Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 644: Spent a whole night helping Han Jingjing


Just arrived at the villa.

Cold Jingjing causes toxicity.

I drank water for half a day and the ventilation didn't work.

"It seems this is very toxic!"

Ye Yang sighed, seeing Han Jingjing's uncomfortable look, he also looked at Xiao Qingxuan: "If you don't detoxify for a long time, there won't be any problems, right?"

"It's not a big problem. At most, it gets angry and makes your brain go crazy?"

Xiao Qingxuan spread his hands and smiled nonchalantly.


Ye Yang stared, this is not serious...

She was indeed a woman who had been on the battlefield and seen life and death.


Han Jingjing saw that drinking water to detoxify was useless, so she had to look at Ye Yang: "Drinking water is useless, can you help me detoxify..."


After Ye Yang recalled the detoxification methods, he directly chose to help.

After all, the brain is more important. If the brain is really burned out, it will be tragic.

Xiao Qingxuan sensiblely went to the hall downstairs to eat fruit.

Fortunately, Ye Yang has special knowledge and a way to detoxify. If it were an ordinary person, he might not be able to solve it at all!


After the treatment was completed, Han Jingjing breathed a long sigh of relief, and the symptoms of poisoning slowly subsided...

Passed out on the bed.


Ye Yang wiped the sweat from his head due to the treatment, walked to the window and breathed in the winter air for a while. After calming down, he found another bedroom in the villa to sleep.

It's better to wait until Han Jingjing wakes up tomorrow, figure out the matter, and then leave with peace of mind.

At the banquet, the atmosphere would have been more lively without him. After all, his status was much higher than the others present. When he was present, the bosses, chairman, etc. did not dare to get too high and couldn't let go.

Just like a class party, if the teacher is present, it can still be lively.

A principal walked in directly, and even the teachers were probably trembling. Forget about the students...


the next day.

Han Jingjing finally woke up leisurely, looking at Ye Yang's concerned face, feeling a little shy.

Known as a millennium beauty, Han Jingjing's appearance is still very impressive.

"Oh! It's all your fault, boss, that you are so handsome."

Han Jingjing pouted.

"Good guy, it's obvious that you are holding on to me..."

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and complained in his heart, but he also knew that Han Jingjing just wanted to find an excuse, so he just admitted his mistake sincerely.

"What's going on? Who is that man?"


Han Jingjing organized her thoughts before telling everything.

The woman yesterday was her best friend, and she had always been trusted by Han Jingjing. Yesterday, she insisted on accompanying her to the banquet. Halfway through, she said that she had left something at home, and she asked Han Jingjing to accompany her to get it.

As a result, after arriving at the courtyard, I took a sip of water without any precaution.

Then I felt something was wrong with my body.

Then, I saw the young man with kidney deficiency.

Knowing something was wrong, she rushed out of the door.

Fortunately, the young master with kidney deficiency had kidney deficiency, otherwise she would have been in danger yesterday.

Speaking of this, a strong look of grief and indignation rose in her eyes: "I really didn't expect that this best friend would hide such evil intentions! Is it just because she is jealous of me that she wants to destroy me!? I must find out. what's going on!"

"I can help you."

Although he helped the other party last night, he always felt that he was the one who took advantage...

"I still hope I can investigate this matter myself."

Han Jingjing clenched her fists: "I want to take revenge myself!"

"Well, if you need help, come to me anytime."

Ye Yang smiled and looked at the somewhat stubborn Han Jingjing: "Also, call me as soon as you encounter danger in the future."


Han Jingjing lowered her head, her face flushed with embarrassment, but her eyes were quite happy.

Although she was cheated this time, she felt that she did not lose at all and even made a lot of money...

She has never had a crush on anyone.

Only Ye Yang made her feel the throbbing in her heart, but she was not a girl who took the initiative. Yesterday, with this opportunity, her wish finally came true.


Explain how to deal with danger in the future.

Ye Yang took Xiao Qingxuan on the way back to Prince Gong's Mansion...

"Let me find out about this matter. But before Han Jingjing comes to me, don't act rashly."

Ye Yang said coldly.

It's not a good time to choose a day. He has to choose the day he holds a banquet to use these methods on his guests...

This has already angered him!

However, Han Jingjing still had to take care of her emotions.

Find out first, and when she comes to him for help, crush all the black hands behind it.


The Pagani Fengshen was speeding on the road. Last night, I was lucky enough to see two pedestrians with three people in it, and my mouth was wide open again.

"Is this the same car that was driving both inside and outside last night?"

"I didn't see it clearly, maybe! Alas, this car owner is still so young, I'm so envious!"


All the melon-eaters were so sour that they shed tears.

Inside Prince Gong’s Mansion.

There is still good wine and delicious food.

After playing with the maid for a while, a cocktail was served in front of her.

"Huh? Is this Muzi's new work?"

After Ye Yang took a sip, he raised his eyebrows and felt quite amazing.

"Yes, boss, this is my new research. The name of this cup is Onarichi."

He Muzi puffed out the mature waves on his chest and said with a smile: "It means grace and wealth."

"Ha ha………"

Ye Yang smiled and nodded.

"This inspiration all depends on you, boss. You let me see what true grace and wealth are."

He Muzi was extremely emotional.

"Well, no wonder I think this cocktail matches my temperament so well."

Ye Yang nodded.

"By the way, boss, I heard that there is another bar in Houhai that is very popular recently. The young people in it are young and frivolous, and they come to my bar to play. I want to go back tonight to see what the drinks in this new bar are like."

He Muzi said seriously.

Ye Yang nodded.

Bartending is He Muzi's life pursuit. When he heard that someone's wine making was famous, he naturally wanted to experience it.

Ye Yang has now drank up to tens of thousands of drinks.

Nowadays, I am also quite interested in cocktails with eccentric flavors.

"Then I'll go with you tonight."

(First update)

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