Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 651: Jade Mine Group has this kind of problem...


The atmosphere in the back was much more relaxed, and the sisters were extremely happy.

They knew that their conditions were limited and there was no way they could be favored by a super perfect male god like Ye Yang. Although they said they wanted Xia Yu to treat them to dinner, they were very happy for her in their hearts.

"Maybe I can ride in your boyfriend's luxury car in the future."

"Hey, don't talk anymore. Shouldn't you drink three glasses of wine to celebrate?"


Xia Yu and the others were really drunk and started complaining about the company.

"Our supervisor is simply an old pervert, and he is always plotting against us Xia Yu!"

"That's right, he said he would deduct sister Xia Yu's salary and bonus if she didn't listen to him. That's so bad! The bad guy is out of his depth!"



Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Is there such a thing?"

"Oh, stop talking..."

Xia Yu wanted to stop the sisters from talking quickly.

After all, as soon as the relationship was confirmed, Ye Yang was worried about her. As a girlfriend... it was such a failure.

Several sisters stuck out their tongues, which is what they usually do when they are drunk.

Didn't think too much...

No matter how accomplished and outstanding Ye Yang is, after all, he is not in the jade mining business circle. As employees of the jade mining group, they know very well that no matter how strong their personal connections and abilities are, they cannot reach out to the jade mining group. In this kind of company!

This is the gathering place for super boss families.

They never thought about the possibility that Ye Yang would solve this problem for Xia Yu after hearing the news.

Xia Yuyi reacted when he was blocked.

Telling Ye Yang such things is nothing more than adding to his troubles.

My girlfriend is bullied by her boss, but there is nothing she can do about it. No boy can bear this kind of self-blame and guilt.

And as a celebrity, he is also a public figure. If he is not sensible enough to provoke those big bosses in the jade mining group and is paid to discredit him, his future will be gone!

Therefore, they also planned not to mention this matter again.

"Speak clearly about this."

Ye Yang said lightly, with a hint of coldness flashing in his eyes.

Regardless of personal reasons or not, he hated this kind of bureaucracy in his company.

If all the leaders in the company are like this, can the company's culture be good?

If the atmosphere is not correct, it is only a matter of time before various problems arise.

This is not what a chairman wants to see.

"Our manager has taken a liking to Xia Yu and has been trying to force her into submission."

"But our Xia Yu's work ability is very good, so he can't find too many problems. Even if he wants to cause trouble, he can't."

"Oh, but this will inevitably make Sister Xia Yu cautious in her behavior in the company. We all feel aggrieved when we see it!!!"

“That’s right!!!”

Ye Yang nodded: "Are the other managers in the company also in the same situation?"

"Yeah, it's quite common. After all, the Jade Mining Group has high profits and high wages. So it can always recruit the most beautiful sales people. But the Jade Mining Group is a group with that kind of background, so it's crowded. Many second-generation ancestors have entered, and these second-generation ancestors can easily become senior executives through connections.”

"So these managers, executives, sales to us pretty girls with no background...that's all..."

"Fortunately, Sister Xia Yu is our sales support. If we fire her, we will have to think carefully about how to write the financial report for this area next year. Therefore, he does not dare to threaten Sister Xia Yu with expulsion."

"Yes, I understand."

Ye Yang nodded slightly. Although there was not much expression on his face, he already had a mature solution plan in his heart.

Tomorrow happens to be the day for the Jade Mining Group's report, and they even called me to invite me to go over for inspection.

Then take this opportunity to clear up and solve these problems!

"Ye Yang, don't worry. The whole company is like this. If I really can't stand it, I will leave. Mainly because I can't bear to leave these sisters."

Xia Yu gave himself a thumbs up and said with a proud smile: "I have a strong sales ability, and I won't worry about making money after joining this company!"

"Well, I will solve this problem."

Ye Yang nodded. It was useless to talk too much. When the problem is solved with practical actions tomorrow, everything will naturally become clear.

"Don't do anything stupid... The water in the Jade Mining Group is very deep!"

Xia Yu said very worriedly.

"Just leave it to me."

Ye Yang patted Xia Yu's forehead and smiled.


The Xia Yu sisters looked at the warm and healing smiles, and the envy in their hearts grew...

This is great! ! !

"Okay, you all feel a little drunk. Get in the car and take you back."

Ye Yang said.


"Sister Xia Yu has made a profit this time!"

On the way, several sisters were very excited. Tonight's battle to help best friends lead the red line can be said to be very successful!

Although the process was different from what they imagined, the happy ending was enough.

Xu Jiaojiao's driving skills were very good, and she was also familiar with the roads of Beijing. She quickly sent the Xia Yu sisters back to their respective homes using the best route.

"Go home and pack up. When you're done, call me and move to my place. Your apartment complex, emmm... the space is still a bit small."

Ye Yang instructed.

"Ah this!!!"

Xia Yu blushed, this was too urgent!

She was not mentally prepared yet.

"Haha, I have a lot of houses, don't think wrongly. I will respect girls' opinions on such matters."

Ye Yang looked at Xia Yu's face and said repeatedly.

"Ah!!! Ah..."

Xia Yu nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and then ran into the apartment complex with a blushing face...

Watching Xia Yu's figure disappear in the moonlight.

Ye Yang's face gradually became cold: "This Jade Mine Group, it seems that it is not as clean as I thought."

If it weren't for the girls complaining to him tonight.

Tomorrow, he might be fooled by the deliberately arranged welcome scene. This kind of internal company problem is difficult to discover without the internal employees' open communication.

"Okay, let's go back too..."

Ye Yang said lightly.


Xu Jiaojiao sent Ye Yang back to the palace with her great driving skills.

The next morning.

Ye Yang got up from the bed comfortably, and Zhu Zhuzhu, the housekeeper who served him in the bedroom, changed his clothes with affection.

"Master is also super handsome today!"

Ye Yang pinched Zhu Zhuzhu's little face: "Little Zhuzhu is the sweetest."


At this time.

At the entrance of the Jade Mine Group, a group of senior executives have already lined up here.

The beautiful saleswomen formed a cheerleading team.

Wang Jing looked at his watch: "There is only half an hour left before the chairman's scheduled arrival time. Cheer up. If anyone makes a mistake and makes the chairman unhappy, I will skin him directly!!!"

(Second update)

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