Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 642: Han Jingjing is in trouble?


The door of the Pagani Wind God opened and closed.

Ye Yang and Yu Momo walked down from the car, and instantly dazzled the audience.

You know, the Pagani Wind God is a super luxury car worth more than 40 million!

Even for the so-called rich people in the film and television industry, the most powerful actors and screenwriters, it is a small matter to earn tens of millions or even tens of millions a year.

But their cars are usually at most a few million Mercedes-Benz G-Class, or ordinary luxury cars like Ferrari, and those that are more than 10 million are very rare.

Generally, only the rich can afford such real super luxury cars.

So, when everyone saw that it was the Pagani Wind God, they knew that the visitor must be extraordinary.

"It's Mr. Ye!"

The several CEOs of Huabo were radiant.

If it hadn't been acquired by Ye Yang, how could Huabo have its current glory! ?

You know, except Ye Yang, not many people have the courage to invest more than 1 billion just for feelings and making good films.

If we take into account the box office dividend-style remuneration promised at the beginning, the cost of this movie is as much as several billion!

Which boss in China would invest so much money just for the sake of sentiment and the desire to make a good movie! ?

As a big boss who already has social status and capital, he only operates for money, with nothing but money in his heart and eyes.

He has no sense of social responsibility at all.

This is why there are very few fine films in China.

To make a good drama, they should carefully select the cast and polish the plot.

Their money is also given to them by the audience with this expectation, but they failed the audience.

The appearance of Ye Yang changed all this.

When all the people in the film and television industry were waiting to see him laugh...

Ye Wen directly took in 15 billion box office, and now he is directly ranked third in the world's film history! ! !

The fact shows that it is not that good movies do not make money.

It is these vampire and bug bosses who are used to playing the capital game, who do not believe that good movies can make money at all, that's all.


A group of Huabo executives stood beside Ye Yang, naturally feeling extremely proud.

They are now the third-highest-grossing company in the world's film history!

They are no longer on the same level as the other companies that came to celebrate!

Other film companies also looked at this scene with envy, regretting why they were not selected and acquired by Ye Shenhao.

Even if you are a vice chairman in a world-class film company, it is much more awesome than being a chairman in a national film company!

The salary alone is estimated to be five or even ten times different! ! !

They are not at the same level at all!

"Congratulations to Ye Shenhao!"

"The unprecedented success of "Ye Wen" is simply the pride of the Chinese film industry and a miracle in the history of world cinema! All this is due to your keen insight and strong courage, Mr. Ye!!!"


The bosses of major film and television companies came forward to flatter him.

Flattery never wears out.

Ye Yang was naturally very happy to hear it.

Soon, the food came up and the atmosphere became even more lively.

Almost all the people who came were real actors and veteran actors.

Although those traffic stars wanted to get traffic and attract the attention of many bigwigs, the bosses of these companies knew that Ye Yang didn't like traffic stars, so they kept them in the company and didn't let them come...

They didn't invite you, so why go there and get scolded!

As the undoubted core of the scene, the guests in front of Ye Yang's table were endless, and it was almost difficult to have a peaceful meal.

There was a long queue for toasts.

The senior executives of various film and television companies came with their secretaries to toast, and asked the secretaries to take pictures while toasting.

If you can clink glasses with such a super bigwig, you can post the photo in the hall of your home in the future, and you can brag about it for the rest of your life when you have guests! ! !

After eating for a while, Ye Yang shook his head and saw the executive director who seemed a little anxious, and asked: "What's wrong!? I just heard you say... there are still people who haven't arrived?"

"Ah! !?"

The executive director didn't expect that he could be heard even though he spoke so quietly! On second thought, Director Ye is really skilled in martial arts, and he is very sharp-eyed and sharp-eared, so he is relieved.

"What? Are there still some of us who haven't arrived yet?"

Ye Yang asked.

"Basically, everyone is here, but... there is still one missing, and he should be on the way."

Huabo's executive chairman said repeatedly.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.


Huabo's executive director was sweating profusely. Now Ye Yang can be said to be the undisputed number one in the film and television industry, and his status and strength are at the top.

"Ye Wen" celebration party was summoned, and there are still people who dare to be late? This is simply disrespectful!

"Boss, it's Han Jingjing, the new singer trained by our company. She confirmed that she would come before, but I don't know why. Now she hasn't arrived and I can't contact her..."

The executive director told everything repeatedly.


Ye Yang nodded. Han Jingjing had an intersection with him.

Lin Xueer is a fan of Han Jingjing. When Han Jingjing held a concert in Chuncheng, he accompanied Lin Xueer to watch it.

He had left his contact information with the other party that day.

"Something seems to be wrong, check her location."

Ye Yang said to Yu Momo.


Yu Momo directly obtained the phone location permission through his connections, and a minute later, he sent the real-time location to Ye Yang.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, and after zooming in on the location, he felt that something was not right.

The speed of the other party's movement did not seem like she was in a car.

Could it be that she wanted to come over?

"I'll go and take a look."

Ye Yang stood up and said.

"Boss, what are you doing?"

The executive director was shocked.

It is not easy to get permission to investigate other people's locations through mobile phone numbers and infringe on other people's privacy.

They obviously didn't know that Ye Yang already knew Han Jingjing's location.

"Go out for a walk."

Ye Yang waved his hand.

The executive director did not dare to ask more, but just nodded stupidly.

"Boss, are you here?"

Xiao Qingxuan came to Ye Yang with a smile.

As the heroine of the movie, she naturally had to be there, but her old professional problem came back today, so she came to check the scene in advance.

"You are very perceptive."

Ye Yang smiled.

"Boss, you don't have to go in person. I can handle all unexpected situations by myself."

Xiao Qingxuan said proudly, showing her little tiger teeth.

"You don't like being toasted either, and you want to escape the bar!"

Ye Yang exposed it at a glance.

"Uh... hehe."

Xiao Qingxuan scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly.

"Okay, let's go."

Ye Yang shook his head. Judging from the location, Han Jingjing seemed to have encountered some trouble, but the position was always moving, so it shouldn't be a particularly urgent trouble.

After a while, the people in the field found out with a smile.

At the celebration banquet of the movie, the male and female protagonists actually disappeared...

(First update)

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