Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 646: When did it become so easy to capture Class A fugitives?

"You're looking for death!"

The man was able to pull the beauty out of the booth, and it was obvious that he was very strong. Now he showed his viciousness.

The guests around him were all shocked.

Seeing that the plan had been exposed and could not succeed, he looked at Ye Yang who was disrupting the situation with great anger.

He struggled to stand up, limped out a blade from his arms, and threw it directly at Ye Yang without saying a word.

He turned around and prepared to run away.

"Ah!!! He has a knife!!!"

The scene became chaotic in an instant.

The tourists present all screamed, and the whole bar was in chaos.


The blade chopped on the table and went straight into the wood.

"You are quite strong."

Ye Yang picked up the last glass in his hand.

'Swish! '

With a sound of breaking through the air, the cocktail glass quickly and accurately passed through the chaotic crowd and hit the man's brain area at the back of his head.


Before he could scream, the man collapsed to the ground powerlessly.

He fainted directly...

"Is he... dead?"

"Don't worry! Seeing his chest still rising and falling, he must have fainted."

"Isn't that awesome!?"

"Damn, it's Xiao Li Feidao!"

"Too strong!!!"

"Unparalleled martial arts, reappearing in the world! I admire you!"


All the handsome men and beautiful women present praised Ye Yang for being so strong.

"Hiss... It seems that he is the Ye Shenhao on the Internet!?"

"What Ye Shenhao!?"

"Don't say it, the light was too bright just now and I couldn't see clearly, it really looks like it!"

"The leading actor of "Ye Wen"! The big star Ye Yang!"


The girls all like Ye Yang's handsomeness, and the boys are also extremely envious of Ye Yang's martial arts.

After all, who didn't have a dream of kung fu when they were young?

"It turns out that Ye Shenhao really has kung fu!"

"This kind of real kung fu doesn't only exist in movies..."

"He defeated three world-class boxing champions! How could he not have real kung fu!"

"Does the big star Ye have such a glorious past? He's so handsome! So handsome!"

"I really want to sleep with him!!!"


The guests in the venue were extremely envious.

"It's so strong, Ye Shenhao is invincible!"

Old fans who are familiar with Ye Yang know that tomorrow's headlines will probably be about Ye Shenhao bravely fighting gangsters, relying on his Xiao Ye Feiping magic skill, and being brave to do what is right.


Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, although it was not bad to be the center of attention.

But the next step was obviously to enter the familiar signing session...

He was still quite interested in signing autographs for the two girls, otherwise he would feel bored if he signed so many autographs.

But of course, he chose to accept all the fans as he doted on them.

Both men and women were welcome.

After signing, the rescued girl who had been waiting silently beside her came up with gratitude and bowed deeply to Ye Yang: "Thank you very much! If it weren't for you..."


Ye Yang waved his hand casually, indicating that it was a piece of cake and he didn't need to care at all: "What's your name?"

"My name is Xia Yu, and I'm the gold medal sales of Beijing Jade Mine Group."

Xia Yu said repeatedly.


Ye Yang gave a thumbs up: "No wonder she looks so queen!"


Xia Yu was praised by the handsome guy who saved her life, and of course she felt sweet in her heart.

Ye Yang looked at Xia Yu, who was indeed a rare super beauty.

Although her temperament was very queen, her face showed some gentleness. She was a potential stock that could be sweet or salty, and could be a bit cute or queen.

"Hiss... No."

Ye Yang blinked, Beijing Jade Mine Group?

Is it such a coincidence?

Didn't the lucky consumption just now reward a Beijing Jade Mine Group?

"What's wrong?"

Xia Yu saw that Ye Yang looked a little strange, and couldn't help asking repeatedly.

"Huh? Nothing. I just remembered some interesting things..."

Ye Yang laughed.

Just when he was about to say something else, there was a noisy sound outside the door.


"Woo wow wow..."

The police car finally arrived at the door at this time.

A team of police officers came in fully armed as if they were facing a great enemy.

Some even brought explosion-proof shields.

"What a big scene!"

"Isn't it just to catch a drunk rogue!?"


Everyone was confused.

"Don't be afraid, we just received a call from the bar. According to the description of the criminal's appearance in the call, he is most likely a Class A fugitive from another province who has committed a murder. He is extremely dangerous!!! Everyone keep order and evacuate!"

The captain in the lead waved his hands repeatedly.

"Uh, officer, does the criminal you are talking about look like this?"

The crowd made way for a path.

The police saw the ‘honest man’ who was tied up and thrown in the middle of the hall.


The police, who were originally on high alert, were instantly stunned.

The captain walked up, turned the man over, and compared him with the photo. Finally, he confirmed that this was a Class A fugitive who was involved in human trafficking and committed multiple serious crimes such as fraud and rape.

“Who…who knocked him out!?”

The captain felt a little unbelievable: "This fugitive has practiced martial arts since he was young. He is very strong. He has a machete in his arms. Three or five people can't get close to him. He is a very dangerous person! He was knocked out! He must be a master!"

"It's Mr. Ye!"

"That's right! Is this man so powerful? I only saw Ye Shenhao swishing a few cocktail glasses and knocked him out!?"


The police captain was stunned. He was knocked out by a few glasses...

A-level, a highly dangerous fugitive with a reward of hundreds of thousands in the hall! ?

If catching thieves is so easy, they would have been promoted and given a raise long ago! ! !

"Hey!? Aren't you Ye Yang, Boss Ye, who helped us catch the street fraud gang a few days ago!!!"

The beautiful police officer Wu Jingshu came over, looked at Ye Yang, and said in surprise.

My heart was jumping. I actually saw my idol again so soon!

I'm so lucky! Oh yeah! ! !

"Yes, that's right, it's me."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded. He always had a very good memory of beautiful women. That day, he added the other party on WeChat and prepared to communicate about the follow-up of the case.

"You are simply a five-star good citizen!"

Wu Jingshu gave Ye Yang a thumbs up.


Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Wu Jingshu, this little girl, obviously didn't know the true meaning of the five-star good citizen, otherwise she would definitely not say so.

"This A-level fugitive has a reward of hundreds of thousands. Add the last bonus, it's a full million!"

Wu Jingshu congratulated.

"Huh? One million? A lot?"

Ye Yang nodded his chin and asked with great sincerity and confusion.


Everyone present was crying. Shenhao, don't talk! It's too hurtful! ! !

(First update)

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