Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 640: With the core technology in hand, it is so strong


Yamamoto Shigo stood up from his seat angrily and paced back and forth in the office.

"How dare you not give my American father face! You are so damned!!!"

He couldn't believe that Ye Yang was not afraid of America at all.

You know, in the past, whoever wanted to do business in the world had to obtain the consent of the United States?

After all, they are the world's hegemon, and they have the most power and technology patents.

It also controls most of the most vital oil lifeline.

Therefore, the United States is like a robber. When it sees someone trying to get up, it goes over to cause trouble for them, and then pretends to be saving them.

Nowadays, the rise of the gods and the somatosensory clothing technology has made the top scientific and technological leaders and businessmen in the United States cry.

His eyes were blood red. He wanted the core technology of the somatosensory suit, but he knew that sanctions would not be of much use, so he asked Yamamoto Shigo as a middleman to contact Ye Yang in an attempt to negotiate and lure Ye Yang with many benefits.

However, negotiations have not yet begun.

Yamamoto Shigo's pride angered Ye Yang, causing the video call to be cut off.

"Damn it, why are you dealing with my American father this time! It's over, it's over, this Ye Yang is so arrogant!!!"

Yamamoto Shigo was worried about America's father's accountability while angrily scolding Ye Yang.

Not ready to scold you.

The company secretary ran in: "It's not good, it's not good!!!"

"You, what are you doing? You are in such a hurry, how unbecoming you are!"

Yamamoto asked angrily.

"Just now, Shentu Company announced the news to the outside world and directly released the video call just now!"

The little secret kept saying.

"There is no way out! How dare he!!!"

Yamamoto Shigo felt as if his head was going to explode, and he sat down directly on the chair with a buzz.

The United States itself wants to hide in the dark and watch the snipe and the clam fight, and he will benefit. Now that this video is released, doesn't it confirm that the United States bribed him as a lackey and prepared to coerce and lure the Shentu Company? Is it true?

"what else!"

Yamamoto Shigou said repeatedly.

"There was also a notice under the video saying... If you want to negotiate, just do it yourself. Send a dog over, and don't blame me for turning it into a dog with a broken spine..."

Shangshanmeiko said repeatedly.

"Bagaya road!!!"

Yamamoto Shigo was so angry that he slapped the table, shocked and angry.

Ye Yang finally said that he would use the turtle farm to destroy the sacrificial flag!

Could it be that those were not angry words at all?

Is Shentu really going to take action against Turtle Farm?

this! ?

He was like an ant on a hot pot. In desperation, he had an idea: "Quickly, contact the ambassador of the United States. I want to ask him for help!"

The call was answered quickly.

"Hello!? Mr. Yamamoto, you did such a bad job! The United States has never had this kind of transaction with you. From now on, I don't know you! We also have sanctions imposed on you by Shentu Company." You won’t participate, it’s just your own fault!”

After saying that, the other party hung up the phone directly, without even giving Yamamoto Shigo a chance to say a word.

Yamamoto put down the phone in a daze, feeling that his strength had been drained away, and there was only one sentence left in his heart: This time the work is over...

Over there on the phone.

Ambassador Parkinson put down the phone and sneered.

Yamamoto Shigo was just a chess piece introduced by the United States. He was asked to shout and kill for the top management of the United States. When he was killed, the top management of the United States was too lazy to care about the life and death of these lackeys.

This is a traditional American art.

Encourage others to work hard for him and do bad things, and come back to the United States if something goes wrong?

They all replied in unison: "Who are you? I don't know you!"

"Inside the department! Parkinson! You have a bad conscience! Now I am dead and I have to work!"

Yamamoto Shigou resignedly closed his eyes.

The gaming industry in the future will definitely be an era where the gods and earth are supreme. Being sanctioned by the gods and earth is basically equivalent to being kicked out of the competition in the gaming industry.

Even if there is no decline in the past two years, if VR and somatosensory suits become popular in a few years, Turtle Farm will be completely dead.

The reason is very simple. With PS5, who still plays games with the NES that could only play Tetris in the last century?

However, death is like the wind and often comes much faster than one imagines.

This time, before Shentu even issued a sanctions statement, major manufacturers and even manufacturers around the world quickly issued declarations of severing diplomatic relations.

Russian factory: "Resolutely put an end to all kinds of cooperation with turtle farms!"

Execution Field: "The games scheduled for next year and the contracts being signed should be invalidated!"

Donkey Factory: "Haha, if you dare to offend Shentu on this topic, I think Mr. Yamamoto is really crazy! I advise you to take care of yourself and reflect on it! Next time, don't make such a low-level mistake! Oh, you have no next time Already..."

Murray Factory: "It is estimated that the turtle farm will definitely follow the footsteps of the cattle farm. Let's divest our capital and terminate the contract as soon as possible to avoid more economic losses! Mr. Yamamoto, we will always support you spiritually!"

These major manufacturers have severed all kinds of cooperation with Turtle Farm and canceled almost all orders.

Turtle Farm instantly fell into a desperate situation.

Then, the familiar stocks turned green, fluctuated, investment institutions withdrew their capital, and retail investors followed suit.

In just one day, Turtle Farm has followed the footsteps of Niu Farm.

After being forced to delist, he completely withdrew from the history of the gaming industry and turned into an inconspicuous wisp of dust...

Turtle Farm is nothing but a lackey sent by the United States, crushing them to death is like crushing ants to death.

Ye Yang didn't pay much attention at all.

However, in the following days, the matter fermented more and more fiercely, and it also moved from the business world to the Internet.

Many Chinese netizens were extremely excited!

"This is so encouraging!"

"Broken the dog's leg in front of me!"

"Hard steel, no face left for the United States, this is too strong!"

"Shentu is mighty!"

"The light of China!"

"Must buy more games and equipment from Shentu to support it!"

"Shentu's games and equipment are indeed beyond the times. Even if you don't have these, as long as you have some spare money, who doesn't want to buy one to play with!"

"Is there anything else that can support Ye Shenhao!"

"Go and watch his movies a few more times! Provide him with box office, anyway, he is the largest investor!"

"That's right! Ye Shenhao is always the god!!!"


Everyone was very excited.

Faced with the pressure from the United States, many Chinese companies can only admit defeat.

The key technology is in their hands, and many bosses are afraid of losing profits in order to make money, so they dare not fight hard.

But now Shentu has swept away the previous feeling.

Not only did they fight, but they also had the core technology in their hands. They were so tough!

Who cares who you are!

Feel proud!

Chinese netizens were all ready to support Shentu, and they liked Ye Yang instead.

The box office growth of "Ye Wen" had already been flat, and it started a wave of crazy growth in China...

(First update)

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