Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 647: Mr. Ye hides his wealth within his wealth, he is truly the most accomplished person in

"Mr. Ye, come with us to take a statement. It will be quick and won't take up too much of your time."

The captain was obviously very respectful to Ye Yang.

After all, this was a great achievement for him!

According to the alertness of this interprovincial criminal, he would definitely run away if he saw that the situation was not good. By the time the police arrived, he would have already run away.

Then it would not be him who caught this Class A fugitive today.

You know, catching a Class A fugitive is a great meritorious resume for his career and is very useful.


Ye Yang nodded.

"I will accompany you through the process!"

Wu Jingshu straightened her chest: "I am very good at taking statements."

"Alas...this girl..."

The police captain smiled like an uncle. Since Ye Yang helped them catch the fraud gang last time, Wu Jingshu has been nagging Ye Yang, the handsome guy, every day in the police station.

It is obvious that he has something in mind.


Under the eager gazes of fans and bar guests, Ye Yang and others followed the police convoy to take a statement.

Wu Jingshu was also caring and considerate to him along the way.

Ye Yang felt the warmth of spring.

"The Chinese police are really good cadres serving the people!!!"

He couldn't help but sigh.

After leaving the police station, he sent Xia Yu back to her apartment.

Although she is a gold medal salesperson, she seems to be still struggling to pay off her mortgage. Beijing houses are really expensive!

"Then Brother Ye, I will treat you to a meal in a few days, don't refuse!"

Xia Yu looked at Ye Yang and said with some trepidation in her heart.

"No, just call me anytime."

Ye Yang had no resistance to being invited to dinner, let alone a beautiful woman.


Xia Yu was obviously very happy and nodded repeatedly.

Ye Yang and He Muzi had just returned to Prince Gong's Mansion when Yu Momo received a call.

"Boss, it's the call from Beijing Jade Mine Company."


Ye Yang nodded slightly and took it.

"Hello, Mr. Ye, this is Beijing Jade Mine Company."

The person on the other end of the phone was Wang Jing, the former general manager of Beijing Jade Mine Group.


Ye Yang replied lightly.

Wang Jing swallowed his saliva involuntarily.

You know, the Beijing Jade Mine business has always been controlled by several super families in Beijing, such as the Wang family and the Dong family.

These families have extremely far-reaching influence in the military, political and business circles.

They are deeply rooted in Beijing.

If you compare the wealth and market value on the surface, they may not be as good as the hundreds of billions of behemoths such as the Zhuge family and the Mo family.

However, their heritage and influence far exceed those of emerging business groups such as the Zhuge family and the Mo family.

For example, the Zhuge family and the Mo family, even if they have hundreds of billions of assets, still need to rely on Wang Silin to gain a real foothold in Beijing.

The water in Beijing is too deep.

A family or group, just reaching the top in the business world, is not enough to really take root.

The foundation is too shallow and there is no foundation.

Not enough to dominate a region.

For example, the most profitable and long-term industry, the Beijing Jade Mine, is not something they can touch.

And this Ye Yang, without going through any information channels of their family, directly got 60% of the shares of the Jade Mine Group.

What is this concept? !

Just thinking about it, Wang Jing felt trembling.

This guy's background is unimaginable!

The other directors present were all very serious.

Sudden such an incident, they must check Ye Yang's background, but even among the core archives personnel, Ye Yang is an absolutely confidential person!

Only some very extended information can be found.

For example, his identity as a major general, his assets under the name of several trillion companies, etc.

But obviously this is not completely public information, and there is a part that even the leaders of several families of this generation cannot find!

And the leaders behind their family are all at the ministerial level in China! ! !


When they thought of this, they didn't dare to neglect it and called Ye Yang repeatedly.

"This is too young."

This voice shocked Wang Jing and others.

"It seems that the background is more awesome than we thought..."

They all looked at each other, and their evaluation of this new controlling director in their hearts went up a level!

It's too strong to be able to take over the Jade Mine Group at such a young age! ?

"Excuse me, do you have any instructions for the future work of the Jade Mine?"

Wang Jing thought about it and asked carefully.

"Just do it as usual."

Ye Yang said lightly.

He rarely made rectifications to the companies he got unless necessary.

Once it involves rectification, it will be more troublesome, and he doesn't like trouble very much.

"Okay, boss, our group will have a major event in two days, and we would like to invite Director Ye to come and guide and watch. I hope you can come..."

Wang Jing said repeatedly.

He also wanted to confirm it with his own eyes, and maybe he could see some things behind Ye Yang from actual contact.

Of course, according to the rules of the Jade Mine Group, this event does require the presence of the chairman, and this is also an annual report summary.

"Well, give me the specific time and place, I will be there."

Ye Yang was still waiting for the palace maid to take a bath in the palace hot spring with him, so he agreed casually.


After making the call, Wang Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

"How about it?"

Several other directors looked over.

"He will come. Our event will be raised one, no, two levels from previous years!!! With the highest level of reception, Director Ye must be deeply impressed!"

Wang Jing said repeatedly.


All the directors said in succession.

No one knows what kind of temper this Ye Dong is. Now that several parties have worked together, they can’t find out the origin of this Ye Yang. Of course, we must take it seriously!

"This Ye Shenhao is really low-key. It is clear that his assets are enough to become the richest man, but there is no evidence of his true financial strength. We only found out the tip of the iceberg of his astonishing wealth by checking the core files. "

"Yeah yeah……"

All the directors were amazed.

Although Ye Yang is called Ye Shenhao on the Internet and has tens of millions of fans, he keeps a low profile and only discloses that he only has hundreds of billions of assets.

Compared to his own astonishingly huge real assets, only a few hundred billion have been disclosed. That's simply too low-key, isn't it? ! !

"I have to say, our new director is really too strong!"

"Be low-key, I only obey him in the whole China!"

They know it all too well.

Many of China's truly super-rich people are afraid that their assets will be exposed, so they keep a low profile and deliberately tell the media not to publish news about them.

But no matter how hard you hide it, it will be exposed one day.

Paper cannot contain the fire! And you don’t live so wantonly, you have to be careful when exposing things like this!

But Ye Yang did the opposite and directly created his own IP, making everyone mistakenly think that he only had hundreds of billions of assets and hid his wealth in wealth, thus covering up the fact that he was extremely rich! ! !

This operation!

All the directors could only shout that it’s awesome! ! !

(First update)

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