Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 637 The Hu family, whom I need to respect, actually fears him like a tiger

"This Ye Yang is actually a major general in the military!?"

Hu Qingyong felt that his worldview had collapsed.

Such a young major general?

No wonder there was no relevant information at all!

Even with the Hu family's connections in the military, it was impossible to find such a young major general who had not yet been awarded.

After all, the information of major generals was confidential. To be awarded a major general at such a young age must have extremely special merits. If the top leaders of China did not want people to find out, it would be impossible for a family of the Hu family to investigate.

"Damn, this time I miscalculated!"

Hu Qingyong felt that he was not well.

He was at the same level as their pillars, and he also had the halo of the business world and the blessing of the medical world. It can be said that he was completely several levels higher than the Hu family!

And he was so young. If he couldn't kill him, it would only take 20 to 30 years. I'm afraid that he would reach a level that the Hu family couldn't even look up to.

"How could this happen!"

He was full of bitterness. As a major general, Hu Tianqi was given the important task of receiving Ye Yang's medal. Naturally, he knew Ye Yang's contribution in the army.

For such a contribution, let alone his sincere admiration and respect, even if he only valued his potential to be a general at the age of 24, he would never choose to be an enemy of Ye Yang.

So, when he heard the news released above, Ye Yang was invited by the Hu family to attend the birthday banquet.

He was a little panicked.

He was afraid that the Hu family would neglect this new Chinese general.

So, after receiving the news, he drove over directly.

However, looking at Hu Qingyong's face, he was afraid that he was late...

"Major General Ye is in the Hu family, are you still relieved?"

Although Hu Tianqi knew that what he was worried about had happened, if he didn't reveal this grudge in public, it would be more troublesome in the future.

Even if the Hu family loses some face today, it must be revealed!

"Relaxed? I'm afraid it's not very relieved."

Ye Yang said lightly.

"Ahem, Mr. Ye, we may have had some misunderstandings before..." Hu Qingyong rubbed his hands and smiled, trying to ease the relationship. "Misunderstanding?" Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth and was too lazy to say more. "What's going on! Explain it to me clearly!!!" Hu Tianqi was angry and scolded Hu Qingyong in public. "Hiss... The pillar of the Hu family scolded the head of the Hu family. This exciting internal strife scene is the first time I have seen it!"

"It's worth coming to this birthday party. This scene is definitely the most interesting scene in the history of the Hu family!"


"After all, the pillar of the Hu family has the most say. I'm afraid Hu Qingyong said something unpleasant to Major General Ye just now..."

"Could it be that the rumors about the National Hospital yesterday were true?"

"You mean... it was because of Major General Ye that Hu Weishan of the Hu family was kicked out of the National Hospital yesterday?"

"Otherwise, how could Hu Qingyong dare to offend such a big shot?"

"Then he's finished! It seems that he didn't know that this young man was a major general before!"

"Alas... The Hu family, who we need to flatter and flatter, needs to be cautious and modest in front of such an existence. It's really annoying to compare with others, which makes people feel emotional!"



The crowd talked a lot, and they were obviously very interested in the good show in front of them.


Hu Qingyong told Hu Tianqi about his experience from yesterday to now.

The more Hu Tianqi listened, the worse his face became.

Until the end, he was on the verge of rage: "Hu Qingyong! Choosing you as the head of the family is how you do things!!! You dared to interview such a person before you completely confirmed the news with me, and even asked him to pay a heavy gift to apologize just because an ordinary child with ordinary medical talent was expelled from the National Hospital!!! You really don't deserve to be the head of the Hu family!!!"

The onlookers were all stunned.

This passage contains too much information!!!

Why does it sound like Ye Yang is not only a major general in the military, but also a super important guest of the National Hospital! He easily crushed the new national doctor of the Hu family in the competition! ?

This is simply too outrageous!

You know, no matter how useless you are, as long as you can enter the National Hospital, your hard power must be good!

In other words, even Ye Yang's achievements in medicine are far beyond ordinary national doctors! ! !

This is simply... unbelievable!

He is a super rich man, and his status in medicine and the military is so terrifying. This is simply...

Too strong!!!

"How could I have thought that at such a young age, he could have achieved so much!"

Hu Qingyong almost cried.

Fuck, at the age of twenty-four or twenty-five, just one of these is unbelievable! ?

He never thought that Ye Yang could have a status in the military that could rival the pillar of the Hu family!!!

Is this still a human!!!

This is more outrageous than a monster...

He completely collapsed, and knew that his words and deeds just now had caused great harm to the Hu family, and now he could only admit his defeat.

"Hurry up and apologize to Mr. Ye!!!"

Hu Tianqi shouted angrily.

"... Me?!" Hu Qingyong's face turned pale and blue, but he also knew that the overall interests of the Hu family were more important. In the end, he bowed his head, his face flushed, and said in public: "Mr. Ye, I was wrong. I sincerely apologize to you!!!" Hu Qingyong, an 80-year-old man, bowed his head to admit his mistake to Ye Yang.

"Oh! Too strong! Too glorious!"

"Let the head of the Hu family apologize to him in front of everyone at his birthday banquet. Damn, if I had such an experience, I would be happy if Ding Ding was three centimeters shorter!"

"If yours was three centimeters shorter, it would have shrunk. Haha, you are too cruel!"

"Get lost!!!"


The guests at the scene were either of the same status as the Hu family or wanted to curry favor with the Hu family.

This scene gave them a huge shock!

It was destined that this scene would be passed down as a myth in the wealthy circles of the capital after the banquet...

"Mr. Ye, the position of the head of the Hu Qingyong family will be revoked today! On behalf of the Hu family, I will give you three thousand-year-old out-of-print medical books, plus 10 billion shares of Hu family assets!"

Hu Tianqi waved his hand with extraordinary courage: "I hope Mr. Ye can put aside the past grudges and let go of the Hu family's grudges this time!!!"

As a major general, he just knew more secrets.

He controls the world's largest capital investment company and the world's strongest gaming company, and his core technology overwhelms the entire world. No big company can resist him!!!

According to his contribution to the military, he can only be promoted to major general at most according to military regulations.

It is basically certain that he will be awarded the rank of lieutenant general in the future, and the time will definitely not be too far away from now...

How can he not treat such a future true god with respect and caution! ?

(Second update)


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