Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 643: It turns out to be a few small shrimps


Pagani Fengshen is extremely fast.

After a while, we arrived near the location.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. There are all alleys around here!

He and Xiao Qingxuan got out of the car, and as soon as they entered the alley, they bumped into Han Jingjing, who was stumbling over.

Han Jingjing's face turned red and her eyes were a little blurry.

When he saw Ye Yang, his eyes flashed a little differently.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Ye Yanggang asked.

Han Jingjing staggered a few steps and fell directly into Ye Yang's arms.

"what's the situation!?"

Ye Yang looked at her obviously uncomfortable state and couldn't help but asked doubtfully.

"It seems to be a love potion."

Xiao Qingxuan looked at it and said.

"Love drug?"

Ye Yang's eyes flashed, and he felt a little angry in his heart.

The other party knew clearly that this was a celebration banquet for Huabo's "Ye Wen", but he still dared to attack the guests attending the celebration banquet in the middle of the show!

This clearly doesn't give him any face!

"Well, Sister Xiaozhu is a drug addict. After giving someone a poison, girls basically react like this."

Xiao Qingxuan said very familiarly.


Ye Yang nodded slightly.

Before he could say anything, a young man was catching up behind him, panting, with dark circles under his eyes, and a sloppy pace. He looked like he had an overdrafted kidney.

Next to the young man was a woman wearing high heels.

When the two of them saw Han Jingjing lying on Ye Yang's chest at the entrance of the alley, one was shocked and angry, the other frightened.

But obviously they didn't dare to act rashly.

"Hey! Boy, this girl is our younger sister. She is a lunatic and ran away from the house. I advise you to hand her over to us quickly, otherwise you will be better off!"

The young man said extremely gloomily.

"What's your last name?"

Ye Yang asked lightly.

"My surname is Li...ah no, it's none of your business what my surname is!"

The young man shouted angrily.

"Haha, then she is not your sister."

Ye Yang would not believe such nonsense at first, and looked at the young man coldly: "Explain carefully, what is going on!"

"Do you fucking know who I am? If I give you a step, you won't know how to get down! Believe it or not, I..."

The young man with kidney deficiency was about to say harsh words.

The woman on the side grabbed him and said, "Mr. Li, this man looks familiar!"

"What? Do you know him?"

The young man with kidney deficiency frowned and asked.

If you are an acquaintance, it would be a bit difficult to be caught doing this kind of thing...

"No... he seems to be the star of "Ye Wen", the current international star Ye Yang!"

The woman kept saying.


The young man with kidney deficiency laughed out loud: "A bad actor dares to interfere with my business! Get out of here! Otherwise, I will tell you to get out of the entertainment industry with just one word!!!"

"I don't care whether you can do anything to me with just one word. I do know that you can go to jail with just one word!"

Ye Yang shouted lowly.


After all, the young man with kidney deficiency had a guilty conscience. His expression changed, he knew that the matter was beyond control, and he quickly pulled away and prepared to run away.

"Wait for me!"

The woman looked panicked.

If this thing couldn't be done today, wouldn't she have been planning for so many days in vain? If Han Jingjing didn't suffer any losses, her best friend could be ruined with a backhand!

It’s all the fault of this stupid Mr. Li, who insists on playing some kind of cat and mouse game, saying that it can arouse his emotions. To put it bluntly, this Mr. Li plays too harshly and destroys himself. Without some special stimulation, I can't even stand up straight.

That's why the scene just happened.

Otherwise, everything would have been settled in the small courtyard just now!

Damn it! ! !

"I thought it was some big trouble, but it turned out to be two little miscellaneous fish."

Xiao Qingxuan looked around: "I think you don't need to hide anymore! Just come out."

When the words fell.

Four or five bodyguards also appeared inside and outside the alley, looking fierce.

Obviously, he felt that today's situation was easy to grasp.

"The only man who is still holding on to the female star has no hands to spare. What can you do if you are the only girl left?!"

"Haha, it's better to hurry up and catch him, it will save the brothers a lot of trouble!"

"Yeah, oh, you came here! Do you think you can beat four or five of us by yourself... ugh!!!"

Xiao Qingxuan's movements almost turned into an afterimage.

Before he could finish his taunting words, he was punched hard in the stomach, causing his body to fold in half...

The powerful impact knocked the two bodyguards behind him directly against the wall.

Then a back kick broke the chin of the bodyguard behind him.

Almost in the blink of an eye, several bodyguards fell to the ground.

But at this time, the young man with kidney deficiency and the woman had already disappeared in the alley.

Xiao Qingxuan wanted to chase, but Ye Yang waved his hand.


Xiao Qingxuan wanted to show that tracking two ordinary people was too simple.

Ye Yang shrugged indifferently: "They can't escape, so they'd better place her first."

Han Jingjing, who had always been tense, relaxed after seeing the young master with kidney deficiency running away.

As soon as she relaxed, she lost control of herself, and now she was moving her hands up and down on him.

Ye Yang's blood is strong, how can he withstand this continuous sneak attack that is neither light nor heavy, neither up nor down...


Xiao Qingxuan obviously also saw Ye Yang's dilemma, and smiled: "Okay boss."

"No. 102, Chaoyang Liuxia Villa...send me...home..."

Han Jingjing struggled to regain her last bit of consciousness and whispered.

"Ah? Don't you want to go to the hospital?"

Ye Yang asked with a frown.


Han Jingjing shook her head with difficulty: "Once the paparazzi captures me in this condition and I go to the hospital, my singing career will be over and my future will be gone..."

"All right."

Seeing Han Jingjing's persistence, Ye Yang had no choice but to nod.

The drug of infatuation is not poison. It stands to reason that drinking more cold water, blowing in the wind, and taking it easy should be fine.

"You come and drive."

Now that Han Jingjing's heart was relaxing, her whole body was increasingly controlled by the power of the medicine. Her hands were clinging to his body and her mouth was gnawing at him.

It made Ye Yang unable to concentrate on driving.

Xiao Qingxuan, who was watching the excitement from the side, didn't think it was a big deal. She laughed and drove to the place Han Jingjing said.

Along the way, both inside and outside the car, the speed was very fast.

It was so fast that passersby couldn't see what was going on inside the car.

"Holy crap, am I dazzled!"

"Are rich people so open to play now?"

"It's so wild! There are three people in two cars, one rich man and two beautiful women!"

"Going for a ride and riding at the same time? This is too cruel..."

I probably saw my body, but couldn't see the reality clearly. Passersby along the way felt they were dumbfounded...

Soon, they arrived at the address Han Jingjing mentioned.

(Second update)

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