!!"

As soon as these words came out.

The whole audience was in an uproar!!!

"What!? Did my ears break just now?!"

"Major General Ye!?"

"Major General!? Such a young major general!? Are you kidding me!?"

"This is totally unrealistic!!! This... this is ridiculous!"

"The pillar of the Hu family returned home in a strong manner, just to celebrate the awarding of medals to a young outsider!!!?"

"It's really unexpected. It feels absurd, but more of it is infinite shock!"

"No wonder the young man at the door just reported his name and came in. It turns out that he is a major general like the pillar of the Hu family!!!"

"Moreover, he is such a young major general. In the future, he must become a lieutenant general... or even that kind of supreme height!!!"


There were exclamations and constant discussions in the field.

And Hu Qingyong, the head of the Hu family, was just dumbfounded: "This matter... How come I don't know!!!"

(First update)


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