Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 639 Yamamoto Shigu: I'll give you an offer you can't refuse

After walking around Prince Gong's mansion, Hu Tianqi was even more grateful for his previous choice of treating Ye Yang respectfully.

This can't be disrespectful!

It's ridiculously strong!

Hu Tianqi was left in the palace again, and after a whole sheep feast, Hu Tianqi left.


At night in Prince Gong's Mansion, there were bursts of laughter. Ye Yang was playing retro games with the palace ladies. These were all researched by Zhu Zhuzhu based on ancient books.

It is said that ancient princes played these games at night.

Look through the signs and take a ride on the sheep cart.

With various specially made tools, it can be said to be a great time to play.

As well as various yin and yang complementary postures recorded in ancient books, allowing both parties to achieve the best feeling and experience.

It can be said that the pursuit of happiness in the world is the joy of tranquility.


The next day, Ye Yang woke up from the feeling of satisfaction and stretched himself.

Yu Momo walked in and conducted his weekly report.

Although Yu Momo's secretarial team took over many companies under his name.

But these companies belong to him after all, so Yu Momo always has to report these things to Ye Yang.

"The growth rate of Shentu Company is still very strong, and it has now become one of the most eye-catching group shares in the world. Foreign consortiums have tried to use tricks to attack Shentu's share structure several times. They want to focus on customers and become the controller of Shentu. However, they were all defeated and crushed under the operation.”

When Yu Momo said this, he was also quite proud.

"Yeah, well done."

Ye Yang nodded slightly.

Capital is bloody. Once you see something good, you want to take it for yourself. If you can't get it, you will destroy it and not give it to anyone else.

It would be better for the people in the world not to have food to eat, but also to let them get the maximum benefit.

Large foreign capital groups have been eyeing the Chinese market for a long time. As soon as any powerful company emerges, they will use various means to turn each Chinese company into a group controlled by them through various means.

There are very few people who can withstand the attacks of these rogue consortiums and ultimately win.

To be like Shentu, a company that is stared at with red eyes by almost all the major groups around the world, launches attacks together, and everyone wants to get a piece of the pie, but still stands in the end, can be said to be a mythical existence.

In the business district, the name of Shentu has been worshiped and praised by many companies recently.

Ye Yang nodded.

Foreign countries rely on nothing more than various unfair terms and huge amounts of money to carry out attacks.

Even the big financial groups in the world cannot compare with him in terms of wealth.

Especially in terms of cash reserves, he beats most of the so-called big conglomerates in the world.

Even if many large financial groups join forces to attack the sacred land, it will have no effect at all. They are lucky not to be eaten in turn.

As for unfair terms, Shentu will not accept them at all.

After all, the core technology and all the opportunities are in the hands of Shentu, and there is no way to threaten Shentu's living space.

No one can force Shentu to sign any unequal terms.

"By the way, a major Japanese game company: Kameba Chairman Yamamoto Shigo said he wanted to have a video call with his boss. He claimed that he has a boss in his hands and you can't refuse the conditions."

Yu Mo suppressed a smile and said.

"Yamamoto is a dog?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, he was named very courageous.

"These foreigners all come from the same village, right? They always make offers that others can't refuse. The body in the cow farm didn't even cool down after it died, but this one just jumped out and made noises. I really have no memory!"

"Yes, boss, see you?"

Yu asked silently.

"Haha, since it's Xiaori... a Japanese boss who has a good life and wants to show off, of course he can't just let it go."

Ye Yang said calmly.

He wanted to see what conditions this small country could make for him that he couldn't refuse.


The video was connected quickly.

Yamamoto's moustache was raised very high. When he saw Ye Yang, who was sitting on the prince's chair with his legs crossed and looking at him indifferently, a look of displeasure appeared on his face: "Ye Sang! Your sitting posture is not good for me. Big contempt! Please take this conversation seriously, because this conversation may change your life!"

"If you have something to say, say it, and if you have something to say, let it go!"

Ye Yang sneered and ignored Yamamoto Shigo's opinion.

"Is it possible that Chinese people are so rude! Unlike our country, which is a country of great etiquette!"

Seeing Ye Yang's attitude, Yamamoto Shigo almost exploded with anger, but as a lackey, he was just sending a message to America's father today, so he had to endure it.

"Hahaha... there are small courtesy but no great righteousness, bending down to apologize every day but not repenting, isn't it you who are talking about it?"

Ye Yang said calmly: "Apologizing while pouring nuclear wastewater into the sea, is this your politeness?"


Yamamoto was speechless, and then he got angry and said, "You have a very bad conscience! How dare you..."

"We have an old saying in China: say what you say to whomever you want. When dealing with fools like you, you should deal with fools the same way."

Ye Yang looked down at Mr. Yamamoto and shouted coldly: "China is a country of etiquette, but if you want to be treated with our courtesy, you should be a person yourself first!"


Yamamoto was so helpless and furious that he stood up directly, but he couldn't say anything to refute...

He even felt that what Ye Yang said seemed to make sense.

"I know that Ye Sang looks down upon our turtle farm. After all, the sacred land under your name has developed very rapidly and is already the number one in the world. However, today, I am here on behalf of an extremely noble being. Negotiating with you, I hope you won’t be disrespectful!”

Yamamoto Shigo shouted angrily.

"Oh? So it's a loyal dog that delivers messages?"

Ye Yang sneered: "You are not qualified to talk to me, let the person behind you come out."

"Haha, you are not qualified to talk to the person behind me! Behind me, there is the invincible overlord in the world: America and the United States!!! Haha, you must be scared!"

Yamamoto wanted to see a trace of panic on Ye Yang's face, but unfortunately, there was none at all.

Instead, I saw deep ridicule.

It shouldn’t be!

Shouldn’t the whole world tremble when they hear the name America?

"It turns out to be the United States."

Ye Yang narrowed his eyes and looked at Yamamoto Shirou in front of him sadly: "It seems that you are very unfortunate."

"What do you mean?"

Yamamoto Shigou was so cold by Ye Yang's eyes.

Ye Yang has lost interest in talking to Yamamoto Shigo.

Looking at it now, he is just a pawn used by the United States to test itself in this regard.

Since I want to test my attitude.

Then, you must be mentally prepared to lose meat.

After all, he, Ye Yang, is not a good person to be trifled with!

"In this case, the destruction of the turtle farm should be regarded as a sacrificial flag before the official start of this struggle!"

Ye Yang waved his hand coldly, and when Yamamoto Shigo looked confused, he immediately cut off the call...

(Second update. The previous chapter was the first update today. I misremembered the count at the end of the chapter.)


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