Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 645 Lucky Reward: Jingcheng Jade Mine Group

"... Koenigsegg hasn't been driven for a long time. The sports car emperor is a bit dusty. Let's take it out for a spin tonight."

Ye Yang took He Muzi directly onto the Koenigsegg One1 and galloped all the way to Houhai.

He Muzi's Ferryman Bar was originally the most famous in Houhai.

The manager, He Muzi, is famous in the capital's bar circles for his unique skill in pouring a glass of wine.

Until Ye Yang appeared, he could not get drunk no matter how much he drank, and conquered He Muzi, letting him follow him and become his personal bartender.

The legend has come to an end.

Now, a rising star has appeared again in the bar world. As a legend of the older generation, He Muzi naturally wants to try it out.

Houlang Bar.

Ye Yang and He Muzi took a look at the wine list.

"It's quite cheap."

Ye Yang looked at the wine list.

The most expensive one is only 39,000 yuan a cup, called Honghaihoulang.

"Then try this top-notch cocktail."

Ye Yang casually ordered two cups of Honghai Houlang.

Seeing Ye Yang gain 70,000 to 80,000 yuan without blinking an eye, the atmosphere in the whole bar was heightened.

Although there is no shortage of rich people and big brothers in Kyoto.

But it is rare for someone so young and handsome to spend 70,000 to 80,000 yuan without batting an eye when he first enters the store.

I don’t know how many days it will take to see one.

"Whose super young master is this?"

"Awesome! This is the back wave!"

"A man who spends money without blinking an eye is so handsome."

"He's so handsome that he won't spend a penny on you."

"Haha, that's not necessarily the case, I'm charming!"

"I don't know if I'm charming, but I'm sure I'll be radiant."



Soon, the wine was served, and Ye Yang drank it in one gulp and smacked it in his mouth. Although it was better than the in-store wines in other bars, if compared with He Muzi, it was obviously still a level lower.

With this skill, do you dare to say that he has surpassed He Muzi, the previous number one bartender at Houhai Bar?

It's an exaggeration.

He Muzi was obviously a little disappointed, but now that he has come, he will make peace with it.

Ye Yang ordered a few other cocktails from the store, which cost over 100,000 yuan.

"Ding! It is detected that the host has made a lucky consumption, and the host will be rewarded with 60% of the equity shares of the Jingcheng Jade Mining Group worth 50 billion."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

Nowadays, his total assets are extremely large. Even if he spends millions or tens of millions, he rarely gets any good rewards.

I went out to have a drink with He Muzi today, and I only spent a few hundred thousand, so I directly rewarded the Jade Mining Group?

The jade mining business is a huge profit.

A jade mine in your name is a cash cow.

Only the mining cost and profit are unimaginable! ! !

Generally, those who can do this kind of profitable business have a very deep background.

Everyone wants to get something for nothing and have a golden mountain.

Pie in the sky.

China stipulates that mining resources are owned by the state. Groups responsible for mining jade mines basically have deep relevant backgrounds.

"It seems like today is a lucky day! You might win the lottery ticket."

Ye Yang was obviously in a good mood.

But after a second thought, I gave up the idea of ​​buying lottery tickets.

The average lottery jackpot is only eighteen million. If he had time to buy lottery tickets, he would have earned more than this amount.

There was nothing interesting about buying lottery tickets that attracted him.

There is no need to buy it at all.

What ordinary people like when buying lottery tickets is the excitement of making a big fortune out of a small amount, and possibly getting rich directly.

However, Ye Yang has already become rich. Even if he really wins the grand prize of 18 million, it will not be attractive to him.

So I didn’t have any expectations before opening the lottery.


When Ye Yang was thinking wildly.

A man walked into the bar. The man dressed like an honest man, which was incompatible with the atmosphere of the bar.

As soon as he came in, his face was full of anger and he looked around.

People on the path couldn't hide and kept getting out of the way, for fear of getting into trouble.

Finally, he looked in a certain direction, which was He Muzi's direction, and glanced at Ye Yang, who was holding a precious cocktail next to him. His eyes changed a little, but then returned to his angry state.

Move on to find your next target.

Soon, he spotted a girl who was drinking alone.

The girl's clothes are very fashionable, and her temperament and appearance are of the highest quality. However, she obviously doesn't want others to notice her, so she specially opened a booth that is more biased.

If it weren't for the man who came in later and walked over there angrily.

Ye Yang didn't even notice that there was such a beautiful woman sitting in the corner.

"What's going on?"

"I do not know."

"It feels a bit scary..."


Everyone around him stayed away.

Ye Yang looked at this scene with interest.

"Hey! Damn you bitch! You're not going home yet! I'm working hard to earn money to support you, and you're doing nothing but running out to hang out in a bar!!! And you're ordering such expensive drinks!!!"

The man's eyes moved around the beauty's booth, making sure that there was no man around her and that the wine on the table was only for one person. After the beauty came alone, he yelled.


"It's time to catch up on the exciting plot!"

"Alas! She is a great beauty. What a pity. How could she be like this!"

Everyone else shook their heads, feeling a little pity.

The beauty looked at the man in confusion: "Who are you! I don't know you at all! You must have recognized the wrong person!"

"Haha! Stop making excuses! Isn't it just to look good!"

The man yelled angrily, and as he spoke, he started to grab the girl roughly, "Get up and go home with me! If you don't take care of your children and don't do your job, you just want to spend my money to go to the bar here! That's it!" If you talk again, I’ll beat you up!”


The girl was obviously frightened.

Only after he was kicked out of the booth did he react and said repeatedly: "I don't know him at all!"

"How dare you talk back!!!"

The man is afraid that the girl will talk too much, so he will immediately hit her with his hand.

"Didn't you hear? She said she didn't know you."

A wine glass hit the man's hand accurately, knocking his raised hand down, and he grinned in pain.

He turned his head fiercely: "Who are you? You care about my family's affairs!"

Ye Yang calmly toyed with another empty wine bottle: "Stop pretending, it's pointless."

"what are you saying!!!"

The man shouted angrily: "I advise you to mind your own business! Otherwise, you will look good!!!"

"Looking at this situation, it would be better for me to call the police and have the police come over to confirm."

Ye Yang looked at the man lightly and said with a half-smile.

"You are simply unreasonable!"

The man was obviously anxious and quickly wanted to take the beautiful woman out.

"I think you'd better not leave until the police come."

Ye Yang directly threw two wine bottles, hitting the man's left and right knees directly.


The huge force directly made the man kneel down...

(Second update, come in and chat!!! 105-411-73-29)

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