Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 650 Xia Yu's Confession

"Hey! Don't forget your original intention of coming here!"

Xia Yu said repeatedly.

"Don't worry, we are in the clear."

"Haha, I can't forget it! I can't forget it!"


All the sisters are talking about each other.

"Tch, that's weird!"

Xia Yu rolled his eyes when he saw the looks on his sisters' faces that were about to fall.

"Haha, let's go."

Ye Yang smiled and waved.

Xia Yu and others filed in.

In the spacious first-class land cabin, Ye Yang and the four girls all sat down, looking extremely spacious.

The person driving in front was exclusive driver Xu Jiaojiao.

Soon, they arrived at Fusheng Restaurant where several girls said they wanted to treat Ye Yang to dinner.

They all know that Ye Yang is a domineering president-level figure and will definitely not order a restaurant that is too low-level.

But they don't have much money themselves.

Therefore, after final weighing, I chose a restaurant with an average price of 2,000 yuan per person.

For a few of them, this is extremely expensive.

Ye Yang didn't have any objections. He had a relatively hard life when he was a child. Until now, he has tasted everything from instant noodles costing three and a half dollars to a world-class feast costing tens of millions.

So he doesn’t pay much attention to what he eats. He thinks everything is delicious.

Although 2,000 yuan per person is a bit cheap, you can still taste it.

Soon, the food and drinks were served.

The sisters were very enthusiastic and kept trying to get Ye Yang drunk. They all planned to make Ye Yang drunk so that they could lead the way.

After all, when people are drunk, their hormones are more excited, and they are more expectant and excited about the relationship between men and women.

"How come he doesn't look drunk at all?"

"Woo...I'm almost drunk!"

The four good sisters usually consider themselves to be the kings of wine. After all, they are all silver medal salesmen at least, and their sales skills are still very strong in terms of drinking ability.

Even though they are all girls, one person can easily drink down three or four big men without any pressure.

After all, you can't challenge someone else's career with your personal hobbies.

"Oh, he must be the God of Bacchus! Normal people, ten or eight of us, should have been drunk long ago if we were asked to drink so much. They just turned a little red..."

"Why do I think they didn't want us to be too embarrassed, so they deliberately suppressed their blushes?"

"It's too scary! Is the battle to lead a red line for my best friend going to fail?"


The four best friends were all speechless, and they didn't blame anyone else. The main reason was that Ye Yang was so strong that even if the god descended from the earth and struck four blows, there was no chaos at all.


Ye Yang drank another glass of Hengshui Laobaigan and raised his eyebrows.

He has been around the business circle for such a long time, so he can naturally figure out the thoughts of these girls. But unfortunately, if he doesn't want to get drunk, he can't get drunk at all!

Not to mention the superhero gene potion later, even if he was proficient in Chinese martial arts before the injection, the alcohol would have no effect at all under the operation of his internal energy, and it would be decomposed in his body.

"Alas, I chose to turn a blind eye while cooperating with your performance~"

He even hummed a tune in his heart.

"It's too strong, it's so strong!"

The more the sisters drank, the more they felt that they could not go on like this.

Ye Yang is not drunk yet, the four of them are about to take a break...

That's too embarrassing!

However, this was their original plan, and now they had to change their plans temporarily, and they had no idea.

Although they boasted about Haikou last night, picking up men is not their strong point after all.

Birds of a feather flock together, and in reality, a good girl’s best friend is rarely a scumbag.

——Except for some silly domestic love movies.

Xia Yu had something on her mind today and was in a bad state. She completely lost the level of gold medal sales. Instead of getting Ye Yang drunk, he was a little drunk himself.

"Mr. Ye! You know! Although I went to the bar that day, I am not the kind of girl who loves to play! I just went to practice my drinking! By the way, I got familiar with the noisy drinking environment... Sales! You know..."

She started to talk about random things that had nothing to do with the topic.

"I see."

Ye Yang nodded.

He doesn't care much about this now. As long as it doesn't violate the bottom line, everything the beautiful lady says is right.

"Actually, I've never even held a boy's hand..."

Xia Yu pouted, lying on the table, looking up at Ye Yang, and said coquettishly: "You are the first man I want to walk hand in hand with you all the way!"

"Holy shit..."

The sisters are all going crazy, their rhythm is out of whack!

That's not the plan!

Aren’t you asked to be reserved and maintain your Xiaojiabiyu state?

Why are you so enthusiastic all of a sudden...

Several best friends began to feel at a loss.

I could only watch the development of things with trembling eyes.

"Is it?"

Ye Yang took a sip of the wine in his glass.

The atmosphere fell into silence for a while.

Several best friends looked at each other and found excuses to leave the table.

Although they didn't manage to get the atmosphere right, it was obviously time for the man and woman to sit at a table alone at this stage.


"Will you hold my hand?"

There was expectation in Xia Yu's eyes, but also a bit of panic, fearing Ye Yang's rejection.

"I may not be who you think I am."

Ye Yang neither agreed nor refused: "I have...many girlfriends."


Xia Yu was stunned for a moment, then said directly: "In other words, if I don't mind..."


Ye Yang nodded.

He still has a good impression of Xia Yu. If the other person doesn't mind his view on love and really likes him, then why doesn't he start this relationship?


Xia Yu's eyes suddenly became excited. If such a perfect boy agreed to his conditions so easily and said that he would only love her for the rest of his life, it would be outrageous and weird, right?

On the contrary, it would catch her a little off guard.

This is normal!

At least leave yourself a place and a chance...

"I do not mind!!!"

She stood up and said repeatedly.

"Well, then I'll call you Xiaoyu from now on~"

Ye Yang clinked a glass with Xia Yu and drank it all in one gulp.


Xia Yu didn't know how rich Ye Yang was. Now she only knew that Ye Yang was a big star and estimated to have several hundred million in savings.

But she didn't think too much about it. If she was really running for money, the previous rich second generation would have given her the impression that they were richer than Ye Yang.

The most important thing is to be greedy, ah, no...

Several best friends spent a long time in the bathroom wondering whether they should go back.

He was pulled back by Xia Yu.

Seeing the smile on Xia Yu's face, she knew it was done, and couldn't help but feel happy for her.

"Alas! As expected of the great beauty Xia Yu!"

"Ahh! Super handsome boyfriend! I'm going to start to be jealous of you! You won't be able to resolve this anger if you don't treat me to three big meals!"

"That's right!"


(First update)

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